blob: 0dc9786ff7ba729eba019fa3d65231b1931105f2 [file] [log] [blame]
'use strict';
// These tests exercise the pathological case of calling WritableStream* methods from within the strategy.size()
// callback. This is not something any real code should ever do. Failures here indicate subtle deviations from the
// standard that may affect real, non-pathological code.
if (self.importScripts) {
const error1 = { name: 'error1' };
promise_test(() => {
let writer;
const strategy = {
size(chunk) {
if (chunk > 0) {
writer.write(chunk - 1);
return chunk;
const ws = recordingWritableStream({}, strategy);
writer = ws.getWriter();
return writer.write(2)
.then(() => {
assert_array_equals(, ['write', 0, 'write', 1, 'write', 2], 'writes should appear in order');
}, 'writes should be written in the standard order');
promise_test(() => {
let writer;
const events = [];
const strategy = {
size(chunk) {
events.push('size', chunk);
if (chunk > 0) {
writer.write(chunk - 1)
.then(() => events.push('writer.write done', chunk - 1));
return chunk;
const ws = new WritableStream({
write(chunk) {
events.push('sink.write', chunk);
}, strategy);
writer = ws.getWriter();
return writer.write(2)
.then(() => events.push('writer.write done', 2))
.then(() => flushAsyncEvents())
.then(() => {
assert_array_equals(events, ['size', 2, 'size', 1, 'size', 0,
'sink.write', 0, 'sink.write', 1, 'writer.write done', 0,
'sink.write', 2, 'writer.write done', 1,
'writer.write done', 2],
'events should happen in standard order');
}, 'writer.write() promises should resolve in the standard order');
promise_test(t => {
let controller;
const strategy = {
size() {
return 1;
const ws = recordingWritableStream({
start(c) {
controller = c;
}, strategy);
const resolved = [];
const writer = ws.getWriter();
const readyPromise1 = writer.ready.then(() => resolved.push('ready1'));
const writePromise = promise_rejects(t, error1, writer.write(),
'write() should reject with the error')
.then(() => resolved.push('write'));
const readyPromise2 = promise_rejects(t, error1, writer.ready, 'ready should reject with error1')
.then(() => resolved.push('ready2'));
const closedPromise = promise_rejects(t, error1, writer.closed, 'closed should reject with error1')
.then(() => resolved.push('closed'));
return Promise.all([readyPromise1, writePromise, readyPromise2, closedPromise])
.then(() => {
assert_array_equals(resolved, ['ready1', 'write', 'ready2', 'closed'],
'promises should resolve in standard order');
assert_array_equals(, [], 'underlying sink write should not be called');
}, 'controller.error() should work when called from within strategy.size()');
promise_test(t => {
let writer;
const strategy = {
size() {
return 1;
const ws = recordingWritableStream({}, strategy);
writer = ws.getWriter();
return promise_rejects(t, new TypeError(), writer.write('a'), 'write() promise should reject')
.then(() => {
assert_array_equals(, ['close'], 'sink.write() should not be called');
}, 'close() should work when called from within strategy.size()');
promise_test(t => {
let writer;
const strategy = {
size() {
return 1;
const ws = recordingWritableStream({}, strategy);
writer = ws.getWriter();
return promise_rejects(t, new TypeError(), writer.write('a'), 'write() promise should reject')
.then(() => {
assert_array_equals(, ['abort', 'nice'], 'sink.write() should not be called');
}, 'abort() should work when called from within strategy.size()');
promise_test(t => {
let writer;
const strategy = {
size() {
return 1;
const ws = recordingWritableStream({}, strategy);
writer = ws.getWriter();
const writePromise = promise_rejects(t, new TypeError(), writer.write('a'), 'write() promise should reject');
const readyPromise = promise_rejects(t, new TypeError(), writer.ready, 'ready promise should reject');
const closedPromise = promise_rejects(t, new TypeError(), writer.closed, 'closed promise should reject');
return Promise.all([writePromise, readyPromise, closedPromise])
.then(() => {
assert_array_equals(, [], 'sink.write() should not be called');
}, 'releaseLock() should abort the write() when called within strategy.size()');
promise_test(t => {
let writer1;
let ws;
let writePromise2;
let closePromise;
let closedPromise2;
const strategy = {
size(chunk) {
if (chunk > 0) {
const writer2 = ws.getWriter();
writePromise2 = writer2.write(0);
closePromise = writer2.close();
closedPromise2 = writer2.closed;
return 1;
ws = recordingWritableStream({}, strategy);
writer1 = ws.getWriter();
const writePromise1 = promise_rejects(t, new TypeError(), writer1.write(1), 'write() promise should reject');
const readyPromise = promise_rejects(t, new TypeError(), writer1.ready, 'ready promise should reject');
const closedPromise1 = promise_rejects(t, new TypeError(), writer1.closed, 'closed promise should reject');
return Promise.all([writePromise1, readyPromise, closedPromise1, writePromise2, closePromise, closedPromise2])
.then(() => {
assert_array_equals(, ['write', 0, 'close'], 'sink.write() should only be called once');
}, 'original reader should error when new reader is created within strategy.size()');