blob: 7abc52cfd6044a5337a7dea355910438a287f6d5 [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright (c) 2012, Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
Copyrights licensed under the New BSD License. See the accompanying LICENSE file for terms.
var nopt = require('nopt'),
Report = require('../report'),
Reporter = require('../reporter'),
path = require('path'),
fs = require('fs'),
Collector = require('../collector'),
helpFormatter = require('../util/help-formatter'),
formatOption = helpFormatter.formatOption,
formatPara = helpFormatter.formatPara,
filesFor = require('../util/file-matcher').filesFor,
util = require('util'),
Command = require('./index'),
configuration = require('../config');
function ReportCommand() {;
ReportCommand.TYPE = 'report';
util.inherits(ReportCommand, Command);
function printDeprecationMessage(pat, fmt) {
console.error('DEPRECATION WARNING! You are probably using the old format of the report command');
console.error('This will stop working soon, see `istanbul help report` for the new command format');
console.error('Assuming you meant: istanbul report --include=' + pat + ' ' + fmt);
Command.mix(ReportCommand, {
synopsis: function () {
return "writes reports for coverage JSON objects produced in a previous run";
usage: function () {
console.error('\nUsage: ' + this.toolName() + ' ' + this.type() + ' <options> [ <format> ... ]\n\nOptions are:\n\n' +
formatOption('--config <path-to-config>', 'the configuration file to use, defaults to .istanbul.yml'),
formatOption('--root <input-directory>', 'The input root directory for finding coverage files'),
formatOption('--dir <report-directory>', 'The output directory where files will be written. This defaults to ./coverage/'),
formatOption('--include <glob>', 'The glob pattern to select one or more coverage files, defaults to **/coverage*.json'),
formatOption('--verbose, -v', 'verbose mode')
console.error('<format> is one of ');
Report.getReportList().forEach(function (name) {
console.error(formatOption(name, Report.create(name).synopsis()));
'Default format is lcov unless otherwise specified in the config file.',
'In addition you can tweak the file names for various reports using the config file.',
'Type `istanbul help config` to see what can be tweaked.'
].join(' ')));
run: function (args, callback) {
var template = {
config: path,
root: path,
dir: path,
include: String,
verbose: Boolean
opts = nopt(template, { v : '--verbose' }, args, 0),
includePattern = opts.include || '**/coverage*.json',
collector = new Collector(),
config = configuration.loadFile(opts.config, {
verbose: opts.verbose,
reporting: {
dir: opts.dir
formats = opts.argv.remain,
reporter = new Reporter(config);
// Start: backward compatible processing
if (formats.length === 2 &&
Report.getReportList().indexOf(formats[1]) < 0) {
includePattern = formats[1];
formats = [ formats[0] ];
printDeprecationMessage(includePattern, formats[0]);
// End: backward compatible processing
if (formats.length === 0) {
formats = config.reporting.reports();
if (formats.length === 0) {
formats = [ 'lcov' ];
root = opts.root || process.cwd();
root: root,
includes: [ includePattern ]
}, function (err, files) {
if (err) { throw err; }
files.forEach(function (file) {
var coverageObject = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(file, 'utf8'));
reporter.write(collector, false, function (err) {
return callback(err);
module.exports = ReportCommand;