blob: f394d553d715002474b1029e1bc91a26aa1350eb [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
declare_args() {
# Determines if we build the capture_replay sample. Off by default.
angle_build_capture_replay_sample = false
angle_executable("shader_translator") {
sources = [
include_dirs = [ "../include" ]
deps = [
config("sample_util_config") {
include_dirs = [ "sample_util" ]
angle_static_library("sample_util") {
sources = [
data_deps = [
public_deps = [
configs += [ "../:library_name_config" ]
public_configs = [
template("angle_sample") {
if (defined( {
copy(target_name + "_data") {
sources =
outputs = [
angle_executable(target_name) {
deps = [
if (defined( {
deps += [ ":${target_name}_data" ]
if (defined(invoker.suppressed_configs)) {
suppressed_configs += invoker.suppressed_configs
angle_sample("hello_triangle") {
sources = [
angle_sample("mip_map_2d") {
sources = [
angle_sample("multi_texture") {
sources = [
data = [
angle_sample("multi_window") {
sources = [
angle_sample("multiple_draw_buffers") {
sources = [
data = [
angle_sample("multiview") {
sources = [
angle_sample("particle_system") {
sources = [
data = [
angle_sample("post_sub_buffer") {
sources = [
angle_sample("simple_instancing") {
sources = [
angle_sample("simple_texture_2d") {
sources = [
angle_sample("simple_texture_cubemap") {
sources = [
angle_sample("simple_vertex_shader") {
sources = [
angle_sample("stencil_operations") {
sources = [
angle_sample("tex_redef_microbench") {
sources = [
angle_sample("texture_wrap") {
sources = [
angle_sample("tri_fan_microbench") {
sources = [
angle_sample("window_test") {
sources = [
angle_sample("gles1_hello_triangle") {
sources = [
angle_sample("gles1_simple_texture_2d") {
sources = [
angle_sample("gles1_simple_lighting") {
sources = [
angle_sample("gles1_flat_shading") {
sources = [
angle_sample("gles1_draw_texture") {
sources = [
if (angle_build_capture_replay_sample) {
# The capture_replay sample is set up to work with a single Context.
# To use the capture replay sample first move your capture sources into
# the capture_replay folder and enable the gn arg above.
angle_sample("capture_replay_sample") {
sources =
"list lines"), ".", "capture_replay") +
_data_path = rebase_path("capture_replay", root_out_dir)
defines = [ "ANGLE_CAPTURE_REPLAY_SAMPLE_DATA_DIR=\"${_data_path}\"" ]
suppressed_configs = [ "$angle_root:constructor_and_destructor_warnings" ]
group("all") {
testonly = true
deps = [