blob: b00d13c7bd3e4a9d7b10e8c6e01810e841f8ef1c [file] [log] [blame]
/* -*- Mode: Javascript; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
"use strict";
// Ignore calls made through these function pointers
var ignoreIndirectCalls = {
"mallocSizeOf" : true,
"aMallocSizeOf" : true,
"_malloc_message" : true,
"__conv" : true,
"__convf" : true,
"prerrortable.c:callback_newtable" : true,
"mozalloc_oom.cpp:void (* gAbortHandler)(size_t)" : true,
function indirectCallCannotGC(caller, name)
if (name in ignoreIndirectCalls)
return true;
if (name == "mapper" && caller == "ptio.c:pt_MapError")
return true;
if (name == "params" && caller == "PR_ExplodeTime")
return true;
// hook called during script finalization which cannot GC.
if (/CallDestroyScriptHook/.test(caller))
return true;
// template method called during marking and hence cannot GC
if (name == "op" &&
/^bool js::WeakMap<Key, Value, HashPolicy>::keyNeedsMark\(JSObject\*\)/.test(caller))
return true;
return false;
// Ignore calls through functions pointers with these types
var ignoreClasses = {
"JSTracer" : true,
"JSStringFinalizer" : true,
"SprintfStateStr" : true,
"JSLocaleCallbacks" : true,
"JSC::ExecutableAllocator" : true,
"PRIOMethods": true,
"XPCOMFunctions" : true, // I'm a little unsure of this one
"_MD_IOVector" : true,
// Ignore calls through TYPE.FIELD, where TYPE is the class or struct name containing
// a function pointer field named FIELD.
var ignoreCallees = {
"js::Class.trace" : true,
"js::Class.finalize" : true,
"JSRuntime.destroyPrincipals" : true,
"nsISupports.AddRef" : true,
"nsISupports.Release" : true, // makes me a bit nervous; this is a bug but can happen
"nsAXPCNativeCallContext.GetJSContext" : true,
"js::ion::MDefinition.op" : true, // macro generated virtuals just return a constant
"js::ion::MDefinition.opName" : true, // macro generated virtuals just return a constant
"js::ion::LInstruction.getDef" : true, // virtual but no implementation can GC
"js::ion::IonCache.kind" : true, // macro generated virtuals just return a constant
"icu_50::UObject.__deleting_dtor" : true, // destructors in ICU code can't cause GC
function fieldCallCannotGC(csu, fullfield)
if (csu in ignoreClasses)
return true;
if (fullfield in ignoreCallees)
return true;
return false;
function shouldSuppressGC(name)
// Various dead code that should only be called inside AutoEnterAnalysis.
// Functions with no known caller are by default treated as not suppressing GC.
return /TypeScript::Purge/.test(name)
|| /StackTypeSet::addPropagateThis/.test(name)
|| /ScriptAnalysis::addPushedType/.test(name)
|| /IonBuilder/.test(name);
function ignoreEdgeUse(edge, variable)
// Functions which should not be treated as using variable.
if (edge.Kind == "Call") {
var callee = edge.Exp[0];
if (callee.Kind == "Var") {
var name = callee.Variable.Name[0];
if (/~Anchor/.test(name))
return true;
if (/::Unrooted\(\)/.test(name))
return true;
if (/::~Unrooted\(\)/.test(name))
return true;
if (/~DebugOnly/.test(name))
return true;
return false;
function ignoreEdgeAddressTaken(edge)
// Functions which may take indirect pointers to unrooted GC things,
// but will copy them into rooted locations before calling anything
// that can GC. These parameters should usually be replaced with
// handles or mutable handles.
if (edge.Kind == "Call") {
var callee = edge.Exp[0];
if (callee.Kind == "Var") {
var name = callee.Variable.Name[0];
if (/js::Invoke\(/.test(name))
return true;
return false;
// Ignore calls of these functions (so ignore any stack containing these)
var ignoreFunctions = {
"ptio.c:pt_MapError" : true,
"PR_ExplodeTime" : true,
"PR_ErrorInstallTable" : true,
"PR_SetThreadPrivate" : true,
"JSObject* js::GetWeakmapKeyDelegate(JSObject*)" : true, // FIXME: mark with AutoAssertNoGC instead
function ignoreGCFunction(fun)
if (fun in ignoreFunctions)
return true;
// Templatized function
if (fun.indexOf("void nsCOMPtr<T>::Assert_NoQueryNeeded()") >= 0)
return true;
// XXX modify refillFreeList<NoGC> to not need data flow analysis to understand it cannot GC.
if (/refillFreeList/.test(fun) && /\(js::AllowGC\)0u/.test(fun))
return true;
return false;
function isRootedTypeName(name)
if (name == "mozilla::ErrorResult" ||
name == "js::frontend::TokenStream" ||
name == "js::frontend::TokenStream::Position" ||
name == "ModuleCompiler")
return true;
return false;
function isRootedPointerTypeName(name)
if (name.startsWith('struct '))
name = name.substr(7);
if (name.startsWith('class '))
name = name.substr(6);
if (name.startsWith('const '))
name = name.substr(6);
if (name.startsWith('js::ctypes::'))
name = name.substr(12);
if (name.startsWith('js::'))
name = name.substr(4);
if (name.startsWith('JS::'))
name = name.substr(4);
if (name.startsWith('MaybeRooted<'))
return /\(js::AllowGC\)1u>::RootType/.test(name);
return name.startsWith('Rooted');
function isSuppressConstructor(name)
return /::AutoSuppressGC/.test(name)
|| /::AutoEnterAnalysis/.test(name);