blob: 8d15e98b8c8230242191ff561855db144cdd31b6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Avoid including strsafe.h via dshow as it will cause build warnings.
#include <dshow.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include "media/base/video_facing.h"
#include "media/capture/mojom/image_capture_types.h"
namespace media {
// Windows platform stores pan and tilt (min, max, step and current) in
// degrees. Spec expects them in arc seconds.
// spec:
long CaptureAngleToPlatformValue(double arc_seconds);
double PlatformAngleToCaptureValue(long degrees);
double PlatformAngleToCaptureStep(long step, double min, double max);
// Windows platform stores exposure time (min, max and current) in log base 2
// seconds. If value is n, exposure time is 2^n seconds. Spec expects exposure
// times in 100 micro seconds.
// spec:
long CaptureExposureTimeToPlatformValue(double hundreds_of_microseconds);
double PlatformExposureTimeToCaptureValue(long log_seconds);
double PlatformExposureTimeToCaptureStep(long log_step, double min, double max);
// Returns the rotation of the camera. Returns 0 if it's not a built-in camera,
// or auto-rotation is not enabled, or only displays on external monitors.
int GetCameraRotation(VideoFacingMode facing);
bool IsAutoRotationEnabled();
bool IsInternalCamera(VideoFacingMode facing);
// Returns true if target device has active internal display panel, e.g. the
// screen attached to tablets or laptops, and stores its device info in
// |internal_display_device|.
bool HasActiveInternalDisplayDevice(DISPLAY_DEVICE* internal_display_device);
// Returns S_OK if the path info of the target display device with input
// |device_name| shows it is an internal display panel.
HRESULT CheckPathInfoForInternal(const PCWSTR device_name);
// Returns true if this is an integrated display panel.
bool IsInternalVideoOutput(
const DISPLAYCONFIG_VIDEO_OUTPUT_TECHNOLOGY video_output_tech_type);
static inline double PlatformToCaptureValue(long value) {
return value;
static inline double PlatformToCaptureStep(long step, double min, double max) {
return step;
// Retrieves the control range and value using the provided getters, and
// optionally returns the associated supported and current mode.
template <typename RangeGetter, typename CurrentValueGetter>
static mojom::RangePtr RetrieveControlRangeAndCurrent(
RangeGetter range_getter,
CurrentValueGetter current_value_getter,
std::vector<mojom::MeteringMode>* supported_modes = nullptr,
mojom::MeteringMode* current_mode = nullptr,
double (*value_converter)(long) = PlatformToCaptureValue,
double (*step_converter)(long, double, double) = PlatformToCaptureStep) {
auto control_range = mojom::Range::New();
long min, max, step, default_value, flags;
HRESULT hr = range_getter(&min, &max, &step, &default_value, &flags);
DLOG_IF(ERROR, FAILED(hr)) << "Control range reading failed: "
<< logging::SystemErrorCodeToString(hr);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
control_range->min = value_converter(min);
control_range->max = value_converter(max);
control_range->step =
step_converter(step, control_range->min, control_range->max);
if (supported_modes != nullptr) {
if (flags & CameraControl_Flags_Auto)
if (flags & CameraControl_Flags_Manual)
long current;
hr = current_value_getter(&current, &flags);
DLOG_IF(ERROR, FAILED(hr)) << "Control value reading failed: "
<< logging::SystemErrorCodeToString(hr);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
control_range->current = value_converter(current);
if (current_mode != nullptr) {
if (flags & CameraControl_Flags_Auto)
*current_mode = mojom::MeteringMode::CONTINUOUS;
else if (flags & CameraControl_Flags_Manual)
*current_mode = mojom::MeteringMode::MANUAL;
return control_range;
} // namespace media