blob: 4ba30edf65487af45de9b8381f04ba1937c2bf63 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Common utilities for Quic tests
#include <vector>
#include "base/functional/callback.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/task/sequenced_task_runner.h"
#include "base/task/task_runner.h"
#include "base/test/test_pending_task.h"
#include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quiche/quic/core/quic_time.h"
namespace quic {
class MockClock;
} // namespace quic
namespace net::test {
typedef base::TestPendingTask PostedTask;
class TestTaskRunner : public base::SequencedTaskRunner {
explicit TestTaskRunner(quic::MockClock* clock);
TestTaskRunner(const TestTaskRunner&) = delete;
TestTaskRunner& operator=(const TestTaskRunner&) = delete;
// base::TaskRunner implementation.
bool PostDelayedTask(const base::Location& from_here,
base::OnceClosure task,
base::TimeDelta delay) override;
bool PostNonNestableDelayedTask(const base::Location& from_here,
base::OnceClosure task,
base::TimeDelta delay) override;
bool RunsTasksInCurrentSequence() const override;
const std::vector<PostedTask>& GetPostedTasks() const;
// Returns the delay for next task to run. If there is no pending task,
// return QuicTime::Delta::Infinite().
quic::QuicTime::Delta NextPendingTaskDelay();
// Finds the next task to run, advances the time to the correct time
// and then runs the task.
void RunNextTask();
// Fast forwards virtual time by |delta|, causing all tasks with a remaining
// delay less than or equal to |delta| to be executed. |delta| must be
// non-negative.
void FastForwardBy(quic::QuicTime::Delta delta);
// While there are posted tasks, finds the next task to run, advances the
// time to the correct time and then runs the task.
void RunUntilIdle();
~TestTaskRunner() override;
std::vector<PostedTask>::iterator FindNextTask();
const raw_ptr<quic::MockClock> clock_;
std::vector<PostedTask> tasks_;
} // namespace net::test