| // Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. |
| // |
| // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
| // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
| // You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| // |
| // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| // |
| // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| // limitations under the License. |
| |
| // Module Overview: Starboard System module |
| // |
| // Defines a broad set of APIs that allow the client application to query |
| // build and runtime properties of the enclosing system. |
| |
| |
| #include "starboard/configuration.h" |
| #include "starboard/export.h" |
| #include "starboard/types.h" |
| |
| #ifdef __cplusplus |
| extern "C" { |
| #endif |
| |
| // A type that can represent a system error code across all Starboard platforms. |
| typedef int SbSystemError; |
| |
| // Enumeration of special paths that the platform can define. |
| typedef enum SbSystemPathId { |
| // Path to where the local content files that ship with the binary are |
| // available. |
| kSbSystemPathContentDirectory, |
| |
| // Path to the directory that can be used as a local file cache, if |
| // available. |
| kSbSystemPathCacheDirectory, |
| |
| // Path to the directory where debug output (e.g. logs, trace output, |
| // screenshots) can be written into. |
| kSbSystemPathDebugOutputDirectory, |
| |
| // Path to a directory where system font files can be found. Should only be |
| // specified on platforms that provide fonts usable by Starboard applications. |
| kSbSystemPathFontDirectory, |
| |
| // Path to a directory where system font configuration metadata can be |
| // found. May be the same directory as |kSbSystemPathFontDirectory|, but not |
| // necessarily. Should only be specified on platforms that provide fonts |
| // usable by Starboard applications. |
| kSbSystemPathFontConfigurationDirectory, |
| |
| // Deprecated and unused. Tests looking for static data should instead look |
| // in the 'test' subdirectory of kSbSystemPathContentDirectory. |
| kSbSystemPathSourceDirectory, |
| |
| // Path to a directory where temporary files can be written. |
| kSbSystemPathTempDirectory, |
| |
| // Path to a directory where test results can be written. |
| kSbSystemPathTestOutputDirectory, |
| |
| // Full path to the executable file. |
| kSbSystemPathExecutableFile, |
| } SbSystemPathId; |
| |
| // System properties that can be queried for. Many of these are used in |
| // User-Agent string generation. |
| typedef enum SbSystemPropertyId { |
| // The full model number of the main platform chipset, including any |
| // vendor-specific prefixes. |
| kSbSystemPropertyChipsetModelNumber, |
| |
| // The production firmware version number which the device is currently |
| // running. |
| kSbSystemPropertyFirmwareVersion, |
| |
| // A friendly name for this actual device. It may include user-personalization |
| // like "Upstairs Bedroom." It may be displayed to users as part of some kind |
| // of device selection (e.g. in-app DIAL). |
| kSbSystemPropertyFriendlyName, |
| |
| // A deprecated alias for |kSbSystemPropertyBrandName|. |
| kSbSystemPropertyManufacturerName, |
| |
| // The name of the brand under which the device is being sold. |
| kSbSystemPropertyBrandName = kSbSystemPropertyManufacturerName, |
| |
| // The final production model number of the device. |
| kSbSystemPropertyModelName, |
| |
| // The year the device was launched, e.g. "2016". |
| kSbSystemPropertyModelYear, |
| |
| // The name of the network operator that owns the target device, if |
| // applicable. |
| kSbSystemPropertyNetworkOperatorName, |
| |
| // The name of the operating system and platform, suitable for inclusion in a |
| // User-Agent, say. |
| kSbSystemPropertyPlatformName, |
| |
| // A universally-unique ID for the current user. |
| kSbSystemPropertyPlatformUuid, |
| |
| // The Google Speech API key. The platform manufacturer is responsible |
| // for registering a Google Speech API key for their products. In the API |
