blob: 31516ee4a11cbc5f8eae8dd25a6a50583981000e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/containers/circular_deque.h"
#include "base/memory/memory_pressure_listener.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/synchronization/lock.h"
#include "base/thread_annotations.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "media/base/demuxer.h"
#include "media/base/demuxer_stream.h"
#include "media/base/media_tracks.h"
#include "media/base/ranges.h"
#include "media/base/stream_parser.h"
#include "media/filters/source_buffer_parse_warnings.h"
#include "media/filters/source_buffer_state.h"
#include "media/filters/source_buffer_stream.h"
class MEDIA_EXPORT SourceBufferStream;
namespace media {
class AudioDecoderConfig;
class VideoDecoderConfig;
class MEDIA_EXPORT ChunkDemuxerStream : public DemuxerStream {
using BufferQueue = base::circular_deque<scoped_refptr<StreamParserBuffer>>;
#if defined(STARBOARD)
ChunkDemuxerStream(const std::string& mime_type, Type type, MediaTrack::Id media_track_id);
#else // defined(STARBOARD)
ChunkDemuxerStream() = delete;
ChunkDemuxerStream(Type type, MediaTrack::Id media_track_id);
ChunkDemuxerStream(const ChunkDemuxerStream&) = delete;
ChunkDemuxerStream& operator=(const ChunkDemuxerStream&) = delete;
#endif // defined(STARBOARD)
~ChunkDemuxerStream() override;
// ChunkDemuxerStream control methods.
void StartReturningData();
void AbortReads();
void CompletePendingReadIfPossible();
void Shutdown();
// SourceBufferStream manipulation methods.
void Seek(base::TimeDelta time);
bool IsSeekWaitingForData() const;
// Add buffers to this stream. Buffers are stored in SourceBufferStreams,
// which handle ordering and overlap resolution.
// Returns true if buffers were successfully added.
bool Append(const StreamParser::BufferQueue& buffers);
// Removes buffers between |start| and |end| according to the steps
// in the "Coded Frame Removal Algorithm" in the Media Source
// Extensions Spec.
// |duration| is the current duration of the presentation. It is
// required by the computation outlined in the spec.
void Remove(base::TimeDelta start, base::TimeDelta end,
base::TimeDelta duration);
// If the buffer is full, attempts to try to free up space, as specified in
// the "Coded Frame Eviction Algorithm" in the Media Source Extensions Spec.
// Returns false iff buffer is still full after running eviction.
bool EvictCodedFrames(base::TimeDelta media_time, size_t newDataSize);
#if defined(STARBOARD)
base::TimeDelta GetWriteHead() const;
#endif // defined(STARBOARD)
void OnMemoryPressure(
base::TimeDelta media_time,
base::MemoryPressureListener::MemoryPressureLevel memory_pressure_level,
bool force_instant_gc);
// Signal to the stream that duration has changed to |duration|.
void OnSetDuration(base::TimeDelta duration);
// Returns the range of buffered data in this stream, capped at |duration|.
Ranges<base::TimeDelta> GetBufferedRanges(base::TimeDelta duration) const;
// Returns the lowest PTS of the buffered data.
// Returns base::TimeDelta() if the stream has no buffered data.
base::TimeDelta GetLowestPresentationTimestamp() const;
// Returns the highest PTS of the buffered data.
// Returns base::TimeDelta() if the stream has no buffered data.
base::TimeDelta GetHighestPresentationTimestamp() const;
// Returns the duration of the buffered data.
// Returns base::TimeDelta() if the stream has no buffered data.
base::TimeDelta GetBufferedDuration() const;
// Returns the size of the buffered data in bytes.
size_t GetBufferedSize() const;
// Signal to the stream that buffers handed in through subsequent calls to
// Append() belong to a coded frame group that starts at |start_pts|.
// |start_dts| is used only to help tests verify correctness of calls to this
// method. If |group_start_observer_cb_| is set, first invokes this test-only
// callback with |start_dts| and |start_pts| to assist test verification.
void OnStartOfCodedFrameGroup(DecodeTimestamp start_dts,
base::TimeDelta start_pts);
// Called when midstream config updates occur.
