blob: e1d8a9a7fb85969a93ac6348e1ee773a06d938f5 [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- ModuleList.h --------------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
#ifndef liblldb_ModuleList_h_
#define liblldb_ModuleList_h_
#include "lldb/Core/Address.h" // for Address
#include "lldb/Core/ModuleSpec.h" // for ModuleSpec
#include "lldb/Core/UserSettingsController.h"
#include "lldb/Utility/FileSpec.h" // for FileSpec
#include "lldb/Utility/Iterable.h"
#include "lldb/Utility/Status.h" // for Status
#include "lldb/lldb-enumerations.h"
#include "lldb/lldb-forward.h"
#include "lldb/lldb-types.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/DenseSet.h"
#include <functional>
#include <list>
#include <mutex>
#include <vector>
#include <stddef.h> // for size_t
#include <stdint.h> // for uint32_t
namespace lldb_private {
class ConstString;
namespace lldb_private {
class FileSpecList;
namespace lldb_private {
class Function;
namespace lldb_private {
class Log;
namespace lldb_private {
class Module;
namespace lldb_private {
class RegularExpression;
namespace lldb_private {
class Stream;
namespace lldb_private {
class SymbolContext;
namespace lldb_private {
class SymbolContextList;
namespace lldb_private {
class SymbolFile;
namespace lldb_private {
class Target;
namespace lldb_private {
class TypeList;
namespace lldb_private {
class UUID;
namespace lldb_private {
class VariableList;
namespace lldb_private {
class ModuleListProperties : public Properties {
FileSpec GetClangModulesCachePath() const;
bool SetClangModulesCachePath(llvm::StringRef path);
bool GetEnableExternalLookup() const;
/// @class ModuleList ModuleList.h "lldb/Core/ModuleList.h"
/// A collection class for Module objects.
/// Modules in the module collection class are stored as reference counted
/// shared pointers to Module objects.
class ModuleList {
class Notifier {
virtual ~Notifier() = default;
virtual void ModuleAdded(const ModuleList &module_list,
const lldb::ModuleSP &module_sp) = 0;
virtual void ModuleRemoved(const ModuleList &module_list,
const lldb::ModuleSP &module_sp) = 0;
virtual void ModuleUpdated(const ModuleList &module_list,
const lldb::ModuleSP &old_module_sp,
const lldb::ModuleSP &new_module_sp) = 0;
virtual void WillClearList(const ModuleList &module_list) = 0;
/// Default constructor.
/// Creates an empty list of Module objects.
/// Copy Constructor.
/// Creates a new module list object with a copy of the modules from \a rhs.
/// @param[in] rhs
/// Another module list object.
ModuleList(const ModuleList &rhs);
ModuleList(ModuleList::Notifier *notifier);
/// Destructor.
/// Assignment operator.
/// Copies the module list from \a rhs into this list.
/// @param[in] rhs
/// Another module list object.
/// @return
/// A const reference to this object.
const ModuleList &operator=(const ModuleList &rhs);
/// Append a module to the module list.
/// Appends the module to the collection.
/// @param[in] module_sp
/// A shared pointer to a module to add to this collection.
void Append(const lldb::ModuleSP &module_sp);
/// Append a module to the module list and remove any equivalent modules.
/// Equivalent modules are ones whose file, platform file and architecture
/// matches.
/// Replaces the module to the collection.
/// @param[in] module_sp
/// A shared pointer to a module to replace in this collection.
void ReplaceEquivalent(const lldb::ModuleSP &module_sp);
bool AppendIfNeeded(const lldb::ModuleSP &module_sp);
void Append(const ModuleList &module_list);
bool AppendIfNeeded(const ModuleList &module_list);
bool ReplaceModule(const lldb::ModuleSP &old_module_sp,
const lldb::ModuleSP &new_module_sp);
/// Clear the object's state.
/// Clears the list of modules and releases a reference to each module
/// object and if the reference count goes to zero, the module will be
/// deleted.
void Clear();
/// Clear the object's state.
/// Clears the list of modules and releases a reference to each module
/// object and if the reference count goes to zero, the module will be
/// deleted. Also release all memory that might be held by any collection
/// classes (like std::vector)
void Destroy();
/// Dump the description of each module contained in this list.
/// Dump the description of each module contained in this list to the
/// supplied stream \a s.
/// @param[in] s
/// The stream to which to dump the object description.
/// @see Module::Dump(Stream *) const
void Dump(Stream *s) const;
void LogUUIDAndPaths(Log *log, const char *prefix_cstr);
std::recursive_mutex &GetMutex() const { return m_modules_mutex; }
size_t GetIndexForModule(const Module *module) const;
/// Get the module shared pointer for the module at index \a idx.
/// @param[in] idx
/// An index into this module collection.
/// @return
/// A shared pointer to a Module which can contain NULL if
/// \a idx is out of range.
/// @see ModuleList::GetSize()
lldb::ModuleSP GetModuleAtIndex(size_t idx) const;
/// Get the module shared pointer for the module at index \a idx without
/// acquiring the ModuleList mutex. This MUST already have been acquired
/// with ModuleList::GetMutex and locked for this call to be safe.
