blob: 43f9d383c2ed81f4bf34642f8a925e58ed7313f0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/codegen/safepoint-table.h"
#include "src/common/globals.h"
#include "src/handles/handles.h"
#include "src/objects/code.h"
#include "src/objects/objects.h"
// Frame inheritance hierarchy (please keep in sync with frame-constants.h):
// - CommonFrame
// - CommonFrameWithJSLinkage
// - JavaScriptFrame (aka StandardFrame)
// - InterpretedFrame
// - OptimizedFrame
// - ArgumentsAdaptorFrame (technically a TypedFrame)
// - TypedFrameWithJSLinkage
// - BuiltinFrame
// - JavaScriptBuiltinContinuationFrame
// - JavaScriptBuiltinContinuationWithCatchFrame
// - TypedFrame
// - NativeFrame
// - EntryFrame
// - ConstructEntryFrame
// - ExitFrame
// - BuiltinExitFrame
// - StubFrame
// - JsToWasmFrame
// - CWasmEntryFrame
// - Internal
// - ConstructFrame
// - BuiltinContinuationFrame
// - WasmFrame
// - WasmExitFrame
// - WasmDebugBreakFrame
// - WasmCompileLazyFrame
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
namespace wasm {
class WasmCode;
} // namespace wasm
// Forward declarations.
class AbstractCode;
class Debug;
class ExternalCallbackScope;
class InnerPointerToCodeCache;
class Isolate;
class ObjectVisitor;
class Register;
class RootVisitor;
class StackFrameIteratorBase;
class StringStream;
class ThreadLocalTop;
class WasmInstanceObject;
class WasmModuleObject;
class StackHandlerConstants : public AllStatic {
static const int kNextOffset = 0 * kSystemPointerSize;
static const int kPaddingOffset = 1 * kSystemPointerSize;
static const int kSize = kPaddingOffset + kSystemPointerSize;
static const int kSlotCount = kSize >> kSystemPointerSizeLog2;
class StackHandler {
// Get the address of this stack handler.
inline Address address() const;
// Get the next stack handler in the chain.
inline StackHandler* next() const;
// Get the next stack handler, as an Address. This is safe to use even
// when the next handler is null.
inline Address next_address() const;
// Conversion support.
static inline StackHandler* FromAddress(Address address);
V(ENTRY, EntryFrame) \
V(CONSTRUCT_ENTRY, ConstructEntryFrame) \
V(EXIT, ExitFrame) \
V(OPTIMIZED, OptimizedFrame) \
V(WASM, WasmFrame) \
V(WASM_TO_JS, WasmToJsFrame) \
V(JS_TO_WASM, JsToWasmFrame) \
V(WASM_DEBUG_BREAK, WasmDebugBreakFrame) \
V(C_WASM_ENTRY, CWasmEntryFrame) \
V(WASM_EXIT, WasmExitFrame) \
V(WASM_COMPILE_LAZY, WasmCompileLazyFrame) \
V(INTERPRETED, InterpretedFrame) \
V(STUB, StubFrame) \
V(BUILTIN_CONTINUATION, BuiltinContinuationFrame) \
V(JAVA_SCRIPT_BUILTIN_CONTINUATION, JavaScriptBuiltinContinuationFrame) \
JavaScriptBuiltinContinuationWithCatchFrame) \
V(INTERNAL, InternalFrame) \
V(CONSTRUCT, ConstructFrame) \
V(ARGUMENTS_ADAPTOR, ArgumentsAdaptorFrame) \
V(BUILTIN, BuiltinFrame) \
V(BUILTIN_EXIT, BuiltinExitFrame) \
V(NATIVE, NativeFrame)
// Abstract base class for all stack frames.
class StackFrame {
#define DECLARE_TYPE(type, ignore) type,
enum Type {
NONE = 0,
// Used by FrameScope to indicate that the stack frame is constructed
// manually and the FrameScope does not need to emit code.
// Used to mark the outermost JS entry frame.
// The mark is an opaque value that should be pushed onto the stack directly,
// carefully crafted to not be interpreted as a tagged pointer.
enum JsFrameMarker {
INNER_JSENTRY_FRAME = (0 << kSmiTagSize) | kSmiTag,
OUTERMOST_JSENTRY_FRAME = (1 << kSmiTagSize) | kSmiTag
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(runtime/references) (false positive)
STATIC_ASSERT((INNER_JSENTRY_FRAME & kHeapObjectTagMask) != kHeapObjectTag);
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(runtime/references) (false positive)
struct State {
Address sp = kNullAddress;
Address fp = kNullAddress;
Address* pc_address = nullptr;
Address callee_fp = kNullAddress;
Address* callee_pc_address = nullptr;
Address* constant_pool_address = nullptr;
// Convert a stack frame type to a marker that can be stored on the stack.
// The marker is an opaque value, not intended to be interpreted in any way
// except being checked by IsTypeMarker or converted by MarkerToType.
// It has the same tagging as Smis, so any marker value that does not pass
// IsTypeMarker can instead be interpreted as a tagged pointer.
// Note that the marker is not a Smi: Smis on 64-bit architectures are stored
// in the top 32 bits of a 64-bit value, which in turn makes them expensive
// (in terms of code/instruction size) to push as immediates onto the stack.
static int32_t TypeToMarker(Type type) {
DCHECK_GE(type, 0);
return (type << kSmiTagSize) | kSmiTag;
// Convert a marker back to a stack frame type.
