blob: b17630c2367e4df59bb2b54bcc6061ea7b7e673a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "crazy_linker_search_path_list.h"
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include "crazy_linker_system_mock.h"
#include "crazy_linker_zip_test_data.h"
namespace crazy {
namespace {
// MAGIC CONSTANT WARNING: These offsets have been determined empirically.
// If you update the content of lib_archive_zip, you will have to adjust
// them for these tests to continue to run.
const int32_t kFooFileOffset = 80;
const int32_t kBarFileOffset = 197;
class TestSystem {
TestSystem() : sys_() {
sys_.AddRegularFile("/tmp/foo/bar", "BARBARBAR", 9);
sys_.AddRegularFile("/tmp/zoo", "ZOO", 3);
sys_.AddRegularFile("/foo", "Foo", 3);
sys_.AddEnvVariable("TEST_LIBRARY_PATH", "/tmp:/");
~TestSystem() {}
void AddFile(const char* path, const char* data, size_t len) {
sys_.AddRegularFile(path, data, len);
void SetCurrentDir(const char* path) { sys_.SetCurrentDir(path); }
SystemMock sys_;
// A mock CPU ABI name used during testing.
// NOTE: This is hard-coded into the zip test tables, do not change it!
const char kTestAbi[] = "test-abi";
// Small structure used to store test data.
// |input_path| is an input file path.
// |expected_path| is either nullptr or an expected file path.
// |expected_offset| is the expected offset (or 0).
struct TestData {
const char* input_path;
const char* expected_path;
int32_t expected_offset;
// Perform one single check for the TestData instance |data|, using |list|.
void CheckData(const TestData& data, const SearchPathList& list) {
auto result = list.FindFile(data.input_path);
if (data.expected_path) {
EXPECT_STREQ(data.expected_path, result.path.c_str())
<< "For: " << data.input_path;
EXPECT_EQ(data.expected_offset, result.offset)
<< "For: " << data.input_path;
} else {
EXPECT_STREQ("", result.path.c_str()) << "For: " << data.input_path;
} // namespace
TEST(SearchPathList, Empty) {
TestSystem sys;
SearchPathList list;
static const TestData kData[] = {
// Paths without a directory separator should not work.
{"foo", nullptr, 0},
// Relative paths should work.
{"foo/bar", "/tmp/foo/bar", 0},
// Absolute paths should work
{"/foo", "/foo", 0},
{"/tmp/zoo", "/tmp/zoo", 0},
{"/tmp/foo/bar", "/tmp/foo/bar", 0},
// File that do not exist should error.
{"/no-such-file", nullptr, 0},
for (const auto& data : kData) {
CheckData(data, list);
TEST(SearchPathList, OneItem) {
TestSystem sys;
SearchPathList list;
static const TestData kData[] = {
{"bar", "/tmp/foo/bar", 0}, {"zoo", nullptr, 0}, {"foo", nullptr, 0},
for (const auto& data : kData) {
CheckData(data, list);
TEST(SearchPathList, Reset) {
TestSystem sys;
SearchPathList list;
auto result = list.FindFile("bar");
EXPECT_STREQ("/tmp/foo/bar", result.path.c_str());
result = list.FindFile("bar");
EXPECT_STREQ("", result.path.c_str());
TEST(SearchPathList, ResetFromEnv) {
TestSystem sys;
SearchPathList list;
static const TestData kData[] = {
// Find file name from env search list.
{"zoo", "/tmp/zoo", 0},
{"foo", "/foo", 0},
// Ignore search list if path contains a directory separator.
{"foo/bar", nullptr, 0},
// Or an exclamation mark.
{"foo!bar", nullptr, 0},
for (const auto& data : kData) {
CheckData(data, list);
TEST(SearchPathList, ThreeItems) {
TestSystem sys;
SearchPathList list;
static const TestData kData[] = {
// Relative path ignores search list. Current directory is /.
{"foo/bar", nullptr, 0},
{"tmp/zoo", "/tmp/zoo", 0},
// Base name uses search list, finds file in /tmp/.
{"zoo", "/tmp/zoo", 0},
// Base name uses search list, doesn't find file in / which is no listed.
{"foo", nullptr, 0},
for (const auto& data : kData) {
CheckData(data, list);
TEST(SearchPathList, EnvPathsAfterAddedOnes) {
TestSystem sys;
sys.AddFile("/opt/foo", "FOO", 3);
SearchPathList list;
// This checks that paths added with AddPaths() have priority over
// paths added with ResetFromEnv(). An invalid implementation would
// find '/tmp/foo' instead.
static const TestData data = {"foo", "/opt/foo", 0};
CheckData(data, list);
TEST(SearchPathList, FindDirectlyInsizeZipArchive) {
TestSystem sys;
reinterpret_cast<const char*>(testing::lib_archive_zip),
// Empty search path list.
SearchPathList list;
static const TestData kData[] = {
// Lookup directly in archive. Full path.
{"/zips/!lib/test-abi/", "/zips/",
{"/zips/!lib/test-abi/", "/zips/",
// Lookup directly in archive, from current directory.
{"!lib/test-abi/", "/zips/",
// Cannot find libraries if the zip archive is not in the search list.
{"", nullptr, 0},
{"", nullptr, 0},
for (const auto& data : kData) {
CheckData(data, list);
TEST(SearchPathList, FindInsideListedZipArchive) {
TestSystem sys;
reinterpret_cast<const char*>(testing::lib_archive_zip),
SearchPathList list;
// MAGIC CONSTANT WARNING: These offsets have been determined empirically.
// If you update the content of lib_archive_zip, you will have to adjust
// them for these tests to continue to run.
static const int32_t kFooFileOffset = 80;
static const int32_t kBarFileOffset = 197;
static const TestData kData[] = {
// Lookup directly in archive. Full path.
{"/zips/!lib/test-abi/", "/zips/",
{"/zips/!lib/test-abi/", "/zips/",
// Same, but automatically handle crazy. storage prefix!
{"/zips/!lib/test-abi/", "/zips/",
// Lookup in archive because it is in the search path.
{"", "/zips/", kFooFileOffset},
// Same, but automatically handle crazy. storage prefix!
{"", "/zips/", kBarFileOffset},
for (const auto& data : kData) {
CheckData(data, list);
} // namespace crazy