blob: de2ae687ca8ee83cf92f93980fa26dd2eec221ef [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Cobalt Authors. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "cobalt/render_tree/animations/animate_node.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include "base/trace_event/trace_event.h"
#include "cobalt/base/enable_if.h"
#include "cobalt/base/polymorphic_downcast.h"
#include "cobalt/math/transform_2d.h"
#include "cobalt/render_tree/child_iterator.h"
#include "cobalt/render_tree/node_visitor.h"
namespace cobalt {
namespace render_tree {
namespace animations {
void AnimateNode::Builder::AddInternal(
const scoped_refptr<Node>& target_node,
const scoped_refptr<AnimationListBase>& animation_list) {
DCHECK(node_animation_map_.find(target_node.get()) ==
<< "The target render tree node already has an associated animation "
node_animation_map_[target_node.get()] = animation_list;
void AnimateNode::Builder::Merge(const AnimateNode::Builder& other) {
#if !defined(NDEBUG)
for (InternalMap::const_iterator iter = node_animation_map_.begin();
iter != node_animation_map_.end(); ++iter) {
DCHECK(other.node_animation_map_.find(iter->first) ==
<< "Only mutually exclusive AnimateNode::Builders can be merged!";
node_refs_.insert(node_refs_.end(), other.node_refs_.begin(),
// A helper render tree visitor class used to compile sub render-tree
// animations. The same instance of the TraverseListBuilder class is reused for
// traversing all nodes in a tree. After visiting a render tree,
// |traverse_list_| will contain a post-order traversal of animated nodes where
// children are visited from right to left, and this should be reversed to
// obtain a pre-order traversal of animated nodes where children are visited
// from left to right, which is much more natural.
class AnimateNode::TraverseListBuilder : public NodeVisitor {
TraverseListBuilder(const AnimateNode::Builder::InternalMap& animation_map,
TraverseList* traverse_list)
: animation_map_(animation_map),
depends_on_time_expiry_(-base::TimeDelta::Max()) {}
void Visit(animations::AnimateNode* animate) override;
void Visit(ClearRectNode* clear_rect) override { VisitNode(clear_rect); }
void Visit(CompositionNode* composition) override { VisitNode(composition); }
void Visit(FilterNode* text) override { VisitNode(text); }
void Visit(ImageNode* image) override { VisitNode(image); }
void Visit(LottieNode* lottie) override { VisitNode(lottie); }
void Visit(MatrixTransform3DNode* transform) override {
void Visit(MatrixTransformNode* transform) override { VisitNode(transform); }
void Visit(PunchThroughVideoNode* punch_through) override {
void Visit(RectNode* rect) override { VisitNode(rect); }
void Visit(RectShadowNode* rect) override { VisitNode(rect); }
void Visit(TextNode* text) override { VisitNode(text); }
template <typename T>
typename base::enable_if<!ChildIterator<T>::has_children>::type VisitNode(
T* node);
template <typename T>
typename base::enable_if<ChildIterator<T>::has_children>::type VisitNode(
T* node);
void ProcessNode(Node* node, bool animated_children);
// Adds a node to |traverse_list_|, indicating that it or its descendants are
// involved in animation.
void AddToTraverseList(
Node* node, AnimateNode::Builder::InternalMap::const_iterator found);
// A reference to the mapping from render tree node to animations.
const AnimateNode::Builder::InternalMap& animation_map_;
// A list of nodes that, if reversed, gives a pre-order traversal of only
// animated nodes.
// |traverse_list_| is the primary output of this visitor class.