// Unlike the return value of TypeToMarker, this takes an intptr_t, as that is
// the type of the value on the stack.
static Type MarkerToType(intptr_t marker) {
intptr_t type = marker >> kSmiTagSize;
// TODO(petermarshall): There is a bug in the arm simulators that causes
// invalid frame markers.
if (static_cast<uintptr_t>(type) >= Type::NUMBER_OF_TYPES) {
// Appease UBSan.
return Type::NUMBER_OF_TYPES;
DCHECK_LT(static_cast<uintptr_t>(type), Type::NUMBER_OF_TYPES);
return static_cast<Type>(type);
// Check if a marker is a stack frame type marker or a tagged pointer.
// Returns true if the given marker is tagged as a stack frame type marker,
// and should be converted back to a stack frame type using MarkerToType.
// Otherwise, the value is a tagged function pointer.
static bool IsTypeMarker(intptr_t function_or_marker) {
return (function_or_marker & kSmiTagMask) == kSmiTag;
// Copy constructor; it breaks the connection to host iterator
// (as an iterator usually lives on stack).
StackFrame(const StackFrame& original) V8_NOEXCEPT {
this->state_ = original.state_;
this->iterator_ = nullptr;
this->isolate_ = original.isolate_;
// Type testers.
bool is_entry() const { return type() == ENTRY; }
bool is_construct_entry() const { return type() == CONSTRUCT_ENTRY; }
bool is_exit() const { return type() == EXIT; }
bool is_optimized() const { return type() == OPTIMIZED; }
bool is_interpreted() const { return type() == INTERPRETED; }
bool is_wasm() const { return this->type() == WASM; }
bool is_wasm_compile_lazy() const { return type() == WASM_COMPILE_LAZY; }
bool is_wasm_debug_break() const { return type() == WASM_DEBUG_BREAK; }
bool is_arguments_adaptor() const { return type() == ARGUMENTS_ADAPTOR; }
bool is_builtin() const { return type() == BUILTIN; }
bool is_internal() const { return type() == INTERNAL; }
bool is_builtin_continuation() const {
return type() == BUILTIN_CONTINUATION;
bool is_java_script_builtin_continuation() const {
bool is_java_script_builtin_with_catch_continuation() const {
bool is_construct() const { return type() == CONSTRUCT; }
bool is_builtin_exit() const { return type() == BUILTIN_EXIT; }
bool is_java_script() const {
Type type = this->type();
return (type == OPTIMIZED) || (type == INTERPRETED);
bool is_wasm_to_js() const { return type() == WASM_TO_JS; }
bool is_js_to_wasm() const { return type() == JS_TO_WASM; }
// Accessors.
Address sp() const { return state_.sp; }
Address fp() const { return state_.fp; }
Address callee_fp() const { return state_.callee_fp; }
inline Address callee_pc() const;
Address caller_sp() const { return GetCallerStackPointer(); }
inline Address pc() const;
// Skip authentication of the PC, when using CFI. Used in the profiler, where
// in certain corner-cases we do not use an address on the stack, which would
// be signed, as the PC of the frame.
inline Address unauthenticated_pc() const;
Address constant_pool() const { return *constant_pool_address(); }
void set_constant_pool(Address constant_pool) {
*constant_pool_address() = constant_pool;
Address* pc_address() const { return state_.pc_address; }
Address* constant_pool_address() const {
return state_.constant_pool_address;
// Get the id of this stack frame.
StackFrameId id() const { return static_cast<StackFrameId>(caller_sp()); }
// Get the top handler from the current stack iterator.
inline StackHandler* top_handler() const;
// Get the type of this frame.
virtual Type type() const = 0;
// Get the code associated with this frame.
// This method could be called during marking phase of GC.
virtual Code unchecked_code() const = 0;
// Search for the code associated with this frame.
V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE Code LookupCode() const;
virtual void Iterate(RootVisitor* v) const = 0;
static void IteratePc(RootVisitor* v, Address* pc_address,
Address* constant_pool_address, Code holder);
// Sets a callback function for return-address rewriting profilers
// to resolve the location of a return address to the location of the
// profiler's stashed return address.
static void SetReturnAddressLocationResolver(
ReturnAddressLocationResolver resolver);
static inline Address ReadPC(Address* pc_address);
// Resolves pc_address through the resolution address function if one is set.
static inline Address* ResolveReturnAddressLocation(Address* pc_address);
// Printing support.
enum PrintMode { OVERVIEW, DETAILS };
virtual void Print(StringStream* accumulator, PrintMode mode,
int index) const;
Isolate* isolate() const { return isolate_; }
void operator=(const StackFrame& original) = delete;
inline explicit StackFrame(StackFrameIteratorBase* iterator);
virtual ~StackFrame() = default;
// Compute the stack pointer for the calling frame.
virtual Address GetCallerStackPointer() const = 0;
// Compute the stack frame type for the given state.
static Type ComputeType(const StackFrameIteratorBase* iterator, State* state);
#ifdef DEBUG
bool can_access_heap_objects() const;
const StackFrameIteratorBase* iterator_;
Isolate* isolate_;
State state_;
static ReturnAddressLocationResolver return_address_location_resolver_;
// Fill in the state of the calling frame.