// For audio and video, if the codec is allowed to change, the caller should
// set |allow_codec_change| to true.
// Returns true if the new config is accepted.
// Returns false if the new config should trigger an error.
bool UpdateAudioConfig(const AudioDecoderConfig& config,
bool allow_codec_change,
MediaLog* media_log);
bool UpdateVideoConfig(const VideoDecoderConfig& config,
bool allow_codec_change,
MediaLog* media_log);
void UpdateTextConfig(const TextTrackConfig& config, MediaLog* media_log);
void MarkEndOfStream();
void UnmarkEndOfStream();
// DemuxerStream methods.
#if defined(STARBOARD)
std::string mime_type() const override { return mime_type_; }
size_t GetStreamMemoryLimit();
void SetStreamMemoryLimitOverride(size_t memory_limit);
#endif // defined(STARBOARD)
void Read(uint32_t count, ReadCB read_cb) override;
Type type() const override;
StreamLiveness liveness() const override;
AudioDecoderConfig audio_decoder_config() override;
VideoDecoderConfig video_decoder_config() override;
bool SupportsConfigChanges() override;
bool IsEnabled() const;
void SetEnabled(bool enabled, base::TimeDelta timestamp);
// Returns the text track configuration. It is an error to call this method
// if type() != TEXT.
TextTrackConfig text_track_config();
// Sets the memory limit, in bytes, on the SourceBufferStream.
void SetStreamMemoryLimit(size_t memory_limit);
void SetLiveness(StreamLiveness liveness);
MediaTrack::Id media_track_id() const { return media_track_id_; }
// Allows tests to verify invocations of Append().
using AppendObserverCB = base::RepeatingCallback<void(const BufferQueue*)>;
void set_append_observer_for_testing(AppendObserverCB append_observer_cb) {
append_observer_cb_ = std::move(append_observer_cb);
// Allows tests to verify invocations of OnStartOfCodedFrameGroup().
using GroupStartObserverCB =
base::RepeatingCallback<void(DecodeTimestamp, base::TimeDelta)>;
void set_group_start_observer_for_testing(
GroupStartObserverCB group_start_observer_cb) {
group_start_observer_cb_ = std::move(group_start_observer_cb);
enum State {
// Assigns |state_| to |state|
void ChangeState_Locked(State state) EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(lock_);
void CompletePendingReadIfPossible_Locked() EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(lock_);
std::pair<SourceBufferStreamStatus, DemuxerStream::DecoderBufferVector>
GetPendingBuffers_Locked() EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(lock_);
#if defined(STARBOARD)
const std::string mime_type_;
#endif // defined(STARBOARD)
// Specifies the type of the stream.
const Type type_;
StreamLiveness liveness_ GUARDED_BY(lock_);
std::unique_ptr<SourceBufferStream> stream_ GUARDED_BY(lock_);
const MediaTrack::Id media_track_id_;
// Test-only callbacks to assist verification of Append() and
// OnStartOfCodedFrameGroup() calls, respectively.
AppendObserverCB append_observer_cb_;
GroupStartObserverCB group_start_observer_cb_;
// Requested buffer count. The actual returned buffer count could be less
// according to DemuxerStream::Read() API.
uint32_t requested_buffer_count_ = 0;
mutable base::Lock lock_;
State state_ GUARDED_BY(lock_);
ReadCB read_cb_ GUARDED_BY(lock_);
bool is_enabled_ GUARDED_BY(lock_);
#if defined(STARBOARD)
base::TimeDelta write_head_ GUARDED_BY(lock_);
#endif // defined(STARBOARD)
// Demuxer implementation that allows chunks of media data to be passed
// from JavaScript to the media stack.
class MEDIA_EXPORT ChunkDemuxer : public Demuxer {
enum Status {
kOk, // ID added w/o error.
kNotSupported, // Type specified is not supported.
kReachedIdLimit, // Reached ID limit. We can't handle any more IDs.
// |open_cb| Run when Initialize() is called to signal that the demuxer
// is ready to receive media data via AppendToParseBuffer()/AppendChunks().
