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<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Detached callback of a custom element should not be called if document has no browsing context</title>
<meta name="author" title="Sergey G. Grekhov" href="">
<meta name="author" title="Aleksei Yu. Semenov" href="">
<meta name="assert" content="detached callback ... must be enqueued whenever custom element is removed from the document and this document has a browsing context.">
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test(function() {
var doc = newHTMLDocument();
var proto = newHTMLElementPrototype();
doc.registerElement('x-a', {prototype: proto});
doc.body.innerHTML = '<x-a id="x-a"></x-a>';
var customElement = doc.querySelector('#x-a');
assert_equals(proto.detachedCallbackCalledCounter, 0,
'Callback detached should not be called if the document has no browsing context');
}, 'Test detached callback if custom element is created via innerHTML property. ' +
'Document has no browsing context');
test(function() {
var doc = newHTMLDocument();
var proto = newHTMLElementPrototype();
doc.body.innerHTML = '<x-b id="x-b"></x-b>';
doc.registerElement('x-b', {prototype: proto});
var customElement = doc.querySelector('#x-b');
assert_equals(proto.detachedCallbackCalledCounter, 0,
'Callback detached should not be called if the document has no browsing context');
}, 'Test detached callback if custom element is via innerHTML property before ' +
'registration of a custom element. Document has no browsing context');
test(function() {
var doc = newHTMLDocument();
doc.body.innerHTML = '<x-c id="x-c"></x-c>';
var customElement = doc.querySelector('#x-c');
var proto = newHTMLElementPrototype();
customElement.constructor.prototype = proto;
assert_equals(proto.detachedCallbackCalledCounter, 0,
'Callback detached should not be called if the document has no browsing context');
}, 'Test detached callback if custom element is unregistered. ' +
'Document has no browsing context');
test(function() {
var doc = newHTMLDocument();
var proto = newHTMLElementPrototype();
doc.registerElement('x-d', {prototype: proto});
doc.body.innerHTML = '<x-d id="x-d"></x-d>';
doc.body.innerHTML = '';
assert_equals(proto.detachedCallbackCalledCounter, 0,
'Callback detached should not be called if the document has no browsing context');
}, 'Test detached callback if removing custom element via innerHTML property. ' +
'Document has no browsing context');
test(function() {
var doc = newHTMLDocument();
var proto = newHTMLElementPrototype();
doc.registerElement('x-e', {prototype: proto});
doc.body.innerHTML = '<div id="customParent"><x-e id="x-e"></x-e></div>';
var parent = doc.querySelector('#customParent');
assert_equals(proto.detachedCallbackCalledCounter, 0,
'Callback detached should not be called if the document has no browsing context');
}, 'Test detached callback if removing perent of custom element. ' +
'Document has no browsing context');
test(function() {
var doc = newHTMLDocument();
var proto = newHTMLElementPrototype();
doc.registerElement('x-f', {prototype: proto});
doc.body.innerHTML = '<div><x-f id="x-f"></x-f></div>';
doc.body.innerHTML = '';
assert_equals(proto.detachedCallbackCalledCounter, 0,
'Callback detached should not be called if the document has no browsing context');
}, 'Test detached callback if removing perent of custom element via innerHTML property. ' +
'Document has no browsing context');
var loseBrowsingContextTest = async_test('Test detached callback is not called ' +
'if document lose browsing context and custom element is removed');
loseBrowsingContextTest.step(function() {
var iframe = newIFrame('../../resources/x-element.html');
iframe.onload = loseBrowsingContextTest.step_func(function(){
var doc = iframe.contentDocument;
var proto = newHTMLElementPrototype();
doc.registerElement('x-element', {prototype: proto});
var customElement = doc.querySelector('#x-element');
assert_equals(proto.detachedCallbackCalledCounter, 0,
'Callback detached should not be called if the document has no browsing context');
var navigateTest = async_test('Test detached callback is not called, ' +
'if document\'s window is navigated to another document and custom element is removed');
navigateTest.step(function() {
var iframe = newIFrame('../../resources/x-element.html');
iframe.onload = navigateTest.step_func(function() {
var doc = iframe.contentDocument;
var proto = newHTMLElementPrototype();
doc.registerElement('x-element', {prototype: proto});
customElement = doc.querySelector('#x-element');
iframe.onload = navigateTest.step_func(function() {
assert_equals(proto.detachedCallbackCalledCounter, 0,
'Callback detached should not be called ' +
'if the document has no browsing context');
iframe.src = '../../resources/blank.html';