blob: 531e90eefe25456fac174e2a7d3947f511f649a2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Console values constructor
function ConsoleValues() {
// Use a prefix on all WLS keys to ensure uniqueness.
this.KEY_PREFIX = 'cobalt.debugConsole.consoleValues';
// Default key used for auto-save, or if the user doesn't specify another.
this.DEFAULT_KEY = 'default';
// Reduced space-separated list of CVal prefixes to display at start-up.
'Cobalt Memory.CPU Memory.MainWebModule Memory.JS Memory.Font ' +
'Count.MainWebModule.ImageCache.Resource ' +
'Count.MainWebModule.DOM.HtmlElement Count.MainWebModule.Layout.Box ' +
'Event.Count.MainWebModule.KeyDown.DOM.HtmlElement.Added ' +
'Event.Count.MainWebModule.KeyDown.Layout.Box.Created ' +
'Event.Count.MainWebModule.KeyDown.Layout.Box.Destroyed ' +
'Event.Duration.MainWebModule.DOM.VideoStartDelay ' +
var names = window.debugHub.getConsoleValueNames();
this.allCVals = names.split(' ');
// If true, we will always pull our list of CVals from
this.useDefaultActiveSet = true;
// Do a single update to initialize everything.
// Console value tree node constructor
function ConsoleValueNode() {
this.value = null;
this.children = null;
// Helper function for addToTree.
// Finds a child node with a specified name, or creates it if necessary.
ConsoleValues.prototype.findOrCreateNode = function (name, node) {
var child = null;
if (node.children.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
child = node.children[name];
} else {
child = new ConsoleValueNode;
node.children[name] = child;
return child;
// Adds a single console value to the tree.
// Console value names are split into components by dot separator. If a name
// has a single component, it is added directly at this level of the tree with
// its value, retrieved from Cobalt. If the name has multiple components, a node
// is created for the first component, then this function is called recursively
// on the remainder of the name, passing in the prefix (prior components) so the
// full name can be constructed for evaluation.
ConsoleValues.prototype.addToTree = function(cval, tree, prefix) {
if (tree.children == null) {
tree.children = new Object;
if (prefix == null) {
prefix = '';
var components = cval.split('.');
if (components.length == 1) {
var node = this.findOrCreateNode(cval, tree);
var fullName = prefix.length > 0 ? prefix + '.' + cval : cval;
node.value = window.debugHub.getConsoleValue(fullName);
} else {
var newPrefix = components[0];
var suffix = cval.substring(newPrefix.length + 1);
node = this.findOrCreateNode(newPrefix, tree);
if (prefix.length > 0) {
prefix += '.';
prefix += newPrefix;
this.addToTree(suffix, node, prefix);
return tree;
// Creates a tree from the console values.
// Each console value name consists of one or more dot-separated components.
// The last component of each console value name corresponds to a leaf node in
// the tree; other components correspond to branch nodes.
// A display string is then created from this tree, where leaf nodes with
// a common ancestor are displayed more compactly.
// This function assumes names are sorted alphabetically.
ConsoleValues.prototype.buildTree = function(cvals) {
var root = new ConsoleValueNode;
for (var i = 0; i < cvals.length; i++) {
this.addToTree(cvals[i], root, '');
return root;
// Helper function for consoleValueTreeToString.
// Creates the formatted string for a single console value node. In the simplest
// case, where the node has no children, this will just be the name and value.
// If the node has a single child, we call this function recursively to output
// that child, with the full name of this node as a prefix. If the node has
// multiple children, we enclose those children in braces and recursively call
// treeToString on the sub-tree.
ConsoleValues.prototype.nodeToString = function(name, node, prefix) {
var result = '';
var value = node.value;
var children = node.children;
var childNames = children != null ? Object.keys(children) : null;
var numChildren = childNames != null ? childNames.length : 0;
if (prefix.length > 0) {
name = prefix + '.' + name;
if (value != null || numChildren > 1) {
result += name + ': ';
if (value != null) {
result += value;
if (numChildren > 0) {
result += ', ';
if (numChildren == 1) {
result += this.nodeToString(childNames[0], children[childNames[0]], name);
} else if (numChildren > 1) {
result += '{';
result += this.treeToString(children, null);
result += '}';
return result;
// Generates a formatted string from the parsed console value tree.
// Uses the helper function nodeToString to process each node.
// This function may in turn be called recursively by nodeToString
// to generate the string for a sub-tree (when a node has multiple children).
ConsoleValues.prototype.treeToString = function(cvalTree, prefix) {
if (prefix == null) {
prefix = '';
var result = '';
var names = Object.keys(cvalTree);
var numNames = names ? names.length : 0;
for (var i = 0; i < numNames; i++) {
result += this.nodeToString(names[i], cvalTree[names[i]], prefix)
if (i < numNames - 1) {
result += ', ';
return result;
// Updates the complete list of registered CVals.