// |progress_cb| Run each time data is appended.
// |encrypted_media_init_data_cb| Run when the demuxer determines that an
// encryption key is needed to decrypt the content.
// |media_log| Used to report content and engine debug messages.
ChunkDemuxer(base::OnceClosure open_cb,
base::RepeatingClosure progress_cb,
EncryptedMediaInitDataCB encrypted_media_init_data_cb,
MediaLog* media_log);
ChunkDemuxer(const ChunkDemuxer&) = delete;
ChunkDemuxer& operator=(const ChunkDemuxer&) = delete;
~ChunkDemuxer() override;
// Demuxer implementation.
std::string GetDisplayName() const override;
DemuxerType GetDemuxerType() const override;
void Initialize(DemuxerHost* host, PipelineStatusCallback init_cb) override;
void Stop() override;
void Seek(base::TimeDelta time, PipelineStatusCallback cb) override;
bool IsSeekable() const override;
base::Time GetTimelineOffset() const override;
std::vector<DemuxerStream*> GetAllStreams() override;
base::TimeDelta GetStartTime() const override;
int64_t GetMemoryUsage() const override;
absl::optional<container_names::MediaContainerName> GetContainerForMetrics()
const override;
void AbortPendingReads() override;
// ChunkDemuxer reads are abortable. StartWaitingForSeek() and
// CancelPendingSeek() always abort pending and future reads until the
// expected seek occurs, so that ChunkDemuxer can stay synchronized with the
// associated JS method calls.
void StartWaitingForSeek(base::TimeDelta seek_time) override;
void CancelPendingSeek(base::TimeDelta seek_time) override;
// Registers a new `id` to use for AppendToParseBuffer(),
// RunSegmentParserLoop(), AppendChunks(), etc calls. `content_type` indicates
// the MIME type's ContentType and `codecs` indicates the MIME type's "codecs"
// parameter string (if any) for the data that we intend to append for this
// ID. kOk is returned if the demuxer has enough resources to support another
// ID and supports the format indicated by `content_type` and `codecs`.
// kReachedIdLimit is returned if the demuxer cannot handle another ID right
// now. kNotSupported is returned if `content_type` and `codecs` is not a
// supported format.
// The `audio_config` and `video_config` overloads behave similarly, except
// the caller must provide valid, supported decoder configs; those overloads'
// usage indicates that we intend to append WebCodecs encoded audio or video
// chunks for this ID.
[[nodiscard]] Status AddId(const std::string& id,
const std::string& content_type,
const std::string& codecs);
[[nodiscard]] Status AddId(const std::string& id,
std::unique_ptr<AudioDecoderConfig> audio_config);
[[nodiscard]] Status AddId(const std::string& id,
std::unique_ptr<VideoDecoderConfig> video_config);
#if defined(STARBOARD)
// Special version of AddId() that retains the |mime_type| from the web app.
Status AddId(const std::string& id, const std::string& mime_type);
#endif // defined(STARBOARD)
// Notifies a caller via `tracks_updated_cb` that the set of media tracks
// for a given `id` has changed. This callback must be set before any calls to
// AppendToParseBuffer() for this `id`.
void SetTracksWatcher(const std::string& id,
MediaTracksUpdatedCB tracks_updated_cb);
// Notifies a caller via `parse_warning_cb` of a parse warning. This callback
// must be set before any calls to AppendToParseBuffer() for this `id`.
void SetParseWarningCallback(const std::string& id,
SourceBufferParseWarningCB parse_warning_cb);
// Removed an ID & associated resources that were previously added with
// AddId().
void RemoveId(const std::string& id);
// Gets the currently buffered ranges for the specified ID.
