blob: 4a516cbabd1fe0db3c8bb10b8cd04c631afc98d1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "base/time/time.h"
namespace media {
// Aggregates and reports glitch statistics.
// Stats are aggregated and reported to UMA periodically every 1000th call to
// UpdateStats(), and longer-term (manually reset) stats are available via
// GetLongTermStatsAndReset().
class SystemGlitchReporter {
// Used to determine which UMA metrics to log.
enum class StreamType { kCapture, kRender };
struct Stats {
int glitches_detected = 0;
base::TimeDelta total_glitch_duration;
base::TimeDelta largest_glitch_duration;
SystemGlitchReporter(StreamType stream_type);
// Resets all state: both periodic and long-term stats.
Stats GetLongTermStatsAndReset();
// Updates statistics and metric reporting counters. Any non-zero
// |glitch_duration| is considered a glitch.
void UpdateStats(base::TimeDelta glitch_duration);
const std::string num_glitches_detected_metric_name_;
const std::string total_glitch_duration_metric_name_;
const std::string largest_glitch_duration_metric_name_;
const std::string early_glitch_detected_metric_name_;
int callback_count_ = 0;
// Stats reported periodically to UMA. Resets every 1000 callbacks and on
// GetLongTermStatsAndReset().
Stats short_term_stats_;
// Stats that only reset on GetLongTermStatsAndReset().
Stats long_term_stats_;
// Long-term metric reported in ReportLongTermStatsAndReset().
// Records whether any glitch occurred during the first 1000 callbacks.
bool early_glitch_detected_ = false;
} // namespace media