virtual void ComputeCallerState(State* state) const = 0;
// Get the type and the state of the calling frame.
virtual Type GetCallerState(State* state) const;
static const intptr_t kIsolateTag = 1;
friend class StackFrameIterator;
friend class StackFrameIteratorBase;
friend class StackHandlerIterator;
friend class SafeStackFrameIterator;
class CommonFrame;
class V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE FrameSummary {
// Subclasses for the different summary kinds:
F(JAVA_SCRIPT, JavaScriptFrameSummary, java_script_summary_, JavaScript) \
F(WASM, WasmFrameSummary, wasm_summary_, Wasm)
#define FRAME_SUMMARY_KIND(kind, type, field, desc) kind,
class FrameSummaryBase {
FrameSummaryBase(Isolate* isolate, Kind kind)
: isolate_(isolate), kind_(kind) {}
Isolate* isolate() const { return isolate_; }
Kind kind() const { return kind_; }
Isolate* isolate_;
Kind kind_;
class JavaScriptFrameSummary : public FrameSummaryBase {
JavaScriptFrameSummary(Isolate* isolate, Object receiver,
JSFunction function, AbstractCode abstract_code,
int code_offset, bool is_constructor,
FixedArray parameters);
void EnsureSourcePositionsAvailable();
bool AreSourcePositionsAvailable() const;
Handle<Object> receiver() const { return receiver_; }
Handle<JSFunction> function() const { return function_; }
Handle<AbstractCode> abstract_code() const { return abstract_code_; }
int code_offset() const { return code_offset_; }
bool is_constructor() const { return is_constructor_; }
Handle<FixedArray> parameters() const { return parameters_; }
bool is_subject_to_debugging() const;
int SourcePosition() const;
int SourceStatementPosition() const;
Handle<Object> script() const;
Handle<String> FunctionName() const;
Handle<Context> native_context() const;
Handle<Object> receiver_;
Handle<JSFunction> function_;
Handle<AbstractCode> abstract_code_;
int code_offset_;
bool is_constructor_;
Handle<FixedArray> parameters_;
class WasmFrameSummary : public FrameSummaryBase {
WasmFrameSummary(Isolate*, Handle<WasmInstanceObject>, wasm::WasmCode*,
int code_offset, bool at_to_number_conversion);
Handle<Object> receiver() const;
uint32_t function_index() const;
wasm::WasmCode* code() const { return code_; }
int code_offset() const { return code_offset_; }
V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE int byte_offset() const;
bool is_constructor() const { return false; }
bool is_subject_to_debugging() const { return true; }
int SourcePosition() const;
int SourceStatementPosition() const { return SourcePosition(); }
Handle<Script> script() const;
Handle<WasmInstanceObject> wasm_instance() const { return wasm_instance_; }
Handle<String> FunctionName() const;
Handle<Context> native_context() const;
bool at_to_number_conversion() const { return at_to_number_conversion_; }
Handle<WasmInstanceObject> wasm_instance_;
bool at_to_number_conversion_;
wasm::WasmCode* const code_;
int code_offset_;
#define FRAME_SUMMARY_CONS(kind, type, field, desc) \
FrameSummary(type summ) : field(summ) {} // NOLINT
static FrameSummary GetTop(const CommonFrame* frame);
static FrameSummary GetBottom(const CommonFrame* frame);
static FrameSummary GetSingle(const CommonFrame* frame);
static FrameSummary Get(const CommonFrame* frame, int index);
void EnsureSourcePositionsAvailable();
bool AreSourcePositionsAvailable() const;
// Dispatched accessors.
Handle<Object> receiver() const;
int code_offset() const;
bool is_constructor() const;
bool is_subject_to_debugging() const;
Handle<Object> script() const;
int SourcePosition() const;
int SourceStatementPosition() const;
Handle<String> FunctionName() const;
Handle<Context> native_context() const;
#define FRAME_SUMMARY_CAST(kind_, type, field, desc) \
bool Is##desc() const { return base_.kind() == kind_; } \
const type& As##desc() const { \
DCHECK_EQ(base_.kind(), kind_); \
return field; \
#define FRAME_SUMMARY_FIELD(kind, type, field, desc) type field;
union {
FrameSummaryBase base_;
class CommonFrame : public StackFrame {
// Accessors.
virtual Object context()
const; // TODO(victorgomes): CommonFrames don't have context.
virtual int position() const;
// Access the expressions in the stack frame including locals.
inline Object GetExpression(int index) const;
inline void SetExpression(int index, Object value);
int ComputeExpressionsCount() const;
Address GetCallerStackPointer() const override;
// Build a list with summaries for this frame including all inlined frames.