Ranges<base::TimeDelta> GetBufferedRanges(const std::string& id) const;
// Gets the lowest buffered PTS for the specified |id|. If there is nothing
// buffered, returns base::TimeDelta().
base::TimeDelta GetLowestPresentationTimestamp(const std::string& id) const;
// Gets the highest buffered PTS for the specified |id|. If there is nothing
// buffered, returns base::TimeDelta().
base::TimeDelta GetHighestPresentationTimestamp(const std::string& id) const;
void OnEnabledAudioTracksChanged(const std::vector<MediaTrack::Id>& track_ids,
base::TimeDelta curr_time,
TrackChangeCB change_completed_cb) override;
void OnSelectedVideoTrackChanged(const std::vector<MediaTrack::Id>& track_ids,
base::TimeDelta curr_time,
TrackChangeCB change_completed_cb) override;
void SetPlaybackRate(double rate) override {}
// Appends media data to the source buffer's stream parser associated with
// `id`. No parsing is done, just buffering the media data for future parsing
// via RunSegmentParserLoop calls. Returns true on success. Returns false if
// the parser was unable to allocate resources; content in `data` is not
// copied as a result, and this failure is reported (through various layers)
// up to the SourceBuffer's implementation of appendBuffer(), which should
// then notify the app of append failure using a `QuotaExceededErr` exception
// per the MSE specification. App could use a back-off and retry strategy or
// otherwise alter their behavior to attempt to buffer media for further
// playback.
[[nodiscard]] bool AppendToParseBuffer(const std::string& id,
const uint8_t* data,
size_t length);
// Tells the stream parser for the source buffer associated with `id` to parse
// more of the data previously sent to it from this object's
// AppendToParseBuffer(). This operation applies and possibly updates
// `*timestamp_offset` during coded frame processing. `append_window_start`
// and `append_window_end` correspond to the MSE spec's similarly named source
// buffer attributes that are used in coded frame processing.
// Returns kSuccess if the segment parser loop iteration succeeded and all
// previously provided data from AppendToParseBuffer() has been inspected.
// Returns kSuccessHasMoreData if the segment parser loop iteration succeeded,
// yet there remains uninspected data remaining from AppendToParseBuffer();
// more call(s) to this method are necessary for the parser to attempt
// inspection of that data.
// Returns kFailed if the segment parser loop iteration hit error and the
// caller needs to run the append error algorithm with decode error parameter
// set to true.
[[nodiscard]] StreamParser::ParseStatus RunSegmentParserLoop(
const std::string& id,
base::TimeDelta append_window_start,
base::TimeDelta append_window_end,
base::TimeDelta* timestamp_offset);
// Appends webcodecs encoded chunks (already converted by caller into a
// BufferQueue of StreamParserBuffers) to the source buffer associated with
// |id|, with same semantic for other parameters and return value as
// RunSegmentParserLoop().
[[nodiscard]] bool AppendChunks(
const std::string& id,
std::unique_ptr<StreamParser::BufferQueue> buffer_queue,
base::TimeDelta append_window_start,
base::TimeDelta append_window_end,
base::TimeDelta* timestamp_offset);
// Aborts parsing the current segment and reset the parser to a state where
// it can accept a new segment.
// Some pending frames can be emitted during that process. These frames are
// applied |timestamp_offset|.
void ResetParserState(const std::string& id,
base::TimeDelta append_window_start,
base::TimeDelta append_window_end,
base::TimeDelta* timestamp_offset);
// Remove buffers between |start| and |end| for the source buffer
// associated with |id|.
void Remove(const std::string& id, base::TimeDelta start,
base::TimeDelta end);
// Returns whether or not the source buffer associated with |id| can change
// its parser type to one which parses |content_type| and |codecs|.
// |content_type| indicates the ContentType of the MIME type for the data that
// we intend to append for this |id|; |codecs| similarly indicates the MIME
// type's "codecs" parameter, if any.
bool CanChangeType(const std::string& id,
const std::string& content_type,
const std::string& codecs);
// For the source buffer associated with |id|, changes its parser type to one
// which parses |content_type| and |codecs|. |content_type| indicates the
// ContentType of the MIME type for the data that we intend to append for this
// |id|; |codecs| similarly indicates the MIME type's "codecs" parameter, if
// any. Caller must first ensure CanChangeType() returns true for the same
// parameters. Caller must also ensure that ResetParserState() is done before
// calling this, to flush any pending frames.
void ChangeType(const std::string& id,
const std::string& content_type,
const std::string& codecs);
// If the buffer is full, attempts to try to free up space, as specified in
// the "Coded Frame Eviction Algorithm" in the Media Source Extensions Spec.
