blob: ed26f3de9bed095cdd1d8f928b442c4b50b95e0e [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# This file creates |platform_pak_locales| which is the set of packed locales
# based on the current platform. Locales in this list are formatted based on
# what .pak files expect. The |platform_pak_locales| variable *may* contain
# pseudolocales, depending on the |enable_pseudolocales| flag.
# If you specifically want to have the locales variable with or without
# pseudolocales, then use |locales_with_pseudolocales| or
# |locales_without_pseudolocales|.
# The following additional platform specific lists are created:
# - |extended_locales| list of locales not shipped on desktop builds
# - |android_bundle_locales_as_resources| locales formatted for XML output names
# - |locales_as_apple_outputs| formatted for mac output bundles
pseudolocales = [
# Superset of all locales used in Chrome with platform specific changes noted.
all_chrome_locales =
"es-419", # "es-MX" in iOS (Mexico vs Latin America) "es-US" on Android
"fil", # "tl" in .xml but "fil" in TC and .pak
"he", # "iw" in .xml and TC but "he" in .pak
"id", # "in" in .xml but "id" in TC and .pak
"nb", # "no" in TC but "nb" in .xml and .pak
"pt-BR", # just "pt" in iOS
"sr-Latn", # -b+sr+Latn in .xml
] + pseudolocales
if (is_ios) {
# Chrome on iOS uses "es-MX" and "pt" for "es-419" and "pt-BR".
all_chrome_locales -= [
all_chrome_locales += [
# Chrome locales not on Windows, Mac, or Linux.
# This list is used for all platforms except Android. On Android, this list is
# modified to exclude locales that are not used on Android, so
# `platform_pak_locales - extended_locales` works as expected.
extended_locales = [
# Chrome locales not on Android.
# These locales have not yet been tested yet. Specifically, AOSP has not been
# translated to Welsh at the time of writing (April 2022):
# Due to this, the only way a user could see Welsh strings - assuming they were
# built - would be to manually switch their "Chrome language" in Chrome's
# language settings to Welsh, so Welsh usage would probably be very low.
_non_android_locales = [ "cy" ]
# Setup |platform_pak_locales| for each platform.
platform_pak_locales = all_chrome_locales
if (is_android) {
platform_pak_locales -= _non_android_locales
extended_locales -= _non_android_locales
} else {
platform_pak_locales -= extended_locales
# The base list for all platforms except Android excludes the extended locales.
# Add or subtract platform specific locales below.
if (is_chromeos) {
platform_pak_locales += [
platform_pak_locales -= [ "ur" ]
} else if (is_ios) {
platform_pak_locales -= [
# List for Android locale names in .xml exports. Note: needs to stay in sync
# with |ToAndroidLocaleName| in build/android/gyp/util/
if (is_android) {
# - add r: (e.g. zh-HK -> zh-rHK )
android_bundle_locales_as_resources = []
foreach(_locale, platform_pak_locales) {
android_bundle_locales_as_resources +=
[ string_replace(_locale, "-", "-r") ]
# - remove en-US
# - swap: (he, id, en-419, fil) -> (iw, in, es-rUS, tl)
# - sr-rLatn -> -b+sr+Latn
android_bundle_locales_as_resources -= [
android_bundle_locales_as_resources += [
locales_without_pseudolocales = platform_pak_locales - pseudolocales
locales_with_pseudolocales = platform_pak_locales
declare_args() {
# We want to give pseudolocales to everyone except end-users (devs & QA).
# Note that this only packages the locales in, and doesn't add the ui to enable them.
enable_pseudolocales = !is_official_build
if (!enable_pseudolocales) {
platform_pak_locales -= pseudolocales
if (is_apple) {
# Same as the locales list but in the format Mac expects for output files:
# it uses underscores instead of hyphens, and "en" instead of "en-US".
locales_as_apple_outputs = []
foreach(locale, platform_pak_locales) {
if (locale == "en-US") {
locales_as_apple_outputs += [ "en" ]
} else {
locales_as_apple_outputs += [ string_replace(locale, "-", "_") ]