// The functions are ordered bottom-to-top (i.e. summaries.last() is the
// top-most activation; caller comes before callee).
virtual void Summarize(std::vector<FrameSummary>* frames) const;
static CommonFrame* cast(StackFrame* frame) {
// It is always safe to cast to common.
return static_cast<CommonFrame*>(frame);
inline explicit CommonFrame(StackFrameIteratorBase* iterator);
void ComputeCallerState(State* state) const override;
// Accessors.
inline Address caller_fp() const;
inline Address caller_pc() const;
// Computes the address of the PC field in the standard frame given
// by the provided frame pointer.
static inline Address ComputePCAddress(Address fp);
// Computes the address of the constant pool field in the standard
// frame given by the provided frame pointer.
static inline Address ComputeConstantPoolAddress(Address fp);
// Iterate over expression stack including stack handlers, locals,
// and parts of the fixed part including context and code fields.
void IterateExpressions(RootVisitor* v) const;
// Returns the address of the n'th expression stack element.
virtual Address GetExpressionAddress(int n) const;
// Determines if the standard frame for the given frame pointer is
// an arguments adaptor frame.
static inline bool IsArgumentsAdaptorFrame(Address fp);
// Used by OptimizedFrames and StubFrames.
void IterateCompiledFrame(RootVisitor* v) const;
friend class StackFrame;
friend class SafeStackFrameIterator;
class TypedFrame : public CommonFrame {
Code unchecked_code() const override { return Code(); }
void Iterate(RootVisitor* v) const override { IterateCompiledFrame(v); }
inline explicit TypedFrame(StackFrameIteratorBase* iterator);
class CommonFrameWithJSLinkage : public CommonFrame {
// Accessors.
virtual JSFunction function() const = 0;
// Access the parameters.
virtual Object receiver() const;
virtual Object GetParameter(int index) const;
virtual int ComputeParametersCount() const;
Handle<FixedArray> GetParameters() const;
virtual int GetActualArgumentCount() const;
// Determine the code for the frame.
Code unchecked_code() const override;
// Lookup exception handler for current {pc}, returns -1 if none found. Also
// returns data associated with the handler site specific to the frame type:
// - OptimizedFrame : Data is not used and will not return a value.
// - InterpretedFrame: Data is the register index holding the context.
virtual int LookupExceptionHandlerInTable(
int* data, HandlerTable::CatchPrediction* prediction);
// Check if this frame is a constructor frame invoked through 'new'.
virtual bool IsConstructor() const;
// Summarize Frame
void Summarize(std::vector<FrameSummary>* frames) const override;
inline explicit CommonFrameWithJSLinkage(StackFrameIteratorBase* iterator);
// Determines if the standard frame for the given frame pointer is a
// construct frame.
static inline bool IsConstructFrame(Address fp);
inline Address GetParameterSlot(int index) const;
class TypedFrameWithJSLinkage : public CommonFrameWithJSLinkage {
void Iterate(RootVisitor* v) const override;
inline explicit TypedFrameWithJSLinkage(StackFrameIteratorBase* iterator);
class JavaScriptFrame : public CommonFrameWithJSLinkage {
Type type() const override = 0;
// Accessors.
JSFunction function() const override;
Object unchecked_function() const;
Script script() const;
Object context() const override;
int GetActualArgumentCount() const override;
inline void set_receiver(Object value);
// Debugger access.
void SetParameterValue(int index, Object value) const;
// Check if this frame is a constructor frame invoked through 'new'.
bool IsConstructor() const override;
// Determines whether this frame includes inlined activations. To get details
// about the inlined frames use {GetFunctions} and {Summarize}.
bool HasInlinedFrames() const;
// Check if this frame has "adapted" arguments in the sense that the
// actual passed arguments are available in an arguments adaptor
// frame below it on the stack.
inline bool has_adapted_arguments() const;
// Garbage collection support.
void Iterate(RootVisitor* v) const override;
// Printing support.
void Print(StringStream* accumulator, PrintMode mode,
int index) const override;
// Return a list with {SharedFunctionInfo} objects of this frame.
virtual void GetFunctions(std::vector<SharedFunctionInfo>* functions) const;
void GetFunctions(std::vector<Handle<SharedFunctionInfo>>* functions) const;
// Architecture-specific register description.
static Register fp_register();
static Register context_register();
static Register constant_pool_pointer_register();
static JavaScriptFrame* cast(StackFrame* frame) {
return static_cast<JavaScriptFrame*>(frame);
static void PrintFunctionAndOffset(JSFunction function, AbstractCode code,
int code_offset, FILE* file,
bool print_line_number);
static void PrintTop(Isolate* isolate, FILE* file, bool print_args,
bool print_line_number);
static void CollectFunctionAndOffsetForICStats(JSFunction function,
AbstractCode code,
int code_offset);
inline explicit JavaScriptFrame(StackFrameIteratorBase* iterator);
Address GetCallerStackPointer() const override;
virtual void PrintFrameKind(StringStream* accumulator) const {}
inline Object function_slot_object() const;
friend class StackFrameIteratorBase;
class NativeFrame : public TypedFrame {
Type type() const override { return NATIVE; }
// Garbage collection support.
void Iterate(RootVisitor* v) const override {}
inline explicit NativeFrame(StackFrameIteratorBase* iterator);
void ComputeCallerState(State* state) const override;
friend class StackFrameIteratorBase;
// Entry frames are used to enter JavaScript execution from C.
class EntryFrame : public TypedFrame {
Type type() const override { return ENTRY; }
Code unchecked_code() const override;
// Garbage collection support.
void Iterate(RootVisitor* v) const override;
static EntryFrame* cast(StackFrame* frame) {
return static_cast<EntryFrame*>(frame);
inline explicit EntryFrame(StackFrameIteratorBase* iterator);
// The caller stack pointer for entry frames is always zero. The
// real information about the caller frame is available through the
// link to the top exit frame.
