blob: 1f1e264d4af859f1cead26fcddb83f2dfb7f38ab [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package org.chromium.base.task;
import android.os.Handler;
import org.chromium.base.Log;
import org.chromium.base.ThreadUtils;
import org.chromium.base.annotations.CalledByNative;
import org.chromium.base.annotations.JNINamespace;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import java.util.concurrent.Executor;
import java.util.concurrent.FutureTask;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import javax.annotation.concurrent.GuardedBy;
* Java interface to the native chromium scheduler. Note tasks can be posted before native
* initialization, but task prioritization is extremely limited. Once the native scheduler
* is ready, tasks will be migrated over.
public class PostTask {
private static final String TAG = "PostTask";
private static final Object sPreNativeTaskRunnerLock = new Object();
private static List<TaskRunnerImpl> sPreNativeTaskRunners = new ArrayList<>();
// Volatile is sufficient for synchronization here since we never need to read-write. This is a
// one-way switch (outside of testing) and volatile makes writes to it immediately visible to
// other threads.
private static volatile boolean sNativeInitialized;
private static ChromeThreadPoolExecutor sPrenativeThreadPoolExecutor =
new ChromeThreadPoolExecutor();
private static volatile Executor sPrenativeThreadPoolExecutorOverride;
private static final ThreadPoolTaskExecutor sThreadPoolTaskExecutor =
new ThreadPoolTaskExecutor();
// Initialized on demand or when the UI thread is initialized to allow embedders (eg WebView) to
// override the UI thread.
private static UiThreadTaskExecutor sUiThreadTaskExecutor;
// Used by AsyncTask / ChainedTask to auto-cancel tasks from prior tests.
static int sTestIterationForTesting;
* @param traits The TaskTraits that describe the desired TaskRunner.
* @return The TaskRunner for the specified TaskTraits.
public static TaskRunner createTaskRunner(@TaskTraits int taskTraits) {
return getTaskExecutorForTraits(taskTraits).createTaskRunner(taskTraits);
* Creates and returns a SequencedTaskRunner. SequencedTaskRunners automatically destroy
* themselves, so the destroy() function is not required to be called.
* @param traits The TaskTraits that describe the desired TaskRunner.
* @return The TaskRunner for the specified TaskTraits.
public static SequencedTaskRunner createSequencedTaskRunner(@TaskTraits int taskTraits) {
return getTaskExecutorForTraits(taskTraits).createSequencedTaskRunner(taskTraits);
* @param traits The TaskTraits that describe the desired TaskRunner.
* @return The TaskRunner for the specified TaskTraits.
public static SingleThreadTaskRunner createSingleThreadTaskRunner(@TaskTraits int taskTraits) {
return getTaskExecutorForTraits(taskTraits).createSingleThreadTaskRunner(taskTraits);
* @param taskTraits The TaskTraits that describe the desired TaskRunner.
* @param task The task to be run with the specified traits.
public static void postTask(@TaskTraits int taskTraits, Runnable task) {
postDelayedTask(taskTraits, task, 0);
* @param taskTraits The TaskTraits that describe the desired TaskRunner.
* @param task The task to be run with the specified traits.
* @param delay The delay in milliseconds before the task can be run.
public static void postDelayedTask(@TaskTraits int taskTraits, Runnable task, long delay) {
getTaskExecutorForTraits(taskTraits).postDelayedTask(taskTraits, task, delay);
* This function executes the task immediately if the current thread is the
* same as the one corresponding to the SingleThreadTaskRunner, otherwise it
* posts it.
* It should be executed only for tasks with traits corresponding to
* executors backed by a SingleThreadTaskRunner, like TaskTraits.UI_*.
* Use this only for trivial tasks as it ignores task priorities.
* @param taskTraits The TaskTraits that describe the desired TaskRunner.
* @param task The task to be run with the specified traits.
public static void runOrPostTask(@TaskTraits int taskTraits, Runnable task) {
if (getTaskExecutorForTraits(taskTraits).canRunTaskImmediately(taskTraits)) {;
} else {
postTask(taskTraits, task);
* Returns true if the task can be executed immediately (i.e. the current thread is the same as
* the one corresponding to the SingleThreadTaskRunner)
public static boolean canRunTaskImmediately(@TaskTraits int taskTraits) {
return getTaskExecutorForTraits(taskTraits).canRunTaskImmediately(taskTraits);
* This function executes the task immediately if the current thread is the
* same as the one corresponding to the SingleThreadTaskRunner, otherwise it
* posts it and blocks until the task finishes.
* It should be executed only for tasks with traits corresponding to
* executors backed by a SingleThreadTaskRunner, like TaskTraits.UI_*.
* Use this only for trivial tasks as it ignores task priorities.
* Note that non-test usage of this function is heavily discouraged. For non-tests, use
* callbacks rather than blocking threads.
* @param taskTraits The TaskTraits that describe the desired TaskRunner.