TraverseList* traverse_list_;
// Signals to the caller of Visit() that this node was animated and so any
// parent nodes should also be added to the traversal list.
bool animated_;
// If non-null, references a node that this visitor's parent should replace
// this visitor's associated node with in its list of child nodes.
scoped_refptr<Node> replace_with_;
// The time after which all animations will have completed and be constant.
base::TimeDelta expiry_;
// Similar to |expiry_| but accumulated only for animations whose callback
// depends on the time parameter.
base::TimeDelta depends_on_time_expiry_;
friend class AnimateNode;
void AnimateNode::TraverseListBuilder::Visit(animations::AnimateNode* animate) {
if (!animate->traverse_list_.empty()) {
// We merge all the information from this AnimateNode into the one we are
// constructing now. Simply append the sub-AnimateNode to |traverse_list_|,
// but reverse it so its finalized pre-order, left to right traversal is
// switched to the intermediate format of a post-order, right to left
// traversal.
size_t start_size = traverse_list_->size();
std::reverse(traverse_list_->begin() + static_cast<ptrdiff_t>(start_size),
animated_ = true;
} else {
animated_ = false;
// Now that we have merged the sub-AnimateNode's information with the one
// under construction, remove this AnimateNode from the tree in order to
// maintain the invariant that an AnimateNode does not contain any
// AnimateNode descendants.
replace_with_ = animate->source_;
// Update our expiry in accordance with the sub-AnimateNode's expiry.
expiry_ = std::max(expiry_, animate->expiry());
depends_on_time_expiry_ =
std::max(depends_on_time_expiry_, animate->depends_on_time_expiry());
template <typename T>
typename base::enable_if<!ChildIterator<T>::has_children>::type
AnimateNode::TraverseListBuilder::VisitNode(T* node) {
// If we are dealing with a render tree node that has no children, all we
// need to do is call ProcessNode().
animated_ = false;
replace_with_ = NULL;
ProcessNode(node, false);
template <typename T>
typename base::enable_if<ChildIterator<T>::has_children>::type
AnimateNode::TraverseListBuilder::VisitNode(T* node) {
ChildIterator<T> child_iterator(node, kChildIteratorDirectionBackwards);
bool modified_children = false;
bool animated_children = false;
while (Node* child = child_iterator.GetCurrent()) {
// Mark us as animated if any of our children are animated, so that we make
// sure to add ourselves to |traverse_list_|.
animated_children |= animated_;
if (replace_with_) {
// If the child node wishes to replace itself with a new node, then
// replace it within its parent's child list.
modified_children = true;
if (modified_children) {
replace_with_ = new T(child_iterator.TakeReplacedChildrenBuilder());
} else {
replace_with_ = NULL;
// Finally, add this node to |traverse_list_| if it is animated either
// directly or indirectly (i.e. because its children are animated).
animated_ = false;
ProcessNode(node, animated_children);
void AnimateNode::TraverseListBuilder::ProcessNode(Node* node,
bool animated_children) {
// If this node is animated, add it to the |traverse_list_|.
AnimateNode::Builder::InternalMap::const_iterator found =
if (animated_children || found != animation_map_.end()) {
AddToTraverseList(replace_with_ ? replace_with_.get() : node, found);
// Adds a node to |traverse_list_| so that it can be quickly
// found in the future.
void AnimateNode::TraverseListBuilder::AddToTraverseList(
Node* node, AnimateNode::Builder::InternalMap::const_iterator found) {
if (found != animation_map_.end()) {
traverse_list_->push_back(TraverseListEntry(node, found->second, false));
expiry_ = std::max(expiry_, found->second->GetExpiry());
depends_on_time_expiry_ = std::max(depends_on_time_expiry_,
} else {
animated_ = true;
// A helper class for computing the tightest bounding rectangle that encloses
// all animated subtrees. It is meant to be applied to an already-animated
// render tree, using a TraverseList provided by
// ApplyVisitor::animated_traverse_list(). The result of the visit can be
// retrieved from bounds(). This calculation is useful for determining a
// "dirty rectangle" to minimize drawing.
class AnimateNode::BoundsVisitor : public NodeVisitor {
BoundsVisitor(const TraverseList& traverse_list, base::TimeDelta time_offset,
base::TimeDelta since);
void Visit(animations::AnimateNode* animate) override {
// An invariant of AnimateNodes is that they should never contain descendant
// AnimateNodes.