| // Console (http://developers.google.com/console), you can enable the |
| // Speech APIs and generate a Speech API key. |
| kSbSystemPropertySpeechApiKey, |
| |
| #if SB_API_VERSION >= 5 |
| // A field that, if available, is appended to the user agent |
| kSbSystemPropertyUserAgentAuxField, |
| #endif // SB_API_VERSION >= 5 |
| } SbSystemPropertyId; |
| |
| // Enumeration of device types. |
| typedef enum SbSystemDeviceType { |
| // Blue-ray Disc Player (BDP). |
| kSbSystemDeviceTypeBlueRayDiskPlayer, |
| |
| // A relatively high-powered TV device used primarily for playing games. |
| kSbSystemDeviceTypeGameConsole, |
| |
| // Over the top (OTT) devices stream content via the Internet over another |
| // type of network, e.g. cable or satellite. |
| kSbSystemDeviceTypeOverTheTopBox, |
| |
| // Set top boxes (STBs) stream content primarily over cable or satellite. |
| // Some STBs can also stream OTT content via the Internet. |
| kSbSystemDeviceTypeSetTopBox, |
| |
| // A Smart TV is a TV that can directly run applications that stream OTT |
| // content via the Internet. |
| kSbSystemDeviceTypeTV, |
| |
| // Desktop PC. |
| kSbSystemDeviceTypeDesktopPC, |
| |
| // An Android TV Device. |
| kSbSystemDeviceTypeAndroidTV, |
| |
| // Unknown device. |
| kSbSystemDeviceTypeUnknown, |
| } SbSystemDeviceType; |
| |
| // Enumeration of network connection types. |
| typedef enum SbSystemConnectionType { |
| // The system is on a wired connection. |
| kSbSystemConnectionTypeWired, |
| |
| // The system is on a wireless connection. |
| kSbSystemConnectionTypeWireless, |
| |
| // The system connection type is unknown. |
| kSbSystemConnectionTypeUnknown, |
| } SbSystemConnectionType; |
| |
| // Runtime capabilities are boolean properties of a platform that can't be |
| // determined at compile-time. They may vary from device to device, but they |
| // will not change over the course of a single execution. They often specify |
| // particular behavior of other APIs within the bounds of their operating range. |
| typedef enum SbSystemCapabilityId { |
| // Whether this system has reversed Enter and Back keys. |
| kSbSystemCapabilityReversedEnterAndBack, |
| |
| // Whether this system has the ability to report on GPU memory usage. |
| // If (and only if) a system has this capcability will |
| // SbSystemGetTotalGPUMemory() and SbSystemGetUsedGPUMemory() be valid to |
| // call. |
| kSbSystemCapabilityCanQueryGPUMemoryStats, |
| } SbSystemCapabilityId; |
| |
| // Enumeration of possible values for the |type| parameter passed to the |
| // |SbSystemRaisePlatformError| function. |
| typedef enum SbSystemPlatformErrorType { |
| // Cobalt received a network connection error, or a network disconnection |
| // event. If the |response| passed to |SbSystemPlatformErrorCallback| is |
| // |kSbSystemPlatformErrorResponsePositive| then the request should be |
| // retried, otherwise the app should be stopped. |
| kSbSystemPlatformErrorTypeConnectionError, |
| |
| #if SB_API_VERSION < 6 |
| // The current user is not signed in. |
| kSbSystemPlatformErrorTypeUserSignedOut, |
| |
| // The current user does not meet the age requirements to use the app. |
| kSbSystemPlatformErrorTypeUserAgeRestricted |
| #endif |
| } SbSystemPlatformErrorType; |
| |
| // Possible responses for |SbSystemPlatformErrorCallback|. |
| typedef enum SbSystemPlatformErrorResponse { |
| kSbSystemPlatformErrorResponsePositive, |
| kSbSystemPlatformErrorResponseNegative, |
| kSbSystemPlatformErrorResponseCancel |
| } SbSystemPlatformErrorResponse; |
| |
| // Type of callback function that may be called in response to an error |
| // notification from |SbSystemRaisePlatformError|. |response| is a code to |
| // indicate the user's response, e.g. if the platform raised a dialog to notify |
| // the user of the error. |user_data| is the opaque pointer that was passed to |
| // the call to |SbSystemRaisePlatformError|. |
| typedef void (*SbSystemPlatformErrorCallback)( |
| SbSystemPlatformErrorResponse response, |
| void* user_data); |
| |
| // Private structure used to represent a raised platform error. |
