blob: 9a17bf39bc1a1e53ce7931246f53c5493ab7d2f5 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Simple script used to generate the SysV ELF hash table test data"""
import collections
import os
from pylib import source_utils
from pylib import elf_utils
script_name = os.path.basename(__file__)
def ElfHash(name):
"""Compute the ELF hash of a given input string."""
h = 0
for c in name:
h = (h << 4) + ord(c)
g = h & 0xf0000000
h ^= g
h ^= g >> 24
return h & 0xffffffff
class ElfHashTable(object):
def __init__(self, num_buckets, symbol_names):
"""Initialize a new SysV ELF hash table instance.
num_buckets: Number of hash buckets, must be > 0.
symbol_names: List of symbol names.
self.num_buckets_ = num_buckets
self.num_chain_ = len(symbol_names) + 1
self.symbols_ = symbol_names
self.hashes_ = [ElfHash(t) for t in symbol_names]
# Build bucket and chain arrays.
buckets = [0] * num_buckets
chain = [0] * self.num_chain_
for n, symbol in enumerate(self.symbols_):
elf_hash = self.hashes_[n]
bucket_index = elf_hash % num_buckets
idx = buckets[bucket_index]
if idx == 0:
buckets[bucket_index] = n + 1
while chain[idx] != 0:
idx = chain[idx]
chain[idx] = n + 1
self.buckets_ = buckets
self.chain_ = chain
# Generate final string table and symbol offsets.
self.string_table_, self.symbol_offsets_ = \
def __str__(self):
"""Dump human-friendly text description for this table."""
out = 'SysV ELF hash table: num_buckets=%d num_chain=%d\n\n' % (
self.num_buckets_, self.num_chain_)
out += 'idx symbol hash bucket chain\n'
out += ' 0 <STN_UNDEF>\n'
for n, symbol in enumerate(self.symbols_):
elf_hash = self.hashes_[n]
bucket_index = elf_hash % self.num_buckets_
out += '%3d %-20s %08x %-3d %d\n' % (
n + 1, symbol, elf_hash, bucket_index, self.chain_[n + 1])
out += '\nBuckets: '
comma = ''
for b in self.buckets_:
out += '%s%d' % (comma, b)
comma = ', '
out += '\n'
return out
def AsCSource(self, variable_prefix, guard_macro_name):
"""Dump the content of this instance."""
out = source_utils.CSourceBeginAutoGeneratedHeader(script_name,
out += source_utils.CSourceForComments(str(self))
out += source_utils.CSourceForConstCharArray(
self.string_table_, 'k%sStringTable' % variable_prefix)
out += '\n'
out += elf_utils.CSourceForElfSymbolListMacro(variable_prefix,
out += '\n'
out += elf_utils.CSourceForElfSymbolTable(variable_prefix,
out += '\nstatic const uint32_t k%sHashTable[] = {\n' % variable_prefix
out += ' %d, // num_buckets\n' % self.num_buckets_
out += ' %d, // num_chain\n' % self.num_chain_
out += ' // Buckets\n'
out += source_utils.CSourceForIntegerHexArray(self.buckets_, 32)
out += ' // Chain\n'
out += source_utils.CSourceForIntegerHexArray(self.chain_, 32)
out += '};\n'
out += source_utils.CSourceEndAutoGeneratedHeader(script_name,
return out
def main():
# Same data as the one found on the following web page:
# NOTE: The hash values on that page are incorrect, so results differs!!
table = ElfHashTable(4, [
'isnan', 'freelocal', 'hcreate_', 'getopt_long_onl', 'endrpcen',
'pthread_mutex_lock', 'isinf', 'setrlimi', 'getspen', 'umoun',
'strsigna', 'listxatt', 'gettyen', 'uselib', 'cfsetispeed'])
print table.AsCSource('TestElf', 'CRAZY_LINKER_ELF_HASH_TABLE_TEST_DATA_H')
if __name__ == "__main__":