blob: 72077581643b3a0e56ba8fa589ceb178203541e8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "net/log/net_log_with_source.h"
#include <memory>
#include <utility>
#include "base/check_op.h"
#include "base/no_destructor.h"
#include "base/values.h"
#include "net/base/net_errors.h"
#include "net/log/net_log.h"
#include "net/log/net_log_capture_mode.h"
#include "net/log/net_log_values.h"
namespace net {
namespace {
// Returns parameters for logging data transferred events. At a minimum includes
// the number of bytes transferred. If the capture mode allows logging byte
// contents and |byte_count| > 0, then will include the actual bytes.
base::Value::Dict BytesTransferredParams(int byte_count,
const char* bytes,
NetLogCaptureMode capture_mode) {
base::Value::Dict dict;
dict.Set("byte_count", byte_count);
if (NetLogCaptureIncludesSocketBytes(capture_mode) && byte_count > 0)
dict.Set("bytes", NetLogBinaryValue(bytes, byte_count));
return dict;
} // namespace
NetLogWithSource::NetLogWithSource() {
// Conceptually, default NetLogWithSource have no NetLog*, and will return
// nullptr when calling |net_log()|. However for performance reasons, we
// always store a non-null member to the NetLog in order to avoid needing
// null checks for critical codepaths.
// The "dummy" net log used here will always return false for IsCapturing(),
// and have no sideffects should its method be called. In practice the only
// method that will get called on it is IsCapturing().
static base::NoDestructor<NetLog> dummy{base::PassKey<NetLogWithSource>()};
non_null_net_log_ = dummy.get();
NetLogWithSource::~NetLogWithSource() = default;
void NetLogWithSource::AddEntry(NetLogEventType type,
NetLogEventPhase phase) const {
non_null_net_log_->AddEntry(type, source_, phase);
void NetLogWithSource::AddEvent(NetLogEventType type) const {
AddEntry(type, NetLogEventPhase::NONE);
void NetLogWithSource::AddEventWithStringParams(NetLogEventType type,
base::StringPiece name,
base::StringPiece value) const {
AddEvent(type, [&] { return NetLogParamsWithString(name, value); });
void NetLogWithSource::AddEventWithIntParams(NetLogEventType type,
base::StringPiece name,
int value) const {
AddEvent(type, [&] { return NetLogParamsWithInt(name, value); });
void NetLogWithSource::BeginEventWithIntParams(NetLogEventType type,
base::StringPiece name,
int value) const {
BeginEvent(type, [&] { return NetLogParamsWithInt(name, value); });
void NetLogWithSource::EndEventWithIntParams(NetLogEventType type,
base::StringPiece name,
int value) const {
EndEvent(type, [&] { return NetLogParamsWithInt(name, value); });
void NetLogWithSource::AddEventWithInt64Params(NetLogEventType type,
base::StringPiece name,
int64_t value) const {
AddEvent(type, [&] { return NetLogParamsWithInt64(name, value); });
void NetLogWithSource::BeginEventWithStringParams(
NetLogEventType type,
base::StringPiece name,
base::StringPiece value) const {
BeginEvent(type, [&] { return NetLogParamsWithString(name, value); });
void NetLogWithSource::AddEventReferencingSource(
NetLogEventType type,
const NetLogSource& source) const {
AddEvent(type, [&] { return source.ToEventParameters(); });
void NetLogWithSource::BeginEventReferencingSource(
NetLogEventType type,
const NetLogSource& source) const {
BeginEvent(type, [&] { return source.ToEventParameters(); });
void NetLogWithSource::BeginEvent(NetLogEventType type) const {
AddEntry(type, NetLogEventPhase::BEGIN);
void NetLogWithSource::EndEvent(NetLogEventType type) const {
AddEntry(type, NetLogEventPhase::END);
void NetLogWithSource::AddEventWithNetErrorCode(NetLogEventType event_type,
int net_error) const {
if (net_error >= 0) {
} else {
AddEventWithIntParams(event_type, "net_error", net_error);
void NetLogWithSource::EndEventWithNetErrorCode(NetLogEventType event_type,
int net_error) const {
if (net_error >= 0) {
} else {
EndEventWithIntParams(event_type, "net_error", net_error);
void NetLogWithSource::AddEntryWithBoolParams(NetLogEventType type,
NetLogEventPhase phase,
base::StringPiece name,
bool value) const {
AddEntry(type, phase, [&] { return NetLogParamsWithBool(name, value); });
void NetLogWithSource::AddByteTransferEvent(NetLogEventType event_type,
int byte_count,
const char* bytes) const {
AddEvent(event_type, [&](NetLogCaptureMode capture_mode) {
return BytesTransferredParams(byte_count, bytes, capture_mode);
// static
NetLogWithSource NetLogWithSource::Make(NetLog* net_log,
NetLogSourceType source_type) {
if (!net_log)
return NetLogWithSource();
NetLogSource source(source_type, net_log->NextID());
return NetLogWithSource(source, net_log);
// static
NetLogWithSource NetLogWithSource::Make(NetLogSourceType source_type) {
return NetLogWithSource::Make(NetLog::Get(), source_type);
// static
NetLogWithSource NetLogWithSource::Make(NetLog* net_log,
const NetLogSource& source) {
if (!net_log || !source.IsValid())
return NetLogWithSource();
return NetLogWithSource(source, net_log);
// static
NetLogWithSource NetLogWithSource::Make(const NetLogSource& source) {
return NetLogWithSource::Make(NetLog::Get(), source);
NetLog* NetLogWithSource::net_log() const {
if (source_.IsValid())
return non_null_net_log_;
return nullptr;
} // namespace net