| typedef struct SbSystemPlatformErrorPrivate SbSystemPlatformErrorPrivate; |
| |
| // Opaque handle returned by |SbSystemRaisePlatformError| that can be passed |
| // to |SbSystemClearPlatformError|. |
| typedef SbSystemPlatformErrorPrivate* SbSystemPlatformError; |
| |
| // Well-defined value for an invalid |SbSystemPlatformError|. |
| #define kSbSystemPlatformErrorInvalid (SbSystemPlatformError) NULL |
| |
| // Checks whether a |SbSystemPlatformError| is valid. |
| static SB_C_INLINE bool SbSystemPlatformErrorIsValid( |
| SbSystemPlatformError handle) { |
| return handle != kSbSystemPlatformErrorInvalid; |
| } |
| |
| // Cobalt calls this function to notify the platform that an error has occurred |
| // in the application that the platform may need to handle. The platform is |
| // expected to then notify the user of the error and to provide a means for |
| // any required interaction, such as by showing a dialog. |
| // |
| // The return value is a handle that may be used in a subsequent call to |
| // |SbClearPlatformError|. For example, the handle could be used to |
| // programatically dismiss a dialog that was raised in response to the error. |
| // The lifetime of the object referenced by the handle is until the user reacts |
| // to the error or the error is dismissed by a call to |
| // SbSystemClearPlatformError, whichever happens first. Note that if the |
| // platform cannot respond to the error, then this function should return |
| // |kSbSystemPlatformErrorInvalid|. |
| // |
| // This function may be called from any thread, and it is the platform's |
| // responsibility to decide how to handle an error received while a previous |
| // error is still pending. If that platform can only handle one error at a |
| // time, then it may queue the second error or ignore it by returning |
| // |kSbSystemPlatformErrorInvalid|. |
| // |
| // |type|: An error type, from the SbSystemPlatformErrorType enum, |
| // that defines the error. |
| // |callback|: A function that may be called by the platform to let the caller |
| // know that the user has reacted to the error. |
| // |user_data|: An opaque pointer that the platform should pass as an argument |
| // to the callback function, if it is called. |
| SB_EXPORT SbSystemPlatformError |
| SbSystemRaisePlatformError(SbSystemPlatformErrorType type, |
| SbSystemPlatformErrorCallback callback, |
| void* user_data); |
| |
| // Clears a platform error that was previously raised by a call to |
| // |SbSystemRaisePlatformError|. The platform may use this, for example, |
| // to close a dialog that was opened in response to the error. |
| // |
| // |handle|: The platform error to be cleared. |
| SB_EXPORT void SbSystemClearPlatformError(SbSystemPlatformError handle); |
| |
| // Pointer to a function to compare two items. The return value uses standard |
| // |*cmp| semantics: |
| // - |< 0| if |a| is less than |b| |
| // - |0| if the two items are equal |
| // - |> 1| if |a| is greater than |b| |
| // |
| // |a|: The first value to compare. |
| // |b|: The second value to compare. |
| typedef int (*SbSystemComparator)(const void* a, const void* b); |
| |
| // Breaks the current program into the debugger, if a debugger is attached. |
| // If a debugger is not attached, this function aborts the program. |
| SB_NORETURN SB_EXPORT void SbSystemBreakIntoDebugger(); |
| |
| // Attempts to determine whether the current program is running inside or |
| // attached to a debugger. The function returns |false| if neither of those |
| // cases is true. |
| SB_EXPORT bool SbSystemIsDebuggerAttached(); |
| |
| // Returns the number of processor cores available to this application. If the |
| // process is sandboxed to a subset of the physical cores, the function returns |
| // that sandboxed limit. |
| SB_EXPORT int SbSystemGetNumberOfProcessors(); |
| |
| // Returns the total CPU memory (in bytes) potentially available to this |
| // application. If the process is sandboxed to a maximum allowable limit, |
| // the function returns the lesser of the physical and sandbox limits. |