* @param task The task to be run with the specified traits.
* @return The result of the callable
public static <T> T runSynchronously(@TaskTraits int taskTraits, Callable<T> c) {
return runSynchronouslyInternal(taskTraits, new FutureTask<T>(c));
* This function executes the task immediately if the current thread is the
* same as the one corresponding to the SingleThreadTaskRunner, otherwise it
* posts it and blocks until the task finishes.
* It should be executed only for tasks with traits corresponding to
* executors backed by a SingleThreadTaskRunner, like TaskTraits.UI_*.
* Use this only for trivial tasks as it ignores task priorities.
* Note that non-test usage of this function is heavily discouraged. For non-tests, use
* callbacks rather than blocking threads.
* @param taskTraits The TaskTraits that describe the desired TaskRunner.
* @param task The task to be run with the specified traits.
public static void runSynchronously(@TaskTraits int taskTraits, Runnable r) {
runSynchronouslyInternal(taskTraits, new FutureTask<Void>(r, null));
private static <T> T runSynchronouslyInternal(@TaskTraits int taskTraits, FutureTask<T> task) {
runOrPostTask(taskTraits, task);
try {
return task.get();
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
* Lets a test override the pre-native thread pool executor.
* @param executor The Executor to use for pre-native thread pool tasks.
public static void setPrenativeThreadPoolExecutorForTesting(Executor executor) {
sPrenativeThreadPoolExecutorOverride = executor;
* Clears an override set by setPrenativeThreadPoolExecutorOverrideForTesting.
public static void resetPrenativeThreadPoolExecutorForTesting() {
sPrenativeThreadPoolExecutorOverride = null;
* @return The current Executor that PrenativeThreadPool tasks should run on.
static Executor getPrenativeThreadPoolExecutor() {
if (sPrenativeThreadPoolExecutorOverride != null) {
return sPrenativeThreadPoolExecutorOverride;
return sPrenativeThreadPoolExecutor;
* Called by every TaskRunnerImpl on its creation, attempts to register this TaskRunner as
* pre-native, unless the native scheduler has been initialized already, and informs the caller
* about the outcome.
* @param taskRunner The TaskRunnerImpl to be registered.
* @return If the taskRunner got registered as pre-native.
static boolean registerPreNativeTaskRunner(TaskRunnerImpl taskRunner) {
synchronized (sPreNativeTaskRunnerLock) {
if (sPreNativeTaskRunners == null) return false;
return true;
private static TaskExecutor getTaskExecutorForTraits(@TaskTraits int traits) {
if (traits >= TaskTraits.UI_TRAITS_START) {
// UI thread may be posted to before initialized, so trigger the initialization.
if (sUiThreadTaskExecutor == null) ThreadUtils.getUiThreadHandler();
return sUiThreadTaskExecutor;
return sThreadPoolTaskExecutor;
private static void onNativeSchedulerReady() {
// Unit tests call this multiple times.
if (sNativeInitialized) return;
sNativeInitialized = true;
List<TaskRunnerImpl> preNativeTaskRunners;
synchronized (sPreNativeTaskRunnerLock) {
preNativeTaskRunners = sPreNativeTaskRunners;
sPreNativeTaskRunners = null;
for (TaskRunnerImpl taskRunner : preNativeTaskRunners) {
/** Drops all queued pre-native tasks. */
public static void flushJobsAndResetForTesting() throws InterruptedException {
ChromeThreadPoolExecutor executor = sPrenativeThreadPoolExecutor;
// Potential race condition, but by checking queue size first we overcount if anything.
int taskCount = executor.getQueue().size() + executor.getActiveCount();
if (taskCount > 0) {
executor.awaitTermination(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
sPrenativeThreadPoolExecutor = new ChromeThreadPoolExecutor();
synchronized (sPreNativeTaskRunnerLock) {
// Clear rather than rely on sTestIterationForTesting in case there are task runners
// that are stored in static fields (re-used between tests).
if (sPreNativeTaskRunners != null) {
for (TaskRunnerImpl taskRunner : sPreNativeTaskRunners) {
// Clearing would not reliably work in non-robolectric environments since
// a currently running background task could post a new task after the queue
// is cleared. However, Robolectric controls executors to prevent actual
// concurrency, so this approach should work fine.
taskCount += taskRunner.clearTaskQueueForTesting();
if (taskCount > 0) {
Log.w(TAG, "%d background task(s) existed after test finished.", taskCount);
/** Called once when the UI thread has been initialized */
public static void onUiThreadReady(Handler uiThreadHandler) {
assert sUiThreadTaskExecutor == null;
sUiThreadTaskExecutor = new UiThreadTaskExecutor(uiThreadHandler);
public static void resetUiThreadForTesting() {
// UI Thread cannot be reset cleanly after native initialization.
assert !sNativeInitialized;
sUiThreadTaskExecutor = null;