blob: b066f3b3d6fe4687b7c9d9b9e24fa9b6a88f59b0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
(function(global, utils) {
"use strict";
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Imports
var GlobalString = global.String;
var matchSymbol = utils.ImportNow("match_symbol");
var searchSymbol = utils.ImportNow("search_symbol");
// Set up the non-enumerable functions on the String prototype object.
/* ES#sec-string.prototype.match */
match(pattern) {
CHECK_OBJECT_COERCIBLE(this, "String.prototype.match");
if (!IS_NULL_OR_UNDEFINED(pattern)) {
var matcher = pattern[matchSymbol];
if (!IS_UNDEFINED(matcher)) {
return %_Call(matcher, pattern, this);
var subject = TO_STRING(this);
// Equivalent to RegExpCreate (ES#sec-regexpcreate)
var regexp = %RegExpCreate(pattern);
return regexp[matchSymbol](subject);
/* */
search(pattern) {
if (!IS_NULL_OR_UNDEFINED(pattern)) {
var searcher = pattern[searchSymbol];
if (!IS_UNDEFINED(searcher)) {
return %_Call(searcher, pattern, this);
var subject = TO_STRING(this);
// Equivalent to RegExpCreate (ES#sec-regexpcreate)
var regexp = %RegExpCreate(pattern);
return %_Call(regexp[searchSymbol], regexp, subject);
function StringPad(thisString, maxLength, fillString) {
maxLength = TO_LENGTH(maxLength);
var stringLength = thisString.length;
if (maxLength <= stringLength) return "";
if (IS_UNDEFINED(fillString)) {
fillString = " ";
} else {
fillString = TO_STRING(fillString);
if (fillString === "") {
// If filler is the empty String, return S.
return "";
var fillLength = maxLength - stringLength;
var repetitions = (fillLength / fillString.length) | 0;
var remainingChars = (fillLength - fillString.length * repetitions) | 0;
var filler = "";
while (true) {
if (repetitions & 1) filler += fillString;
repetitions >>= 1;
if (repetitions === 0) break;
fillString += fillString;
if (remainingChars) {
filler += %_SubString(fillString, 0, remainingChars);
return filler;
/* ES#sec-string.prototype.padstart */
/* String.prototype.padStart(maxLength [, fillString]) */
padStart(maxLength, fillString) {
CHECK_OBJECT_COERCIBLE(this, "String.prototype.padStart");
var thisString = TO_STRING(this);
return StringPad(thisString, maxLength, fillString) + thisString;
/* ES#sec-string.prototype.padend */
/* String.prototype.padEnd(maxLength [, fillString]) */
padEnd(maxLength, fillString) {
CHECK_OBJECT_COERCIBLE(this, "String.prototype.padEnd");
var thisString = TO_STRING(this);
return thisString + StringPad(thisString, maxLength, fillString);
1 /* Set functions length */
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// String methods related to templates
// Set up the non-enumerable functions on the String object.
/* ES#sec-string.raw */
raw(callSite) {
var numberOfSubstitutions = arguments.length;
var cooked = TO_OBJECT(callSite);
var raw = TO_OBJECT(cooked.raw);
var literalSegments = TO_LENGTH(raw.length);
if (literalSegments <= 0) return "";
var result = TO_STRING(raw[0]);
for (var i = 1; i < literalSegments; ++i) {
if (i < numberOfSubstitutions) {
result += TO_STRING(arguments[i]);
result += TO_STRING(raw[i]);
return result;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------