// Immediately switch to a templated visitor function.
void Visit(ClearRectNode* clear_rect) override { VisitNode(clear_rect); }
void Visit(CompositionNode* composition) override { VisitNode(composition); }
void Visit(FilterNode* text) override { VisitNode(text); }
void Visit(ImageNode* image) override { VisitNode(image); }
void Visit(LottieNode* lottie) override { VisitNode(lottie); }
void Visit(MatrixTransform3DNode* transform) override {
void Visit(MatrixTransformNode* transform) override { VisitNode(transform); }
void Visit(PunchThroughVideoNode* punch_through) override {
void Visit(RectNode* rect) override { VisitNode(rect); }
void Visit(RectShadowNode* rect) override { VisitNode(rect); }
void Visit(TextNode* text) override { VisitNode(text); }
const math::RectF& bounds() const { return bounds_; }
template <typename T>
typename base::enable_if<!ChildIterator<T>::has_children>::type VisitNode(
T* node);
template <typename T>
typename base::enable_if<ChildIterator<T>::has_children>::type VisitNode(
T* node);
void ProcessAnimatedNodeBounds(const TraverseListEntry& entry,
render_tree::Node* node);
TraverseListEntry AdvanceIterator(Node* node);
void ApplyTransform(Node* node);
void ApplyTransform(CompositionNode* node);
void ApplyTransform(MatrixTransformNode* node);
// The time offset to be passed in to individual animations.
base::TimeDelta time_offset_;
// The time when we "start" checking for active animations. In other words,
// if an animation had expired *before* |since_|, then it is not considered
// animated, and not considered for the bounding box.
base::TimeDelta since_;
// A list of nodes that we are allowed to traverse into (i.e. a traversal that
// guides us to animated nodes). It assumes that a pre-order traversal will
// be taken.
const TraverseList& traverse_list_;
// An iterator pointing to the next valid render tree node to visit.
TraverseList::const_iterator iterator_;
// The resulting bounding box surrounding all active animations.
math::RectF bounds_;
// We need to maintain a "current" transform as we traverse the tree, so that
// we know the transformed bounding boxes of nodes when we reach them.
math::Matrix3F transform_;
AnimateNode::BoundsVisitor::BoundsVisitor(const TraverseList& traverse_list,
base::TimeDelta time_offset,
base::TimeDelta since)
: time_offset_(time_offset),
transform_(math::Matrix3F::Identity()) {
iterator_ = traverse_list_.begin();
template <typename T>
typename base::enable_if<!ChildIterator<T>::has_children>::type
AnimateNode::BoundsVisitor::VisitNode(T* node) {
TraverseListEntry current_entry = AdvanceIterator(node);
if (current_entry.did_animate_previously) {
ProcessAnimatedNodeBounds(current_entry, node);
template <typename T>
typename base::enable_if<ChildIterator<T>::has_children>::type
AnimateNode::BoundsVisitor::VisitNode(T* node) {
TraverseListEntry current_entry = AdvanceIterator(node);
math::Matrix3F old_transform = transform_;
// Traverse the child nodes, but only the ones that are on the
// |traverse_list_|. In particular, the next node we are allowed to visit
// is the one in the traverse list pointed to by |iterator_->node|.
ChildIterator<T> child_iterator(node);
while (Node* child = child_iterator.GetCurrent()) {
if (iterator_ == traverse_list_.end()) {
// If we've reached the end of |traverse_list_| then we are done
// iterating and it's time to return.
if (child == iterator_->node) {
// If one of our children is next up on the path to animation, traverse
// into it.
transform_ = old_transform;
if (current_entry.did_animate_previously) {
ProcessAnimatedNodeBounds(current_entry, node);
void AnimateNode::BoundsVisitor::ProcessAnimatedNodeBounds(
const TraverseListEntry& entry, render_tree::Node* node) {
if (entry.animations->GetExpiry() >= since_) {
AnimateNode::TraverseListEntry AnimateNode::BoundsVisitor::AdvanceIterator(
Node* node) {
// Check that the iterator that we are advancing past is indeed the one we
// expect it to be.