Address GetCallerStackPointer() const override { return 0; }
void ComputeCallerState(State* state) const override;
Type GetCallerState(State* state) const override;
friend class StackFrameIteratorBase;
class ConstructEntryFrame : public EntryFrame {
Type type() const override { return CONSTRUCT_ENTRY; }
Code unchecked_code() const override;
static ConstructEntryFrame* cast(StackFrame* frame) {
return static_cast<ConstructEntryFrame*>(frame);
inline explicit ConstructEntryFrame(StackFrameIteratorBase* iterator);
friend class StackFrameIteratorBase;
// Exit frames are used to exit JavaScript execution and go to C.
class ExitFrame : public TypedFrame {
Type type() const override { return EXIT; }
// Garbage collection support.
void Iterate(RootVisitor* v) const override;
static ExitFrame* cast(StackFrame* frame) {
return static_cast<ExitFrame*>(frame);
// Compute the state and type of an exit frame given a frame
// pointer. Used when constructing the first stack frame seen by an
// iterator and the frames following entry frames.
static Type GetStateForFramePointer(Address fp, State* state);
static Address ComputeStackPointer(Address fp);
static StackFrame::Type ComputeFrameType(Address fp);
static void FillState(Address fp, Address sp, State* state);
inline explicit ExitFrame(StackFrameIteratorBase* iterator);
void ComputeCallerState(State* state) const override;
friend class StackFrameIteratorBase;
// Builtin exit frames are a special case of exit frames, which are used
// whenever C++ builtins (e.g., Math.acos) are called. Their main purpose is
// to allow such builtins to appear in stack traces.
class BuiltinExitFrame : public ExitFrame {
Type type() const override { return BUILTIN_EXIT; }
static BuiltinExitFrame* cast(StackFrame* frame) {
return static_cast<BuiltinExitFrame*>(frame);
JSFunction function() const;
Object receiver() const;
bool IsConstructor() const;
void Print(StringStream* accumulator, PrintMode mode,
int index) const override;
inline explicit BuiltinExitFrame(StackFrameIteratorBase* iterator);
Object GetParameter(int i) const;
int ComputeParametersCount() const;
inline Object receiver_slot_object() const;
inline Object argc_slot_object() const;
inline Object target_slot_object() const;
inline Object new_target_slot_object() const;
friend class StackFrameIteratorBase;
friend class FrameArrayBuilder;
class StubFrame : public TypedFrame {
Type type() const override { return STUB; }
// Determine the code for the frame.
Code unchecked_code() const override;
// Lookup exception handler for current {pc}, returns -1 if none found. Only
// TurboFan stub frames are supported.
int LookupExceptionHandlerInTable();
inline explicit StubFrame(StackFrameIteratorBase* iterator);
friend class StackFrameIteratorBase;
class OptimizedFrame : public JavaScriptFrame {
Type type() const override { return OPTIMIZED; }
// GC support.
void Iterate(RootVisitor* v) const override;
// Return a list with {SharedFunctionInfo} objects of this frame.
// The functions are ordered bottom-to-top (i.e. functions.last()
// is the top-most activation)
void GetFunctions(std::vector<SharedFunctionInfo>* functions) const override;
void Summarize(std::vector<FrameSummary>* frames) const override;
// Lookup exception handler for current {pc}, returns -1 if none found.
int LookupExceptionHandlerInTable(
int* data, HandlerTable::CatchPrediction* prediction) override;
DeoptimizationData GetDeoptimizationData(int* deopt_index) const;
int ComputeParametersCount() const override;
static int StackSlotOffsetRelativeToFp(int slot_index);
inline explicit OptimizedFrame(StackFrameIteratorBase* iterator);
friend class StackFrameIteratorBase;
Object StackSlotAt(int index) const;
class InterpretedFrame : public JavaScriptFrame {
Type type() const override { return INTERPRETED; }
// Accessors.
int position() const override;
// Lookup exception handler for current {pc}, returns -1 if none found.
int LookupExceptionHandlerInTable(
int* data, HandlerTable::CatchPrediction* prediction) override;
// Returns the current offset into the bytecode stream.
int GetBytecodeOffset() const;
// Updates the current offset into the bytecode stream, mainly used for stack
// unwinding to continue execution at a different bytecode offset.
void PatchBytecodeOffset(int new_offset);
// Returns the frame's current bytecode array.
BytecodeArray GetBytecodeArray() const;
// Updates the frame's BytecodeArray with |bytecode_array|. Used by the
// debugger to swap execution onto a BytecodeArray patched with breakpoints.
void PatchBytecodeArray(BytecodeArray bytecode_array);
// Access to the interpreter register file for this frame.
Object ReadInterpreterRegister(int register_index) const;
void WriteInterpreterRegister(int register_index, Object value);
// Build a list with summaries for this frame including all inlined frames.
void Summarize(std::vector<FrameSummary>* frames) const override;
static int GetBytecodeOffset(Address fp);
static InterpretedFrame* cast(StackFrame* frame) {
return static_cast<InterpretedFrame*>(frame);
inline explicit InterpretedFrame(StackFrameIteratorBase* iterator);
Address GetExpressionAddress(int n) const override;
friend class StackFrameIteratorBase;
// Arguments adaptor frames are automatically inserted below
// JavaScript frames when the actual number of parameters does not
// match the formal number of parameters.
// NOTE: this inheritance is wrong, an ArgumentsAdaptorFrame should be
// of type TypedFrame, but due to FrameInspector::javascript_frame(),
// it needs to be seen as JavaScriptFrame.
