blob: 76035a47447353c38810f713af2af0bb36013481 [file] [log] [blame]
#include <stdio.h>
#include "starboard/common/log.h"
int vfprintf(FILE *restrict f, const char *restrict fmt, va_list ap) {
// There is no Starboard implementation that writes to a FILE object so only
// writing to stdout or stderr are handled.
SB_DCHECK((f == stdout) || (f == stderr));
SbLogFormat(fmt, ap);
// SbLogFormat() is a void function but vfprintf() returns an int: the total
// number of characters written. vsprintf() writes the formatted data from the
// variable argument list to a string and returns the total number of
// characters written. So vsprintf() is returned here to account for
// SbLogFormat() being a void function.
char buffer[16 * 1024];
int char_count = vsprintf(buffer, fmt, ap);
if (f == stdout) {
SbLog(kSbLogPriorityInfo, buffer);
} else if (f == stderr) {
SbLog(kSbLogPriorityError, buffer);
return char_count;