// If any active CVals are no longer registered, remove them from the active set.
ConsoleValues.prototype.updateRegistered = function() {
if (this.useDefaultActiveSet) {
var names = window.debugHub.getConsoleValueNames();
this.allCVals = names.split(' ');
for (var i = 0; i < this.activeCVals.length; i++) {
if (this.allCVals.indexOf(this.activeCVals[i]) < 0) {
this.activeCVals.splice(i, 1);
// Updates the tree.
ConsoleValues.prototype.update = function() {
this.cvalTree = this.buildTree(this.activeCVals);
// Creates a formatted string from the current tree.
ConsoleValues.prototype.toString = function() {
if (this.cvalTree && this.cvalTree.children) {
return this.treeToString(this.cvalTree.children, null);
} else {
return 'No CVals to display.';
// Lists all registered cvals
ConsoleValues.prototype.listAll = function() {
var result = '';
for (var i = 0; i < this.allCVals.length; i++) {
result += this.allCVals[i] + '\n';
return result;
// Adds a single CVal to the active set.
ConsoleValues.prototype.addSingleActive = function(cval) {
if (this.activeCVals.indexOf(cval) < 0) {
return 'Added cval "' + cval + '" to display list.';
} else {
return '"' + cval + '" already in display list.';
// Removes a single CVal from the active set.
ConsoleValues.prototype.removeSingleActive = function(cval) {
var idx = this.activeCVals.indexOf(cval);
if (idx >= 0) {
this.activeCVals.splice(idx, 1);
return 'Removed cval "' + cval + '" from display list.';
} else {
return '"' + cval + '" not in display list.';
// Adds/removes one or more cvals from the active set.
// Each console value is matched against the space-separated list of prefixes
// and the specified method run on each match.
ConsoleValues.prototype.updateActiveSet = function(onMatch, prefixList) {
var result = '';
var prefixesToMatch = prefixList.split(' ');
for (var j = 0; j < prefixesToMatch.length; j++) {
var prefix = prefixesToMatch[j];
var found = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < this.allCVals.length; i++) {
if (this.allCVals[i].indexOf(prefix) == 0) {
found += 1;
result +=, this.allCVals[i]) + '\n';
if (found == 0) {
result += '"' + prefix + '" matched no registed cvals.\n';
return result;
// Saves the current active set using the web local storage.
ConsoleValues.prototype.saveActiveSet = function(key) {
if (this.useDefaultActiveSet) {
// If we are using the default CVals and we go to save our CVal set, lock
// it in to the currently displayed list.
this.useDefaultActiveSet = false;
if (!key || !key.length) {
key = this.DEFAULT_KEY;
var longKey = this.KEY_PREFIX + '.' + key;
var value = '';
for (var i = 0; i < this.activeCVals.length; i++) {
value += this.activeCVals[i];
if (i < this.activeCVals.length - 1) {
value += ' ';
window.localStorage.setItem(longKey, value);
return 'Stored current CVal display set to "' + longKey + '"';
// Loads an active set from web local storage.
ConsoleValues.prototype.loadActiveSet = function(key) {
if (!key || !key.length) {
key = this.DEFAULT_KEY;
var longKey = this.KEY_PREFIX + '.' + key;
var value = window.localStorage.getItem(longKey);
if (value && value.length > 0) {
// If we load CVals from disk, we no longer use the default set.
this.useDefaultActiveSet = false;
this.activeCVals = value.split(' ');
return 'Loaded CVal display set from "' + longKey + '"';
} else {
return 'Could not load CVal display set from "' + longKey + '"';
// Sets the CVal active set to the set of CVals the match the default prefixes.
// Any of the registered console values that match one of the space-separated
ConsoleValues.prototype.setActiveSetToDefault = function() {
this.activeCVals = [];
this.updateActiveSet(this.addSingleActive, this.DEFAULT_ACTIVE_SET);
// Adds one or more CVals to the active list.
// Any of the registered console values that match one of the space-separated
// set of prefixes will be added to the active set.
ConsoleValues.prototype.addActive = function(prefixesToMatch) {
if (this.useDefaultActiveSet) {
// If we modify our list of CVals, we should no longer rely on the defaults.
this.useDefaultActiveSet = false;
return this.updateActiveSet(this.addSingleActive, prefixesToMatch);
// Removes one or more CVals from the active list.
// Any of the registered console values that match one of the space-separated
// set of prefixes will be removed from the active set.
ConsoleValues.prototype.removeActive = function(prefixesToMatch) {
if (this.useDefaultActiveSet) {
// If we modify our list of CVals, we should no longer rely on the defaults.
this.useDefaultActiveSet = false;
return this.updateActiveSet(this.removeSingleActive, prefixesToMatch);