/// @param[in] idx
/// An index into this module collection.
/// @return
/// A shared pointer to a Module which can contain NULL if
/// \a idx is out of range.
/// @see ModuleList::GetSize()
lldb::ModuleSP GetModuleAtIndexUnlocked(size_t idx) const;
/// Get the module pointer for the module at index \a idx.
/// @param[in] idx
/// An index into this module collection.
/// @return
/// A pointer to a Module which can by nullptr if \a idx is out
/// of range.
/// @see ModuleList::GetSize()
Module *GetModulePointerAtIndex(size_t idx) const;
/// Get the module pointer for the module at index \a idx without acquiring
/// the ModuleList mutex. This MUST already have been acquired with
/// ModuleList::GetMutex and locked for this call to be safe.
/// @param[in] idx
/// An index into this module collection.
/// @return
/// A pointer to a Module which can by nullptr if \a idx is out
/// of range.
/// @see ModuleList::GetSize()
Module *GetModulePointerAtIndexUnlocked(size_t idx) const;
/// Find compile units by partial or full path.
/// Finds all compile units that match \a path in all of the modules and
/// returns the results in \a sc_list.
/// @param[in] path
/// The name of the compile unit we are looking for.
/// @param[in] append
/// If \b true, then append any compile units that were found
/// to \a sc_list. If \b false, then the \a sc_list is cleared
/// and the contents of \a sc_list are replaced.
/// @param[out] sc_list
/// A symbol context list that gets filled in with all of the
/// matches.
/// @return
/// The number of matches added to \a sc_list.
size_t FindCompileUnits(const FileSpec &path, bool append,
SymbolContextList &sc_list) const;
/// @see Module::FindFunctions ()
size_t FindFunctions(const ConstString &name, uint32_t name_type_mask,
bool include_symbols, bool include_inlines, bool append,
SymbolContextList &sc_list) const;
/// @see Module::FindFunctionSymbols ()
size_t FindFunctionSymbols(const ConstString &name, uint32_t name_type_mask,
SymbolContextList &sc_list);
/// @see Module::FindFunctions ()
size_t FindFunctions(const RegularExpression &name, bool include_symbols,
bool include_inlines, bool append,
SymbolContextList &sc_list);
/// Find global and static variables by name.
/// @param[in] name
/// The name of the global or static variable we are looking
/// for.
/// @param[in] max_matches
/// Allow the number of matches to be limited to \a
/// max_matches. Specify UINT32_MAX to get all possible matches.
/// @param[in] variable_list
/// A list of variables that gets the matches appended to.
/// @return
/// The number of matches added to \a variable_list.
size_t FindGlobalVariables(const ConstString &name, size_t max_matches,
VariableList &variable_list) const;
/// Find global and static variables by regular expression.
/// @param[in] regex
/// A regular expression to use when matching the name.
/// @param[in] max_matches
/// Allow the number of matches to be limited to \a
/// max_matches. Specify UINT32_MAX to get all possible matches.
/// @param[in] variable_list
/// A list of variables that gets the matches appended to.
/// @return
/// The number of matches added to \a variable_list.
size_t FindGlobalVariables(const RegularExpression &regex, size_t max_matches,
VariableList &variable_list) const;
/// Finds the first module whose file specification matches \a file_spec.
/// @param[in] file_spec_ptr
/// A file specification object to match against the Module's
/// file specifications. If \a file_spec does not have
/// directory information, matches will occur by matching only
/// the basename of any modules in this list. If this value is
/// NULL, then file specifications won't be compared when
/// searching for matching modules.
/// @param[in] arch_ptr
/// The architecture to search for if non-NULL. If this value
/// is NULL no architecture matching will be performed.
/// @param[in] uuid_ptr
/// The uuid to search for if non-NULL. If this value is NULL
/// no uuid matching will be performed.
/// @param[in] object_name
/// An optional object name that must match as well. This value
/// can be NULL.
/// @param[out] matching_module_list
/// A module list that gets filled in with any modules that
/// match the search criteria.
/// @return
/// The number of matching modules found by the search.
size_t FindModules(const ModuleSpec &module_spec,
ModuleList &matching_module_list) const;
lldb::ModuleSP FindModule(const Module *module_ptr) const;
// Find a module by UUID
// The UUID value for a module is extracted from the ObjectFile and is the
// MD5 checksum, or a smarter object file equivalent, so finding modules by
// UUID values is very efficient and accurate.
lldb::ModuleSP FindModule(const UUID &uuid) const;
lldb::ModuleSP FindFirstModule(const ModuleSpec &module_spec) const;
size_t FindSymbolsWithNameAndType(const ConstString &name,
lldb::SymbolType symbol_type,
SymbolContextList &sc_list,
bool append = false) const;
size_t FindSymbolsMatchingRegExAndType(const RegularExpression &regex,
lldb::SymbolType symbol_type,
SymbolContextList &sc_list,
bool append = false) const;
/// Find types by name.
/// @param[in] sc
/// A symbol context that scopes where to extract a type list
/// from.