// This frame will however be deleted soon.
class ArgumentsAdaptorFrame : public JavaScriptFrame {
Type type() const override { return ARGUMENTS_ADAPTOR; }
// Determine the code for the frame.
Code unchecked_code() const override;
static ArgumentsAdaptorFrame* cast(StackFrame* frame) {
return static_cast<ArgumentsAdaptorFrame*>(frame);
int ComputeParametersCount() const override;
// Printing support.
void Print(StringStream* accumulator, PrintMode mode,
int index) const override;
inline explicit ArgumentsAdaptorFrame(StackFrameIteratorBase* iterator);
friend class StackFrameIteratorBase;
// Builtin frames are built for builtins with JavaScript linkage, such as
// various standard library functions (i.e. Math.asin, Math.floor, etc.).
class BuiltinFrame final : public TypedFrameWithJSLinkage {
Type type() const final { return BUILTIN; }
static BuiltinFrame* cast(StackFrame* frame) {
return static_cast<BuiltinFrame*>(frame);
JSFunction function() const override;
int ComputeParametersCount() const override;
inline explicit BuiltinFrame(StackFrameIteratorBase* iterator);
friend class StackFrameIteratorBase;
class WasmFrame : public TypedFrame {
Type type() const override { return WASM; }
// Printing support.
void Print(StringStream* accumulator, PrintMode mode,
int index) const override;
// Lookup exception handler for current {pc}, returns -1 if none found.
int LookupExceptionHandlerInTable();
// Determine the code for the frame.
Code unchecked_code() const override;
// Accessors.
V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE WasmInstanceObject wasm_instance() const;
V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE wasm::NativeModule* native_module() const;
wasm::WasmCode* wasm_code() const;
uint32_t function_index() const;
Script script() const;
// Byte position in the module, or asm.js source position.
int position() const override;
Object context() const override;
bool at_to_number_conversion() const;
// Byte offset in the function.
int byte_offset() const;
bool is_inspectable() const;
void Summarize(std::vector<FrameSummary>* frames) const override;
static WasmFrame* cast(StackFrame* frame) {
return static_cast<WasmFrame*>(frame);
inline explicit WasmFrame(StackFrameIteratorBase* iterator);
friend class StackFrameIteratorBase;
WasmModuleObject module_object() const;
class WasmExitFrame : public WasmFrame {
Type type() const override { return WASM_EXIT; }
static Address ComputeStackPointer(Address fp);
inline explicit WasmExitFrame(StackFrameIteratorBase* iterator);
friend class StackFrameIteratorBase;
class WasmDebugBreakFrame final : public TypedFrame {
Type type() const override { return WASM_DEBUG_BREAK; }
// GC support.
void Iterate(RootVisitor* v) const override;
void Print(StringStream* accumulator, PrintMode mode,
int index) const override;
static WasmDebugBreakFrame* cast(StackFrame* frame) {
return static_cast<WasmDebugBreakFrame*>(frame);
inline explicit WasmDebugBreakFrame(StackFrameIteratorBase*);
friend class StackFrameIteratorBase;
class WasmToJsFrame : public StubFrame {
Type type() const override { return WASM_TO_JS; }
inline explicit WasmToJsFrame(StackFrameIteratorBase* iterator);
friend class StackFrameIteratorBase;
class JsToWasmFrame : public StubFrame {
Type type() const override { return JS_TO_WASM; }
void Iterate(RootVisitor* v) const override;
inline explicit JsToWasmFrame(StackFrameIteratorBase* iterator);
friend class StackFrameIteratorBase;
class CWasmEntryFrame : public StubFrame {
Type type() const override { return C_WASM_ENTRY; }
inline explicit CWasmEntryFrame(StackFrameIteratorBase* iterator);
friend class StackFrameIteratorBase;
Type GetCallerState(State* state) const override;
class WasmCompileLazyFrame : public TypedFrame {
Type type() const override { return WASM_COMPILE_LAZY; }
WasmInstanceObject wasm_instance() const;
FullObjectSlot wasm_instance_slot() const;
// Garbage collection support.
void Iterate(RootVisitor* v) const override;
static WasmCompileLazyFrame* cast(StackFrame* frame) {
return static_cast<WasmCompileLazyFrame*>(frame);
inline explicit WasmCompileLazyFrame(StackFrameIteratorBase* iterator);
friend class StackFrameIteratorBase;
class InternalFrame : public TypedFrame {
Type type() const override { return INTERNAL; }
// Garbage collection support.
void Iterate(RootVisitor* v) const override;
// Determine the code for the frame.