| SB_EXPORT int64_t SbSystemGetTotalCPUMemory(); |
| |
| // Returns the total physical CPU memory (in bytes) used by this application. |
| // This value should always be less than (or, in particularly exciting |
| // situations, equal to) SbSystemGetTotalCPUMemory(). |
| SB_EXPORT int64_t SbSystemGetUsedCPUMemory(); |
| |
| // Returns the total GPU memory (in bytes) available for use by this |
| // application. This function may only be called the return value for calls to |
| // SbSystemHasCapability(kSbSystemCapabilityCanQueryGPUMemoryStats) is |true|. |
| SB_EXPORT int64_t SbSystemGetTotalGPUMemory(); |
| |
| // Returns the current amount of GPU memory (in bytes) that is currently being |
| // used by this application. This function may only be called if the return |
| // value for calls to |
| // SbSystemHasCapability(kSbSystemCapabilityCanQueryGPUMemoryStats) is |true|. |
| SB_EXPORT int64_t SbSystemGetUsedGPUMemory(); |
| |
| // Returns the type of the device. |
| SB_EXPORT SbSystemDeviceType SbSystemGetDeviceType(); |
| |
| // Returns the device's current network connection type. |
| SB_EXPORT SbSystemConnectionType SbSystemGetConnectionType(); |
| |
| // Retrieves the platform-defined system path specified by |path_id| and |
| // places it as a zero-terminated string into the user-allocated |out_path| |
| // unless it is longer than |path_length| - 1. This implementation must be |
| // thread-safe. |
| // |
| // This function returns |true| if the path is retrieved successfully. It |
| // returns |false| under any of the following conditions and, in any such |
| // case, |out_path| is not changed: |
| // - |path_id| is invalid for this platform |
| // - |path_length| is too short for the given result |
| // - |out_path| is NULL |
| // |
| // |path_id|: The system path to be retrieved. |
| // |out_path|: The platform-defined system path specified by |path_id|. |
| // |path_length|: The length of the system path. |
| SB_EXPORT bool SbSystemGetPath(SbSystemPathId path_id, |
| char* out_path, |
| int path_length); |
| |
| // Retrieves the platform-defined system property specified by |property_id| and |
| // places its value as a zero-terminated string into the user-allocated |
| // |out_value| unless it is longer than |value_length| - 1. This implementation |
| // must be thread-safe. |
| // |
| // This function returns |true| if the property is retrieved successfully. It |
| // returns |false| under any of the following conditions and, in any such |
| // case, |out_value| is not changed: |
| // - |property_id| is invalid for this platform |
| // - |value_length| is too short for the given result |
| // - |out_value| is NULL |
| // |
| // |property_id|: The system path to be retrieved. |
| // |out_value|: The platform-defined system property specified by |property_id|. |
| // |value_length|: The length of the system property. |
| SB_EXPORT bool SbSystemGetProperty(SbSystemPropertyId property_id, |
| char* out_value, |
| int value_length); |
| |
| // Returns whether the platform has the runtime capability specified by |
| // |capability_id|. Returns false for any unknown capabilities. This |
| // implementation must be thread-safe. |
| // |
| // |capability_id|: The runtime capability to check. |
| SB_EXPORT bool SbSystemHasCapability(SbSystemCapabilityId capability_id); |
| |
| // Gets the system's current POSIX-style Locale ID. The locale represents the |
| // location, language, and cultural conventions that the system wants to use, |
| // which affects which text is displayed to the user as well as how displayed |
| // numbers, dates, currency, and similar values are formatted. |
| // |
| // At its simplest, the locale ID can just be a BCP 47 language code, like |
| // |en_US|. Currently, POSIX also wants to include the encoding as in |
| // |en_US.UTF8|. POSIX also allows a couple very bare-bones locales, like "C" |
| // or "POSIX", but they are not supported here. POSIX also supports different |
| // locale settings for a few different purposes, but Starboard only exposes one |
| // locale at a time. |