DCHECK_EQ(node, iterator_->node);
return *(iterator_++);
void AnimateNode::BoundsVisitor::ApplyTransform(Node* node) {
void AnimateNode::BoundsVisitor::ApplyTransform(CompositionNode* node) {
transform_ = transform_ * math::TranslateMatrix(node->data().offset().x(),
void AnimateNode::BoundsVisitor::ApplyTransform(MatrixTransformNode* node) {
transform_ = transform_ * node->data().transform;
// A helper render tree visitor class used to apply compiled sub render-tree
// animations. Only one of these visitors is needed to visit an entire render
// tree.
class AnimateNode::ApplyVisitor : public NodeVisitor {
ApplyVisitor(const TraverseList& traverse_list, base::TimeDelta time_offset,
const base::Optional<base::TimeDelta>& snapshot_time);
void Visit(animations::AnimateNode* animate) override {
// An invariant of AnimateNodes is that they should never contain descendant
// AnimateNodes.
// Immediately switch to a templated visitor function.
void Visit(ClearRectNode* clear_rect) override { VisitNode(clear_rect); }
void Visit(CompositionNode* composition) override { VisitNode(composition); }
void Visit(FilterNode* text) override { VisitNode(text); }
void Visit(ImageNode* image) override { VisitNode(image); }
void Visit(LottieNode* lottie) override { VisitNode(lottie); }
void Visit(MatrixTransform3DNode* transform) override {
void Visit(MatrixTransformNode* transform) override { VisitNode(transform); }
void Visit(PunchThroughVideoNode* punch_through) override {
void Visit(RectNode* rect) override { VisitNode(rect); }
void Visit(RectShadowNode* rect) override { VisitNode(rect); }
void Visit(TextNode* text) override { VisitNode(text); }
// Returns the animated version of the node last visited. This is how the
// final animated result can be pulled from this visitor.
const scoped_refptr<Node>& animated() const { return animated_; }
// As we compute the animated nodes, we create a new traverse list that leads
// to the newly created animated nodes. This can be used afterwards to
// calculate the bounding boxes around the active animated nodes.
const TraverseList& animated_traverse_list() const {
return animated_traverse_list_;
template <typename T>
typename base::enable_if<!ChildIterator<T>::has_children>::type VisitNode(
T* node);
template <typename T>
typename base::enable_if<ChildIterator<T>::has_children>::type VisitNode(
T* node);
template <typename T>
scoped_refptr<T> ApplyAnimations(const TraverseListEntry& entry,
typename T::Builder* builder);
TraverseListEntry AdvanceIterator(Node* node);
// The time offset to be passed in to individual animations.
base::TimeDelta time_offset_;
// The animated version of the last node visited.
scoped_refptr<Node> animated_;
// A list of nodes that we are allowed to traverse into (i.e. a traversal that
// guides us to animated nodes). It assumes that a pre-order traversal will
// be taken.
const TraverseList& traverse_list_;
// As we animate the nodes, we also keep track of a new traverse list that
// replaces the non-animated nodes for the animated nodes, so that we can
// go through and traverse the animated nodes after they have been animated.
TraverseList animated_traverse_list_;
// An iterator pointing to the next valid render tree node to visit.