Code unchecked_code() const override;
static InternalFrame* cast(StackFrame* frame) {
return static_cast<InternalFrame*>(frame);
inline explicit InternalFrame(StackFrameIteratorBase* iterator);
friend class StackFrameIteratorBase;
// Construct frames are special trampoline frames introduced to handle
// function invocations through 'new'.
class ConstructFrame : public InternalFrame {
Type type() const override { return CONSTRUCT; }
static ConstructFrame* cast(StackFrame* frame) {
return static_cast<ConstructFrame*>(frame);
inline explicit ConstructFrame(StackFrameIteratorBase* iterator);
friend class StackFrameIteratorBase;
class BuiltinContinuationFrame : public InternalFrame {
Type type() const override { return BUILTIN_CONTINUATION; }
static BuiltinContinuationFrame* cast(StackFrame* frame) {
return static_cast<BuiltinContinuationFrame*>(frame);
inline explicit BuiltinContinuationFrame(StackFrameIteratorBase* iterator);
friend class StackFrameIteratorBase;
class JavaScriptBuiltinContinuationFrame : public TypedFrameWithJSLinkage {
Type type() const override { return JAVA_SCRIPT_BUILTIN_CONTINUATION; }
static JavaScriptBuiltinContinuationFrame* cast(StackFrame* frame) {
return static_cast<JavaScriptBuiltinContinuationFrame*>(frame);
JSFunction function() const override;
int ComputeParametersCount() const override;
intptr_t GetSPToFPDelta() const;
Object context() const override;
inline explicit JavaScriptBuiltinContinuationFrame(
StackFrameIteratorBase* iterator);
friend class StackFrameIteratorBase;
class JavaScriptBuiltinContinuationWithCatchFrame
: public JavaScriptBuiltinContinuationFrame {
Type type() const override {
static JavaScriptBuiltinContinuationWithCatchFrame* cast(StackFrame* frame) {
return static_cast<JavaScriptBuiltinContinuationWithCatchFrame*>(frame);
// Patch in the exception object at the appropriate location into the stack
// frame.
void SetException(Object exception);
inline explicit JavaScriptBuiltinContinuationWithCatchFrame(
StackFrameIteratorBase* iterator);
friend class StackFrameIteratorBase;
class StackFrameIteratorBase {
Isolate* isolate() const { return isolate_; }
bool done() const { return frame_ == nullptr; }
// An iterator that iterates over a given thread's stack.
StackFrameIteratorBase(Isolate* isolate, bool can_access_heap_objects);
Isolate* isolate_;
#define DECLARE_SINGLETON(ignore, type) type type##_;
StackFrame* frame_;
StackHandler* handler_;
const bool can_access_heap_objects_;
StackHandler* handler() const {
return handler_;
// Get the type-specific frame singleton in a given state.
StackFrame* SingletonFor(StackFrame::Type type, StackFrame::State* state);
// A helper function, can return a nullptr pointer.
StackFrame* SingletonFor(StackFrame::Type type);
friend class StackFrame;
class StackFrameIterator : public StackFrameIteratorBase {
// An iterator that iterates over the isolate's current thread's stack,
V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE explicit StackFrameIterator(Isolate* isolate);
// An iterator that iterates over a given thread's stack.
V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE StackFrameIterator(Isolate* isolate, ThreadLocalTop* t);
StackFrame* frame() const {
return frame_;
V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE void Advance();
// Go back to the first frame.
void Reset(ThreadLocalTop* top);
// Iterator that supports iterating through all JavaScript frames.
class JavaScriptFrameIterator {
inline explicit JavaScriptFrameIterator(Isolate* isolate);
inline JavaScriptFrameIterator(Isolate* isolate, ThreadLocalTop* top);
inline JavaScriptFrame* frame() const;
bool done() const { return iterator_.done(); }
V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE void Advance();
void AdvanceOneFrame() { iterator_.Advance(); }
StackFrameIterator iterator_;
// NOTE: The stack trace frame iterator is an iterator that only traverse proper
// JavaScript frames that have proper JavaScript functions and WebAssembly
// frames.
class V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE StackTraceFrameIterator {
explicit StackTraceFrameIterator(Isolate* isolate);
// Skip frames until the frame with the given id is reached.
StackTraceFrameIterator(Isolate* isolate, StackFrameId id);
bool done() const { return iterator_.done(); }
void Advance();
void AdvanceOneFrame() { iterator_.Advance(); }
int FrameFunctionCount() const;
inline CommonFrame* frame() const;
inline bool is_javascript() const;
inline bool is_wasm() const;
inline JavaScriptFrame* javascript_frame() const;
StackFrameIterator iterator_;
bool IsValidFrame(StackFrame* frame) const;
class SafeStackFrameIterator : public StackFrameIteratorBase {
SafeStackFrameIterator(Isolate* isolate, Address pc, Address fp, Address sp,
Address lr, Address js_entry_sp);
inline StackFrame* frame() const;
void Advance();
StackFrame::Type top_frame_type() const { return top_frame_type_; }
Address top_context_address() const { return top_context_address_; }
void AdvanceOneFrame();
bool IsValidStackAddress(Address addr) const {
return low_bound_ <= addr && addr <= high_bound_;
bool IsValidFrame(StackFrame* frame) const;
bool IsValidCaller(StackFrame* frame);
bool IsValidExitFrame(Address fp) const;
bool IsValidTop(ThreadLocalTop* top) const;
// Returns true if the pc points to a bytecode handler and the frame pointer
// doesn't seem to be a bytecode handler's frame, which implies that the
// bytecode handler has an elided frame. This is not precise and might give
// false negatives since it relies on checks to the frame's type marker,
// which might be uninitialized.
bool IsNoFrameBytecodeHandlerPc(Isolate* isolate, Address pc,
Address fp) const;
const Address low_bound_;
const Address high_bound_;
StackFrame::Type top_frame_type_;
Address top_context_address_;
ExternalCallbackScope* external_callback_scope_;
Address top_link_register_;
// Frame layout helper classes. Used by the deoptimizer and instruction
// selector.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// How to calculate the frame layout information. Precise, when all information
// is available during deoptimization. Conservative, when an overapproximation
// is fine.