| // |
| // RFC 5646 describes BCP 47 language codes: |
| // https://tools.ietf.org/html/bcp47 |
| // |
| // For more information than you probably want about POSIX locales, see: |
| // http://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/9699919799/basedefs/V1_chap07.html |
| SB_EXPORT const char* SbSystemGetLocaleId(); |
| |
| // A cryptographically secure random number generator that gets 64 random bits |
| // and returns them as an |uint64_t|. This function does not require manual |
| // seeding. |
| SB_EXPORT uint64_t SbSystemGetRandomUInt64(); |
| |
| // A cryptographically secure random number generator that produces an |
| // arbitrary, non-negative number of |buffer_size| random, non-negative bytes. |
| // The generated number is placed in |out_buffer|. This function does not |
| // require manual seeding. |
| // |
| // |out_buffer|: A pointer for the generated random number. This value must |
| // not be null. |
| // |buffer_size|: The size of the random number, in bytes. |
| SB_EXPORT void SbSystemGetRandomData(void* out_buffer, int buffer_size); |
| |
| // Gets the last platform-specific error code produced by any Starboard call in |
| // the current thread for diagnostic purposes. Semantic reactions to Starboard |
| // function call results should be modeled explicitly. |
| SB_EXPORT SbSystemError SbSystemGetLastError(); |
| |
| // Clears the last error set by a Starboard call in the current thread. |
| SB_EXPORT void SbSystemClearLastError(); |
| |
| // Generates a human-readable string for an error. The return value specifies |
| // the total desired length of the string. |
| // |
| // |error|: The error for which a human-readable string is generated. |
| // |out_string|: The generated string. This value may be null, and it is |
| // always terminated with a null byte. |
| // |string_length|: The maximum length of the error string. |
| SB_EXPORT int SbSystemGetErrorString(SbSystemError error, |
| char* out_string, |
| int string_length); |
| |
| // Places up to |stack_size| instruction pointer addresses of the current |
| // execution stack into |out_stack|. The return value specifies the number |
| // of entries added. |
| // |
| // The returned stack frames are in "downward" order from the calling frame |
| // toward the entry point of the thread. So, if all the stack frames do not |
| // fit, the ones truncated will be the less interesting ones toward the thread |
| // entry point. |
| // |
| // This function is used in crash signal handlers and, therefore, it must |
| // be async-signal-safe on platforms that support signals. The following |
| // document discusses what it means to be async-signal-safe on POSIX: |
| // http://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/009695399/functions/xsh_chap02_04.html#tag_02_04_03 |
| // |
| // |out_stack|: A non-NULL array of |void *| of at least |stack_size| entries. |
| // |stack_size|: The maximum number of instruction pointer addresses to be |
| // placed into |out_stack| from the current execution stack. |
| SB_EXPORT int SbSystemGetStack(void** out_stack, int stack_size); |
| |
| // Looks up |address| as an instruction pointer and places up to |
| // (|buffer_size - 1|) characters of the symbol associated with it in |
| // |out_buffer|, which must not be NULL. |out_buffer| will be NULL-terminated. |
| // |
| // The return value indicates whether the function found a reasonable match |
| // for |address|. If the return value is |false|, then |out_buffer| is not |
| // modified. |
| // |
| // This function is used in crash signal handlers and, therefore, it must |
| // be async-signal-safe on platforms that support signals. |
| SB_EXPORT bool SbSystemSymbolize(const void* address, |
| char* out_buffer, |
| int buffer_size); |
| |
| // Requests that the application move into the Paused state at the next |
| // convenient point. This should roughly correspond to "unfocused application" |
| // in a traditional window manager, where the application may be partially |
| // visible. |
| // |
| // This function eventually causes a |kSbEventTypePause| event to be dispatched |
