blob: 09895ed0295bed842ee5faaeca20b2da68737843 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Cobalt Authors. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "starboard/shared/starboard/media/media_support_internal.h"
#include "starboard/android/shared/jni_env_ext.h"
#include "starboard/android/shared/jni_utils.h"
#include "starboard/android/shared/media_common.h"
#include "starboard/configuration.h"
#include "starboard/media.h"
#include "starboard/shared/starboard/media/media_util.h"
#include "starboard/shared/starboard/media/mime_type.h"
using starboard::android::shared::JniEnvExt;
using starboard::android::shared::ScopedLocalJavaRef;
using starboard::android::shared::SupportedVideoCodecToMimeType;
using starboard::shared::starboard::media::IsSDRVideo;
using starboard::shared::starboard::media::MimeType;
namespace {
const jint HDR_TYPE_DOLBY_VISION = 1;
const jint HDR_TYPE_HDR10 = 2;
const jint HDR_TYPE_HLG = 3;
bool IsHDRTransferCharacteristicsSupported(SbMediaVideoCodec video_codec,
SbMediaTransferId transfer_id) {
const char* mime = SupportedVideoCodecToMimeType(video_codec);
if (!mime) {
return false;
JniEnvExt* env = JniEnvExt::Get();
ScopedLocalJavaRef<jstring> j_mime(env->NewStringStandardUTFOrAbort(mime));
// An HDR capable VP9 or AV1 decoder is needed to handle HDR at all.
bool has_hdr_capable_decoder =
"dev/cobalt/media/MediaCodecUtil", "hasHdrCapableVideoDecoder",
"(Ljava/lang/String;)Z", j_mime.Get()) == JNI_TRUE;
if (!has_hdr_capable_decoder) {
return false;
jint hdr_type;
if (transfer_id == kSbMediaTransferIdSmpteSt2084) {
hdr_type = HDR_TYPE_HDR10;
} else if (transfer_id == kSbMediaTransferIdAribStdB67) {
hdr_type = HDR_TYPE_HLG;
} else {
// No other transfer functions are supported, see
return false;
return JniEnvExt::Get()->CallStarboardBooleanMethodOrAbort(
"isHdrTypeSupported", "(I)Z", hdr_type) == JNI_TRUE;
} // namespace
bool SbMediaIsVideoSupported(SbMediaVideoCodec video_codec,
const char* content_type,
int profile,
int level,
int bit_depth,
SbMediaPrimaryId primary_id,
SbMediaTransferId transfer_id,
SbMediaMatrixId matrix_id,
int frame_width,
int frame_height,
int64_t bitrate,
int fps,
bool decode_to_texture_required) {
if (!IsSDRVideo(bit_depth, primary_id, transfer_id, matrix_id)) {
if (!IsHDRTransferCharacteristicsSupported(video_codec, transfer_id)) {
return false;
// While not necessarily true, for now we assume that all Android devices
// can play decode-to-texture video just as well as normal video.
const char* mime = SupportedVideoCodecToMimeType(video_codec);
if (!mime) {
return false;
// Check extended parameters for correctness and return false if any invalid
// invalid params are found.
MimeType mime_type(content_type);
if (strlen(content_type) > 0) {
// Allows for enabling tunneled playback. Disabled by default.
// Override endianness on HDR Info header. Defaults to little.
mime_type.RegisterStringParameter("hdrinfoendianness", "big|little");
if (!mime_type.is_valid()) {
return false;
bool must_support_tunnel_mode =
mime_type.GetParamBoolValue("tunnelmode", false);
if (must_support_tunnel_mode && decode_to_texture_required) {
SB_LOG(WARNING) << "Tunnel mode is rejected because output mode decode to "
"texture is required but not supported.";
return false;
JniEnvExt* env = JniEnvExt::Get();
ScopedLocalJavaRef<jstring> j_mime(env->NewStringStandardUTFOrAbort(mime));
const bool must_support_hdr = (transfer_id != kSbMediaTransferIdBt709 &&
transfer_id != kSbMediaTransferIdUnspecified);
// We assume that if a device supports a format for clear playback, it will
// also support it for encrypted playback. However, some devices require
// tunneled playback to be encrypted, so we must align the tunnel mode
// requirement with the secure playback requirement.
const bool require_secure_playback = must_support_tunnel_mode;
return env->CallStaticBooleanMethodOrAbort(
"dev/cobalt/media/MediaCodecUtil", "hasVideoDecoderFor",
"(Ljava/lang/String;ZIIIIZZ)Z", j_mime.Get(),
require_secure_playback, frame_width, frame_height,
static_cast<jint>(bitrate), fps, must_support_hdr,
must_support_tunnel_mode) == JNI_TRUE;