// Returns false iff buffer is still full after running eviction.
[[nodiscard]] bool EvictCodedFrames(const std::string& id,
base::TimeDelta currentMediaTime,
size_t newDataSize);
#if defined(STARBOARD)
base::TimeDelta GetWriteHead(const std::string& id) const;
void SetSourceBufferStreamMemoryLimit(const std::string& guid, size_t limit);
size_t GetSourceBufferStreamMemoryLimit(const std::string& guid);
#endif // defined(STARBOARD)
void OnMemoryPressure(
base::TimeDelta currentMediaTime,
base::MemoryPressureListener::MemoryPressureLevel memory_pressure_level,
bool force_instant_gc);
// Returns the current presentation duration.
double GetDuration();
double GetDuration_Locked();
// Notifies the demuxer that the duration of the media has changed to
// |duration|.
void SetDuration(double duration);
// Returns true if the source buffer associated with |id| is currently parsing
// a media segment, or false otherwise.
bool IsParsingMediaSegment(const std::string& id);
// Returns the 'Generate Timestamps Flag', as described in the MSE Byte Stream
// Format Registry, for the source buffer associated with |id|.
bool GetGenerateTimestampsFlag(const std::string& id);
// Set the append mode to be applied to subsequent buffers appended to the
// source buffer associated with |id|. If |sequence_mode| is true, caller
// is requesting "sequence" mode. Otherwise, caller is requesting "segments"
// mode.
void SetSequenceMode(const std::string& id, bool sequence_mode);
// Signals the coded frame processor for the source buffer associated with
// |id| to update its group start timestamp to be |timestamp_offset| if it is
// in sequence append mode.
void SetGroupStartTimestampIfInSequenceMode(const std::string& id,
base::TimeDelta timestamp_offset);
// Called to signal changes in the "end of stream"
// state. UnmarkEndOfStream() must not be called if a matching
// MarkEndOfStream() has not come before it.
void MarkEndOfStream(PipelineStatus status);
void UnmarkEndOfStream();
void Shutdown();
// Sets the memory limit on each stream of a specific type.
// |memory_limit| is the maximum number of bytes each stream of type |type|
// is allowed to hold in its buffer.
void SetMemoryLimitsForTest(DemuxerStream::Type type, size_t memory_limit);
// Returns the ranges representing the buffered data in the demuxer.
// TODO(wolenetz): Remove this method once MediaSourceDelegate no longer
// requires it for doing hack browser seeks to I-frame on Android. See
Ranges<base::TimeDelta> GetBufferedRanges() const;
enum State {
// Any State at or beyond PARSE_ERROR cannot be changed to a state before
// this. See ChangeState_Locked.
// Helper for AddId's creation of FrameProcessor, and
// SourceBufferState creation, initialization and tracking in
// source_state_map_.
ChunkDemuxer::Status AddIdInternal(
const std::string& id,
std::unique_ptr<media::StreamParser> stream_parser,
std::string expected_codecs);
// Helper for vide and audio track changing.
void FindAndEnableProperTracks(const std::vector<MediaTrack::Id>& track_ids,
base::TimeDelta curr_time,
DemuxerStream::Type track_type,
TrackChangeCB change_completed_cb);
void ChangeState_Locked(State new_state);
// Reports an error and puts the demuxer in a state where it won't accept more
// data.
void ReportError_Locked(PipelineStatus error);
// Returns true if any stream has seeked to a time without buffered data.
bool IsSeekWaitingForData_Locked() const;
// Returns true if all streams can successfully call EndOfStream,
// false if any can not.
bool CanEndOfStream_Locked() const;
// SourceBufferState callbacks.
void OnSourceInitDone(const std::string& source_id,
const StreamParser::InitParameters& params);
// Creates a DemuxerStream of the specified |type| for the SourceBufferState
// with the given |source_id|.
// Returns a pointer to a new ChunkDemuxerStream instance, which is owned by
// ChunkDemuxer.