| // to the application. Before the |kSbEventTypePause| event is dispatched, some |
| // work may continue to be done, and unrelated system events may be dispatched. |
| SB_EXPORT void SbSystemRequestPause(); |
| |
| // Requests that the application move into the Started state at the next |
| // convenient point. This should roughly correspond to a "focused application" |
| // in a traditional window manager, where the application is fully visible and |
| // the primary receiver of input events. |
| // |
| // This function eventually causes a |kSbEventTypeUnpause| event to be |
| // dispatched to the application. Before |kSbEventTypeUnpause| is dispatched, |
| // some work may continue to be done, and unrelated system events may be |
| // dispatched. |
| SB_EXPORT void SbSystemRequestUnpause(); |
| |
| // Requests that the application move into the Suspended state at the next |
| // convenient point. This should roughly correspond to "minimization" in a |
| // traditional window manager, where the application is no longer visible. |
| // |
| // This function eventually causes a |kSbEventTypeSuspend| event to be |
| // dispatched to the application. Before the |kSbEventTypeSuspend| event is |
| // dispatched, some work may continue to be done, and unrelated system events |
| // may be dispatched. |
| // |
| // In the Suspended state, the application will be resident, but probably not |
| // running. The expectation is that an external system event will bring the |
| // application out of the Suspended state. |
| SB_EXPORT void SbSystemRequestSuspend(); |
| |
| // Requests that the application be terminated gracefully at the next |
| // convenient point. In the meantime, some work may continue to be done, and |
| // unrelated system events may be dispatched. This function eventually causes |
| // a |kSbEventTypeStop| event to be dispatched to the application. When the |
| // process finally terminates, it returns |error_level|, if that has any |
| // meaning on the current platform. |
| // |
| // |error_level|: An integer that serves as the return value for the process |
| // that is eventually terminated as a result of a call to this function. |
| SB_EXPORT void SbSystemRequestStop(int error_level); |
| |
| // Binary searches a sorted table |base| of |element_count| objects, each |
| // element |element_width| bytes in size for an element that |comparator| |
| // compares equal to |key|. |
| // |
| // This function is meant to be a drop-in replacement for |bsearch|. |
| // |
| // |key|: The key to search for in the table. |
| // |base|: The sorted table of elements to be searched. |
| // |element_count|: The number of elements in the table. |
| // |element_width|: The size, in bytes, of each element in the table. |
| // |comparator|: A value that indicates how the element in the table should |
| // compare to the specified |key|. |
| SB_EXPORT void* SbSystemBinarySearch(const void* key, |
| const void* base, |
| size_t element_count, |
| size_t element_width, |
| SbSystemComparator comparator); |
| |
| // Sorts an array of elements |base|, with |element_count| elements of |
| // |element_width| bytes each, using |comparator| as the comparison function. |
| // |
| // This function is meant to be a drop-in replacement for |qsort|. |
| // |
| // |base|: The array of elements to be sorted. |
| // |element_count|: The number of elements in the array. |
| // |element_width|: The size, in bytes, of each element in the array. |
| // |comparator|: A value that indicates how the array should be sorted. |
| SB_EXPORT void SbSystemSort(void* base, |
| size_t element_count, |
| size_t element_width, |
| SbSystemComparator comparator); |
| |
| // Hides the system splash screen on systems that support a splash screen that |
| // is displayed while the application is loading. This function may be called |
| // from any thread and must be idempotent. |
| SB_EXPORT void SbSystemHideSplashScreen(); |
| |
| #ifdef __cplusplus |
| } // extern "C" |
| #endif |
| |
| #endif // STARBOARD_SYSTEM_H_ |