TraverseList::const_iterator iterator_;
// Time at which the existing source render tree was created/last animated
// at.
base::Optional<base::TimeDelta> snapshot_time_;
const TraverseList& traverse_list, base::TimeDelta time_offset,
const base::Optional<base::TimeDelta>& snapshot_time)
: time_offset_(time_offset),
snapshot_time_(snapshot_time) {
iterator_ = traverse_list_.begin();
template <typename T>
typename base::enable_if<!ChildIterator<T>::has_children>::type
AnimateNode::ApplyVisitor::VisitNode(T* node) {
TraverseListEntry current_entry = AdvanceIterator(node);
// If we don't have any children, then for this node to be visited, we must
// have animations.
typename T::Builder builder(node->data());
scoped_refptr<T> animated = ApplyAnimations<T>(current_entry, &builder);
// If nothing ends up getting animated, then just re-use the existing node.
bool did_animate = false;
if (animated->data() == node->data()) {
animated_ = node;
} else {
animated_ = animated.get();
did_animate = true;
animated_.get(), current_entry.animations, did_animate));
template <typename T>
typename base::enable_if<ChildIterator<T>::has_children>::type
AnimateNode::ApplyVisitor::VisitNode(T* node) {
TraverseListEntry current_entry = AdvanceIterator(node);
size_t animated_traverse_list_index = animated_traverse_list_.size();
TraverseListEntry(NULL, current_entry.animations, false));
// Traverse the child nodes, but only the ones that are on the
// |traverse_list_|. In particular, the next node we are allowed to visit
// is the one in the traverse list pointed to by |iterator_->node|.
ChildIterator<T> child_iterator(node);
bool children_modified = false;
while (Node* child = child_iterator.GetCurrent()) {
if (iterator_ == traverse_list_.end()) {
// If we've reached the end of |traverse_list_| then we are done
// iterating and it's time to return.
if (child == iterator_->node) {
// If one of our children is next up on the path to animation, traverse
// into it.
if (animated_.get() != child) {
// Traversing into the child and seeing |animated_| emerge from the
// traversal equal to something other than |child| means that the child
// was animated, and so replaced by an animated node while it was
// visited. Thus, replace it in the current node's child list with its
// animated version.
children_modified = true;
base::Optional<typename T::Builder> builder;
if (children_modified) {
// Reuse the modified Builder object from child traversal if one of
// our children was animated.
bool did_animate = false;
if (current_entry.animations) {
if (!builder) {
// Create a fresh copy of the Builder object for this animated node, to
// be passed into the animations.
typename T::Builder original_builder(*builder);
scoped_refptr<T> animated = ApplyAnimations<T>(current_entry, &(*builder));
if (!(original_builder == *builder)) {
did_animate = true;
// If the data didn't actually change, then no animation took place and
// so we should note this by not modifying the original render tree node.
animated_ = animated->data() == node->data() ? node : animated.get();
} else {
// If there were no animations targeting this node directly, it may still
// need to be animated if its children are animated, which will be the
// case if |builder| is populated.
if (builder) {
animated_ = new T(std::move(*builder));
} else {
animated_ = node;
animated_traverse_list_[animated_traverse_list_index].node = animated_.get();
animated_traverse_list_[animated_traverse_list_index].did_animate_previously =
template <typename T>
scoped_refptr<T> AnimateNode::ApplyVisitor::ApplyAnimations(
const TraverseListEntry& entry, typename T::Builder* builder) {
// Cast to the specific type we expect these animations to have.
const AnimationList<T>* typed_node_animations =
base::polymorphic_downcast<const AnimationList<T>*>(
// Only execute the animation updates on nodes that have not expired.
if (!snapshot_time_ ||
typed_node_animations->data().expiry >= *snapshot_time_) {
TRACE_EVENT0("cobalt::renderer", "Running animation callbacks");
// Iterate through each animation applying them one at a time.
for (typename AnimationList<T>::InternalList::const_iterator iter =
iter != typed_node_animations->data().animations.end(); ++iter) {
iter->Run(builder, time_offset_);
return new T(*builder);
AnimateNode::TraverseListEntry AnimateNode::ApplyVisitor::AdvanceIterator(
Node* node) {
// Check that the iterator that we are advancing past is indeed the one we
// expect it to be.