// TODO(jgruber): Investigate whether the conservative kind can be removed. It
// seems possible: 1. is_topmost should be known through the outer_state chain
// of FrameStateDescriptor; 2. the deopt_kind may be a property of the bailout
// id; 3. for continuation_mode, we only care whether it is a mode with catch,
// and that is likewise known at compile-time.
// There is nothing specific blocking this, the investigation just requires time
// and it is not that important to get the exact frame height at compile-time.
enum class FrameInfoKind {
// Used by the deoptimizer. Corresponds to frame kinds:
enum class BuiltinContinuationMode {
STUB, // BuiltinContinuationFrame
JAVASCRIPT, // JavaScriptBuiltinContinuationFrame
JAVASCRIPT_WITH_CATCH, // JavaScriptBuiltinContinuationWithCatchFrame
JAVASCRIPT_HANDLE_EXCEPTION // JavaScriptBuiltinContinuationWithCatchFrame
class InterpretedFrameInfo {
static InterpretedFrameInfo Precise(int parameters_count_with_receiver,
int translation_height, bool is_topmost,
bool pad_arguments) {
return {parameters_count_with_receiver, translation_height, is_topmost,
pad_arguments, FrameInfoKind::kPrecise};
static InterpretedFrameInfo Conservative(int parameters_count_with_receiver,
int locals_count) {
return {parameters_count_with_receiver, locals_count, false, true,
uint32_t register_stack_slot_count() const {
return register_stack_slot_count_;
uint32_t frame_size_in_bytes_without_fixed() const {
return frame_size_in_bytes_without_fixed_;
uint32_t frame_size_in_bytes() const { return frame_size_in_bytes_; }
InterpretedFrameInfo(int parameters_count_with_receiver,
int translation_height, bool is_topmost,
bool pad_arguments, FrameInfoKind frame_info_kind);
uint32_t register_stack_slot_count_;
uint32_t frame_size_in_bytes_without_fixed_;
uint32_t frame_size_in_bytes_;
class ArgumentsAdaptorFrameInfo {
static ArgumentsAdaptorFrameInfo Precise(int translation_height) {
return ArgumentsAdaptorFrameInfo{translation_height};
static ArgumentsAdaptorFrameInfo Conservative(int parameters_count) {
return ArgumentsAdaptorFrameInfo{parameters_count};
uint32_t frame_size_in_bytes_without_fixed() const {
return frame_size_in_bytes_without_fixed_;
uint32_t frame_size_in_bytes() const { return frame_size_in_bytes_; }
explicit ArgumentsAdaptorFrameInfo(int translation_height);
uint32_t frame_size_in_bytes_without_fixed_;
uint32_t frame_size_in_bytes_;
class ConstructStubFrameInfo {
static ConstructStubFrameInfo Precise(int translation_height,
bool is_topmost) {
return {translation_height, is_topmost, FrameInfoKind::kPrecise};
static ConstructStubFrameInfo Conservative(int parameters_count) {
return {parameters_count, false, FrameInfoKind::kConservative};
uint32_t frame_size_in_bytes_without_fixed() const {
return frame_size_in_bytes_without_fixed_;
uint32_t frame_size_in_bytes() const { return frame_size_in_bytes_; }
ConstructStubFrameInfo(int translation_height, bool is_topmost,
FrameInfoKind frame_info_kind);
uint32_t frame_size_in_bytes_without_fixed_;
uint32_t frame_size_in_bytes_;
// Used by BuiltinContinuationFrameInfo.
class CallInterfaceDescriptor;
class RegisterConfiguration;
class BuiltinContinuationFrameInfo {
static BuiltinContinuationFrameInfo Precise(
int translation_height,
const CallInterfaceDescriptor& continuation_descriptor,
const RegisterConfiguration* register_config, bool is_topmost,
DeoptimizeKind deopt_kind, BuiltinContinuationMode continuation_mode) {
return {translation_height,
static BuiltinContinuationFrameInfo Conservative(
int parameters_count,
const CallInterfaceDescriptor& continuation_descriptor,
const RegisterConfiguration* register_config) {
// It doesn't matter what we pass as is_topmost, deopt_kind and
// continuation_mode; these values are ignored in conservative mode.
return {parameters_count,
bool frame_has_result_stack_slot() const {
return frame_has_result_stack_slot_;
uint32_t translated_stack_parameter_count() const {
return translated_stack_parameter_count_;
uint32_t stack_parameter_count() const { return stack_parameter_count_; }
uint32_t frame_size_in_bytes() const { return frame_size_in_bytes_; }
uint32_t frame_size_in_bytes_above_fp() const {
return frame_size_in_bytes_above_fp_;
int translation_height,
const CallInterfaceDescriptor& continuation_descriptor,
const RegisterConfiguration* register_config, bool is_topmost,
DeoptimizeKind deopt_kind, BuiltinContinuationMode continuation_mode,
FrameInfoKind frame_info_kind);
bool frame_has_result_stack_slot_;
uint32_t translated_stack_parameter_count_;
uint32_t stack_parameter_count_;
uint32_t frame_size_in_bytes_;
uint32_t frame_size_in_bytes_above_fp_;
} // namespace internal
} // namespace v8