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Test cases for Touch Events v1 Recommendation
These tests are based on Mozilla-Nokia-Google's single-touch tests.
The primary purpose of the tests in this document is checking that the createTouch and
createTouchList interfaces of the Touch Events APIs are correctly implemented.
Other interactions are covered in other test files.
This document references Test Assertions (abbrev TA below) written by Cathy Chan
<title>Touch Events createTouch and createTouchList Interface Tests</title>
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width">
<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
setup({explicit_done: true});
// Check a Touch object's atttributes for existence and correct type
// TA: 1.1.2, 1.1.3
function check_Touch_object (t) {
test(function() {
assert_equals(, "[object Touch]", "touch is of type Touch");
}, "touch point is a Touch object");
["long", "identifier"],
["EventTarget", "target"],
["long", "screenX"],
["long", "screenY"],
["long", "clientX"],
["long", "clientY"],
["long", "pageX"],
["long", "pageY"],
].forEach(function(attr) {
var type = attr[0];
var name = attr[1];
// existence check
test(function() {
assert_true(name in t, name + " attribute in Touch object");
}, "Touch." + name + " attribute exists");
// type check
switch(type) {
case "long":
test(function() {
assert_equals(typeof t[name], "number", name + " attribute of type long");
}, "Touch." + name + " attribute is of type number (long)");
case "EventTarget":
// An event target is some type of Element
test(function() {
assert_true(t[name] instanceof Element, "EventTarget must be an Element.");
}, "Touch." + name + " attribute is of type Element");
// Check a TouchList object's attributes and methods for existence and proper type
// Also make sure all of the members of the list are Touch objects
// TA: 1.2.1, 1.2.2, 1.2.5, 1.2.6
function check_TouchList_object (tl) {
test(function() {
assert_equals(, "[object TouchList]", "touch list is of type TouchList");
}, "touch list is a TouchList object");
["unsigned long", "length"],
["function", "item"],
].forEach(function(attr) {
var type = attr[0];
var name = attr[1];
// existence check
test(function() {
assert_true(name in tl, name + " attribute in TouchList");
}, "TouchList." + name + " attribute exists");
// type check
switch(type) {
case "unsigned long":
test(function() {
assert_equals(typeof tl[name], "number", name + " attribute of type long");
}, "TouchList." + name + " attribute is of type number (unsigned long)");
case "function":
test(function() {
assert_equals(typeof tl[name], "function", name + " attribute of type function");
}, "TouchList." + name + " attribute is of type function");
// Each member of tl should be a proper Touch object
for (var i=0; i < tl.length; i++) {
// TouchList.item(x) should return null if x is >= TouchList.length
test(function() {
var t = tl.item(tl.length);
assert_equals(t, null, "TouchList.item(TouchList.length) must return null");
}, "TouchList.item returns null if the index is >= the length of the list");
function check_touch_clientXY(touch) {
assert_equals(touch.clientX, touch.pageX - window.pageXOffset, "touch.clientX is touch.pageX - window.pageXOffset.");
assert_equals(touch.clientY, touch.pageY - window.pageYOffset, "touch.clientY is touch.pageY - window.pageYOffset.");
function run() {
var target0 = document.getElementById("target0");
var touch1, touch2;
test(function() {
touch1 = document.createTouch(window, target0, 42, 15, 20, 35, 40);
assert_equals(, target0, " is target0");
assert_equals(touch1.identifier, 42, "touch.identifier is requested value");
assert_equals(touch1.pageX, 15, "touch.pageX is requested value");
assert_equals(touch1.pageY, 20, "touch.pageY is requested value");
assert_equals(touch1.screenX, 35, "touch.screenX is requested value");
assert_equals(touch1.screenY, 40, "touch.screenY is requested value");
}, "document.createTouch exists and creates a Touch object with requested properties");
touch2 = document.createTouch(window, target0, 44, 25, 30, 45, 50);
var touchList;
test(function() {
touchList = document.createTouchList();
assert_equals(touchList.length, 0, "touchList.length is 0");
}, "document.createTouchList exists and correctly creates a TouchList from zero Touch objects");
if (touchList)
test(function() {
touchList = document.createTouchList(touch1);
assert_equals(touchList.length, 1, "touchList.length is 1");
assert_equals(touchList.item(0), touch1, "touchList.item(0) is input touch1");
}, "document.createTouchList exists and correctly creates a TouchList from a single Touch");
if (touchList)
test(function() {
touchList = document.createTouchList(touch1, touch2);
assert_equals(touchList.length, 2, "touchList.length is 2");
assert_equals(touchList.item(0), touch1, "touchList.item(0) is input touch1");
assert_equals(touchList.item(1), touch2, "touchList.item(1) is input touch2");
}, "document.createTouchList exists and correctly creates a TouchList from two Touch objects");
if (touchList)
target0.innerHTML = "Test complete."
div {
margin: 0em;
padding: 2em;
#target0 {
background: yellow;
border: 1px solid orange;
<body onload="run()">
<h1>Touch Events: createTouch and createTouchList tests</h1>
<div id="target0">Please wait for test to complete...</div>
<div id="log"></div>