ChunkDemuxerStream* CreateDemuxerStream(const std::string& source_id,
DemuxerStream::Type type);
void OnNewTextTrack(ChunkDemuxerStream* text_stream,
const TextTrackConfig& config);
// Returns true if |source_id| is valid, false otherwise.
bool IsValidId_Locked(const std::string& source_id) const;
// Increases |duration_| to |new_duration|, if |new_duration| is higher.
void IncreaseDurationIfNecessary(base::TimeDelta new_duration);
// Decreases |duration_| if the buffered region is less than |duration_| when
// EndOfStream() is called.
void DecreaseDurationIfNecessary();
// Sets |duration_| to |new_duration|, sets |user_specified_duration_| to -1
// and notifies |host_|.
void UpdateDuration(base::TimeDelta new_duration);
// Returns the ranges representing the buffered data in the demuxer.
Ranges<base::TimeDelta> GetBufferedRanges_Locked() const;
// Start returning data on all DemuxerStreams.
void StartReturningData();
void AbortPendingReads_Locked();
// Completes any pending reads if it is possible to do so.
void CompletePendingReadsIfPossible();
// Seeks all SourceBufferStreams to |seek_time|.
void SeekAllSources(base::TimeDelta seek_time);
// Generates and returns a unique media track id.
static MediaTrack::Id GenerateMediaTrackId();
// Shuts down all DemuxerStreams by calling Shutdown() on
// all objects in |source_state_map_|.
void ShutdownAllStreams();
// Executes |init_cb_| with |status| and closes out the async trace.
void RunInitCB_Locked(PipelineStatus status);
// Executes |seek_cb_| with |status| and closes out the async trace.
void RunSeekCB_Locked(PipelineStatus status);
mutable base::Lock lock_;
State state_ = WAITING_FOR_INIT;
bool cancel_next_seek_ = false;
raw_ptr<DemuxerHost> host_ = nullptr;
base::OnceClosure open_cb_;
const base::RepeatingClosure progress_cb_;
EncryptedMediaInitDataCB encrypted_media_init_data_cb_;
// MediaLog for reporting messages and properties to debug content and engine.
raw_ptr<MediaLog> media_log_;
PipelineStatusCallback init_cb_;
// Callback to execute upon seek completion.
// TODO(wolenetz/acolwell): Protect against possible double-locking by first
// releasing |lock_| before executing this callback. See
PipelineStatusCallback seek_cb_;
using OwnedChunkDemuxerStreamVector =
OwnedChunkDemuxerStreamVector audio_streams_;
OwnedChunkDemuxerStreamVector video_streams_;
OwnedChunkDemuxerStreamVector text_streams_;
// Keep track of which ids still remain uninitialized so that we transition
// into the INITIALIZED only after all ids/SourceBuffers got init segment.
std::set<std::string> pending_source_init_ids_;
base::TimeDelta duration_ = kNoTimestamp;
// The duration passed to the last SetDuration(). If SetDuration() is never
// called or a RunSegmentParserLoop()/AppendChunks() call or a EndOfStream()
// call changes `duration_`, then this variable is set to < 0 to indicate that
// the `duration_` represents the actual duration instead of a user specified
// value.
double user_specified_duration_ = -1;
base::Time timeline_offset_;
StreamLiveness liveness_ = StreamLiveness::kUnknown;
std::map<std::string, std::unique_ptr<SourceBufferState>> source_state_map_;
std::map<std::string, std::vector<ChunkDemuxerStream*>> id_to_streams_map_;
// Used to hold alive the demuxer streams that were created for removed /
// released SourceBufferState objects. Demuxer clients might still have
// references to these streams, so we need to keep them alive. But they'll be
// in a shut down state, so reading from them will return EOS.
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ChunkDemuxerStream>> removed_streams_;
std::map<MediaTrack::Id, ChunkDemuxerStream*> track_id_to_demux_stream_map_;
#if defined(STARBOARD)
std::map<std::string, std::string> id_to_mime_map_;
#endif // defined(STARBOARD)
} // namespace media