blob: 5e4543594c73e30fef0622d0f072fd56827960e2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "net/base/net_export.h"
#include "net/log/net_log.h"
#include "net/log/net_log_event_type.h"
#include "net/log/net_log_source.h"
#include "net/log/net_log_source_type.h"
namespace net {
class NetLog;
// Helper that binds a Source to a NetLog, and exposes convenience methods to
// output log messages without needing to pass in the source.
class NET_EXPORT NetLogWithSource {
// Adds a log entry to the NetLog for the bound source.
void AddEntry(NetLogEventType type, NetLogEventPhase phase) const;
// See "Materializing parameters" in net_log.h for details on |get_params|.
template <typename ParametersCallback>
void AddEntry(NetLogEventType type,
NetLogEventPhase phase,
const ParametersCallback& get_params) const {
non_null_net_log_->AddEntry(type, source_, phase, get_params);
// Convenience methods that call AddEntry with a fixed "capture phase"
// (begin, end, or none).
void BeginEvent(NetLogEventType type) const;
// See "Materializing parameters" in net_log.h for details on |get_params|.
template <typename ParametersCallback>
void BeginEvent(NetLogEventType type,
const ParametersCallback& get_params) const {
AddEntry(type, NetLogEventPhase::BEGIN, get_params);
void EndEvent(NetLogEventType type) const;
// See "Materializing parameters" in net_log.h for details on |get_params|.
template <typename ParametersCallback>
void EndEvent(NetLogEventType type,
const ParametersCallback& get_params) const {
AddEntry(type, NetLogEventPhase::END, get_params);
void AddEvent(NetLogEventType type) const;
// See "Materializing parameters" in net_log.h for details on |get_params|.
template <typename ParametersCallback>
void AddEvent(NetLogEventType type,
const ParametersCallback& get_params) const {
AddEntry(type, NetLogEventPhase::NONE, get_params);
void AddEventWithStringParams(NetLogEventType type,
base::StringPiece name,
base::StringPiece value) const;
void AddEventWithIntParams(NetLogEventType type,
base::StringPiece name,
int value) const;
void BeginEventWithIntParams(NetLogEventType type,
base::StringPiece name,
int value) const;
void EndEventWithIntParams(NetLogEventType type,
base::StringPiece name,
int value) const;
void AddEventWithInt64Params(NetLogEventType type,
base::StringPiece name,
int64_t value) const;
void BeginEventWithStringParams(NetLogEventType type,
base::StringPiece name,
base::StringPiece value) const;
void AddEventReferencingSource(NetLogEventType type,
const NetLogSource& source) const;
void BeginEventReferencingSource(NetLogEventType type,
const NetLogSource& source) const;
// Just like AddEvent, except |net_error| is a net error code. A parameter
// called "net_error" with the indicated value will be recorded for the event.
// |net_error| must be negative, and not ERR_IO_PENDING, as it's not a true
// error.
void AddEventWithNetErrorCode(NetLogEventType event_type,
int net_error) const;
// Just like EndEvent, except |net_error| is a net error code. If it's
// negative, a parameter called "net_error" with a value of |net_error| is
// associated with the event. Otherwise, the end event has no parameters.
// |net_error| must not be ERR_IO_PENDING, as it's not a true error.
void EndEventWithNetErrorCode(NetLogEventType event_type,
int net_error) const;
void AddEntryWithBoolParams(NetLogEventType type,
NetLogEventPhase phase,
base::StringPiece name,
bool value) const;
// Logs a byte transfer event to the NetLog. Determines whether to log the
// received bytes or not based on the current logging level.
void AddByteTransferEvent(NetLogEventType event_type,
int byte_count,
const char* bytes) const;
bool IsCapturing() const { return non_null_net_log_->IsCapturing(); }
// Helper to create a NetLogWithSource given a NetLog and a NetLogSourceType.
// Takes care of creating a unique source ID, and handles the case of NULL
// net_log.
static NetLogWithSource Make(NetLog* net_log, NetLogSourceType source_type);
// Helper to create a NetLogWithSource given a NetLogSourceType.
// Equivalent to calling Make(NetLog*, NetLogSourceType) with NetLog::Get()
static NetLogWithSource Make(NetLogSourceType source_type);
// Creates a NetLogWithSource with an already initialized NetLogSource. If
// |net_log| is null or |source| is not valid, creates an unbound
// NetLogWithSource.
static NetLogWithSource Make(NetLog* net_log, const NetLogSource& source);
// Creates a NetLogWithSource with an already initialized NetLogSource.
// Equivalent to calling Make(NetLog*, NetLogSource&) with NetLog::Get().
// If |source| is not valid, creates an unbound NetLogWithSource.
static NetLogWithSource Make(const NetLogSource& source);
const NetLogSource& source() const { return source_; }
// Returns the bound NetLog*, or nullptr.
NetLog* net_log() const;
NetLogWithSource(const NetLogSource& source, NetLog* non_null_net_log)
: source_(source), non_null_net_log_(non_null_net_log) {}
NetLogSource source_;
// There are two types of NetLogWithSource:
// (a) An ordinary NetLogWithSource for which |source().IsValid()| and
// |net_log() != nullptr|
// (b) A default constructed NetLogWithSource for which
// |!source().IsValid()| and |net_log() == nullptr|.
// As an optimization, both types internally store a non-null NetLog*. This
// way no null checks are needed before dispatching to the (possibly dummy)
// NetLog
raw_ptr<NetLog> non_null_net_log_;
} // namespace net