blob: 1c6a2a8a5dad5afd4fc79a152a80fd3e5dcd846b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <atomic>
#include <cstdint>
#include "base/allocator/partition_allocator/partition_alloc_base/compiler_specific.h"
#include "base/allocator/partition_allocator/partition_alloc_base/component_export.h"
#include "base/allocator/partition_allocator/partition_alloc_base/thread_annotations.h"
#include "base/allocator/partition_allocator/partition_alloc_base/time/time.h"
#include "base/allocator/partition_allocator/partition_lock.h"
namespace partition_alloc::internal {
class PCScanScheduler;
struct QuarantineData final {
static constexpr size_t kQuarantineSizeMinLimit = 1 * 1024 * 1024;
inline constexpr QuarantineData();
bool MinimumScanningThresholdReached() const {
return current_size.load(std::memory_order_relaxed) >
std::atomic<size_t> current_size{0u};
std::atomic<size_t> size_limit{kQuarantineSizeMinLimit};
std::atomic<size_t> epoch{0u};
inline constexpr explicit PCScanSchedulingBackend(PCScanScheduler&);
// No virtual destructor to allow constant initialization of PCScan as
// static global which directly embeds LimitBackend as default backend.
PCScanSchedulingBackend(const PCScanSchedulingBackend&) = delete;
PCScanSchedulingBackend& operator=(const PCScanSchedulingBackend&) = delete;
void DisableScheduling();
void EnableScheduling();
bool is_scheduling_enabled() const {
return scheduling_enabled_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
inline QuarantineData& GetQuarantineData();
// Invoked when the limit in PCScanScheduler is reached. Returning true
// signals the caller to invoke a scan.
virtual bool LimitReached() = 0;
// Invoked on starting a scan. Returns current quarantine size.
virtual size_t ScanStarted();
// Invoked at the end of a scan to compute a new limit.
virtual void UpdateScheduleAfterScan(size_t survived_bytes,
base::TimeDelta time_spent_in_scan,
size_t heap_size) = 0;
// Invoked by PCScan to ask for a new timeout for a scheduled PCScan task.
// Only invoked if scheduler requests a delayed scan at some point.
virtual base::TimeDelta UpdateDelayedSchedule();
inline bool SchedulingDisabled() const;
virtual bool NeedsToImmediatelyScan() = 0;
PCScanScheduler& scheduler_;
std::atomic<bool> scheduling_enabled_{true};
// Scheduling backend that just considers a single hard limit.
: public PCScanSchedulingBackend {
static constexpr double kQuarantineSizeFraction = 0.1;
inline constexpr explicit LimitBackend(PCScanScheduler&);
bool LimitReached() final;
void UpdateScheduleAfterScan(size_t, base::TimeDelta, size_t) final;
bool NeedsToImmediatelyScan() final;
// Task based backend that is aware of a target mutator utilization that
// specifies how much percent of the execution should be reserved for the
// mutator. I.e., the MU-aware scheduler ensures that scans are limit and
// there is enough time left for the mutator to execute the actual application
// workload.
// See constants below for trigger mechanisms.
: public PCScanSchedulingBackend {
using ScheduleDelayedScanFunc = void (*)(int64_t delay_in_microseconds);
MUAwareTaskBasedBackend(PCScanScheduler&, ScheduleDelayedScanFunc);
bool LimitReached() final;
size_t ScanStarted() final;
void UpdateScheduleAfterScan(size_t, base::TimeDelta, size_t) final;
base::TimeDelta UpdateDelayedSchedule() final;
// Limit triggering the scheduler. If `kTargetMutatorUtilizationPercent` is
// satisfied at this point then a scan is triggered immediately.
static constexpr double kSoftLimitQuarantineSizePercent = 0.1;
// Hard limit at which a scan is triggered in any case. Avoids blowing up the
// heap completely.
static constexpr double kHardLimitQuarantineSizePercent = 0.5;
// Target mutator utilization that is respected when invoking a scan.
// Specifies how much percent of walltime should be spent in the mutator.
// Inversely, specifies how much walltime (indirectly CPU) is spent on
// memory management in scan.
static constexpr double kTargetMutatorUtilizationPercent = 0.90;
bool NeedsToImmediatelyScan() final;
// Callback to schedule a delayed scan.
const ScheduleDelayedScanFunc schedule_delayed_scan_;
Lock scheduler_lock_;
size_t hard_limit_ PA_GUARDED_BY(scheduler_lock_){0};
base::TimeTicks earliest_next_scan_time_ PA_GUARDED_BY(scheduler_lock_);
friend class PartitionAllocPCScanMUAwareTaskBasedBackendTest;
// The scheduler that is embedded in the PCSCan frontend which requires a fast
// path for freeing objects. The scheduler holds data needed to invoke a
// `PCScanSchedulingBackend` upon hitting a limit. The backend implements
// the actual scheduling strategy and is in charge of maintaining limits.
inline constexpr PCScanScheduler();
PCScanScheduler(const PCScanScheduler&) = delete;
PCScanScheduler& operator=(const PCScanScheduler&) = delete;
// Account freed `bytes`. Returns true if scan should be triggered
// immediately, and false otherwise.
PA_ALWAYS_INLINE bool AccountFreed(size_t bytes);
size_t epoch() const {
return quarantine_data_.epoch.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
// Sets a new scheduling backend that should be used by the scanner.
void SetNewSchedulingBackend(PCScanSchedulingBackend&);
PCScanSchedulingBackend& scheduling_backend() { return *backend_; }
const PCScanSchedulingBackend& scheduling_backend() const {
return *backend_;
QuarantineData quarantine_data_{};
// The default backend used is a simple LimitBackend that just triggers scan
// on reaching a hard limit.
LimitBackend default_scheduling_backend_{*this};
PCScanSchedulingBackend* backend_ = &default_scheduling_backend_;
friend PCScanSchedulingBackend;
// To please Chromium's clang plugin.
constexpr PCScanScheduler::PCScanScheduler() = default;
constexpr QuarantineData::QuarantineData() = default;
constexpr PCScanSchedulingBackend::PCScanSchedulingBackend(
PCScanScheduler& scheduler)
: scheduler_(scheduler) {}
QuarantineData& PCScanSchedulingBackend::GetQuarantineData() {
return scheduler_.quarantine_data_;
constexpr LimitBackend::LimitBackend(PCScanScheduler& scheduler)
: PCScanSchedulingBackend(scheduler) {}
PA_ALWAYS_INLINE bool PCScanScheduler::AccountFreed(size_t size) {
const size_t size_before =
quarantine_data_.current_size.fetch_add(size, std::memory_order_relaxed);
return (size_before + size >
quarantine_data_.size_limit.load(std::memory_order_relaxed)) &&
} // namespace partition_alloc::internal