DCHECK_EQ(node, iterator_->node);
return *(iterator_++);
AnimateNode::AnimateNode(const Builder& builder,
const scoped_refptr<Node>& source) {
TRACE_EVENT0("cobalt::renderer", "AnimateNode::AnimateNode(builder, source)");
CommonInit(builder.node_animation_map_, source);
AnimateNode::AnimateNode(const scoped_refptr<Node>& source) {
TRACE_EVENT0("cobalt::renderer", "AnimateNode::AnimateNode(source)");
CommonInit(Builder::InternalMap(), source);
// Helper class to refcount wrap a TraverseList object so that it can be
// passed around in a callback.
class AnimateNode::RefCountedTraversalList
: public base::RefCounted<RefCountedTraversalList> {
explicit RefCountedTraversalList(const TraverseList& traverse_list)
: traverse_list_(traverse_list) {}
const TraverseList& traverse_list() const { return traverse_list_; }
friend class base::RefCounted<RefCountedTraversalList>;
~RefCountedTraversalList() {}
TraverseList traverse_list_;
// static
math::RectF AnimateNode::GetAnimationBoundsSince(
const scoped_refptr<RefCountedTraversalList>& traverse_list,
base::TimeDelta time_offset, const scoped_refptr<Node>& animated,
base::TimeDelta since) {
TRACE_EVENT0("cobalt::renderer", "AnimateNode::GetAnimationBoundsSince()");
BoundsVisitor bounds_visitor(traverse_list->traverse_list(), time_offset,
return bounds_visitor.bounds();
namespace {
// Helper function to always return an empty bounding rectangle.
math::RectF ReturnTrivialEmptyRectBound(base::TimeDelta since) {
return math::RectF();
} // namespace
AnimateNode::AnimateResults AnimateNode::Apply(base::TimeDelta time_offset) {
TRACE_EVENT0("cobalt::renderer", "AnimateNode::Apply()");
if (snapshot_time_) {
// Assume we are always animating forward.
DCHECK_LE(*snapshot_time_, time_offset);
AnimateResults results;
if (traverse_list_.empty()) {
results.animated = this;
// There are no animations, so there is no bounding rectangle, so setup the
// bounding box function to trivially return an empty rectangle.
results.get_animation_bounds_since =
} else {
ApplyVisitor apply_visitor(traverse_list_, time_offset, snapshot_time_);
// Setup a function for returning the bounds on the regions modified by
// animations given a specific starting point in time ("since"). This
// can be used by rasterizers to determine which regions need to be
// re-drawn or not.
results.get_animation_bounds_since = base::Bind(
scoped_refptr<RefCountedTraversalList>(new RefCountedTraversalList(
time_offset, apply_visitor.animated());
if (apply_visitor.animated() == source()) {
// If no animations were actually applied, indicate this by returning
// this exact node as the animated node.
results.animated = this;
} else {
results.animated = new AnimateNode(apply_visitor.animated_traverse_list(),
apply_visitor.animated(), expiry_,
depends_on_time_expiry_, time_offset);
return results;
void AnimateNode::CommonInit(const Builder::InternalMap& node_animation_map,
const scoped_refptr<Node>& source) {
TraverseListBuilder traverse_list_builder(node_animation_map,
if (traverse_list_builder.replace_with_) {
source_ = traverse_list_builder.replace_with_;
} else {
source_ = source;
if (!traverse_list_.empty()) {
// We must adjust the resulting |traverse_list_| from an awkward
// intermediate format of post-order right to left traversal to the more
// natural pre-order left to right traversal expected by ApplyVisitor.
// This can be done by simply reversing the list.
std::reverse(traverse_list_.begin(), traverse_list_.end());
DCHECK(source_.get() == traverse_list_.begin()->node);
expiry_ = traverse_list_builder.expiry_;
depends_on_time_expiry_ = traverse_list_builder.depends_on_time_expiry_;
} // namespace animations
} // namespace render_tree
} // namespace cobalt