/// @param[in] name
/// The name of the type we are looking for.
/// @param[in] append
/// If \b true, any matches will be appended to \a
/// variable_list, else matches replace the contents of
/// \a variable_list.
/// @param[in] max_matches
/// Allow the number of matches to be limited to \a
/// max_matches. Specify UINT32_MAX to get all possible matches.
/// @param[in] encoding
/// Limit the search to specific types, or get all types if
/// set to Type::invalid.
/// @param[in] udt_name
/// If the encoding is a user defined type, specify the name
/// of the user defined type ("struct", "union", "class", etc).
/// @param[out] type_list
/// A type list gets populated with any matches.
/// @return
/// The number of matches added to \a type_list.
size_t FindTypes(const SymbolContext &sc, const ConstString &name,
bool name_is_fully_qualified, size_t max_matches,
llvm::DenseSet<SymbolFile *> &searched_symbol_files,
TypeList &types) const;
bool FindSourceFile(const FileSpec &orig_spec, FileSpec &new_spec) const;
/// Find addresses by file/line
/// @param[in] target_sp
/// The target the addresses are desired for.
/// @param[in] file
/// Source file to locate.
/// @param[in] line
/// Source line to locate.
/// @param[in] function
/// Optional filter function. Addresses within this function will be
/// added to the 'local' list. All others will be added to the 'extern'
/// list.
/// @param[out] output_local
/// All matching addresses within 'function'
/// @param[out] output_extern
/// All matching addresses not within 'function'
void FindAddressesForLine(const lldb::TargetSP target_sp,
const FileSpec &file, uint32_t line,
Function *function,
std::vector<Address> &output_local,
std::vector<Address> &output_extern);
bool Remove(const lldb::ModuleSP &module_sp);
size_t Remove(ModuleList &module_list);
bool RemoveIfOrphaned(const Module *module_ptr);
size_t RemoveOrphans(bool mandatory);
bool ResolveFileAddress(lldb::addr_t vm_addr, Address &so_addr) const;
/// @copydoc Module::ResolveSymbolContextForAddress (const Address
/// &,uint32_t,SymbolContext&)
uint32_t ResolveSymbolContextForAddress(const Address &so_addr,
uint32_t resolve_scope,
SymbolContext &sc) const;
/// @copydoc Module::ResolveSymbolContextForFilePath (const char
/// *,uint32_t,bool,uint32_t,SymbolContextList&)
uint32_t ResolveSymbolContextForFilePath(const char *file_path, uint32_t line,
bool check_inlines,
uint32_t resolve_scope,
SymbolContextList &sc_list) const;
/// @copydoc Module::ResolveSymbolContextsForFileSpec (const FileSpec
/// &,uint32_t,bool,uint32_t,SymbolContextList&)
uint32_t ResolveSymbolContextsForFileSpec(const FileSpec &file_spec,
uint32_t line, bool check_inlines,
uint32_t resolve_scope,
SymbolContextList &sc_list) const;
/// Gets the size of the module list.
/// @return
/// The number of modules in the module list.
size_t GetSize() const;
bool LoadScriptingResourcesInTarget(Target *target, std::list<Status> &errors,
Stream *feedback_stream = nullptr,
bool continue_on_error = true);
static ModuleListProperties &GetGlobalModuleListProperties();
static bool ModuleIsInCache(const Module *module_ptr);
static Status GetSharedModule(const ModuleSpec &module_spec,
lldb::ModuleSP &module_sp,
const FileSpecList *module_search_paths_ptr,
lldb::ModuleSP *old_module_sp_ptr,
bool *did_create_ptr,
bool always_create = false);
static bool RemoveSharedModule(lldb::ModuleSP &module_sp);
static size_t FindSharedModules(const ModuleSpec &module_spec,
ModuleList &matching_module_list);
static size_t RemoveOrphanSharedModules(bool mandatory);
static bool RemoveSharedModuleIfOrphaned(const Module *module_ptr);
void ForEach(std::function<bool(const lldb::ModuleSP &module_sp)> const
&callback) const;
// Class typedefs.
typedef std::vector<lldb::ModuleSP>
collection; ///< The module collection type.
void AppendImpl(const lldb::ModuleSP &module_sp, bool use_notifier = true);
bool RemoveImpl(const lldb::ModuleSP &module_sp, bool use_notifier = true);
collection::iterator RemoveImpl(collection::iterator pos,
bool use_notifier = true);
void ClearImpl(bool use_notifier = true);
// Member variables.
collection m_modules; ///< The collection of modules.
mutable std::recursive_mutex m_modules_mutex;
Notifier *m_notifier;
typedef LockingAdaptedIterable<collection, lldb::ModuleSP, vector_adapter,
ModuleIterable Modules() { return ModuleIterable(m_modules, GetMutex()); }
typedef AdaptedIterable<collection, lldb::ModuleSP, vector_adapter>
ModuleIterableNoLocking ModulesNoLocking() {
return ModuleIterableNoLocking(m_modules);
} // namespace lldb_private
#endif // liblldb_ModuleList_h_