| // Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. |
| // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be |
| // found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| // This file contains forward declarations for items in later SDKs than the |
| // default one with which Chromium is built (currently 10.10). |
| // If you call any function from this header, be sure to check at runtime for |
| // respondsToSelector: before calling these functions (else your code will crash |
| // on older OS X versions that chrome still supports). |
| |
| |
| #import <AppKit/AppKit.h> |
| #import <CoreBluetooth/CoreBluetooth.h> |
| #import <CoreWLAN/CoreWLAN.h> |
| #import <IOBluetooth/IOBluetooth.h> |
| #import <ImageCaptureCore/ImageCaptureCore.h> |
| #import <QuartzCore/QuartzCore.h> |
| |
| #include "base/base_export.h" |
| #include "base/mac/availability.h" |
| #include "starboard/types.h" |
| |
| // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| // Define typedefs, enums, and protocols not available in the version of the |
| // OSX SDK being compiled against. |
| // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| |
| #if !defined(MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_11) || \ |
| |
| enum { |
| NSPressureBehaviorUnknown = -1, |
| NSPressureBehaviorPrimaryDefault = 0, |
| NSPressureBehaviorPrimaryClick = 1, |
| NSPressureBehaviorPrimaryGeneric = 2, |
| NSPressureBehaviorPrimaryAccelerator = 3, |
| NSPressureBehaviorPrimaryDeepClick = 5, |
| NSPressureBehaviorPrimaryDeepDrag = 6 |
| }; |
| typedef NSInteger NSPressureBehavior; |
| |
| @interface NSPressureConfiguration : NSObject |
| - (instancetype)initWithPressureBehavior:(NSPressureBehavior)pressureBehavior; |
| @end |
| |
| enum { |
| NSSpringLoadingHighlightNone = 0, |
| NSSpringLoadingHighlightStandard, |
| NSSpringLoadingHighlightEmphasized |
| }; |
| typedef NSUInteger NSSpringLoadingHighlight; |
| |
| #endif // MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_11 |
| |
| #if !defined(MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_12) || \ |
| |
| // The protocol was formalized by the 10.12 SDK, but it was informally used |
| // before. |
| @protocol CAAnimationDelegate |
| - (void)animationDidStart:(CAAnimation*)animation; |
| - (void)animationDidStop:(CAAnimation*)animation finished:(BOOL)finished; |
| @end |
| |
| @protocol CALayerDelegate |
| @end |
| |
| #endif // MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_12 |
| |
| // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| // Define NSStrings only available in newer versions of the OSX SDK to force |
| // them to be statically linked. |
| // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| |
| extern "C" { |
| #if !defined(MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_10) || \ |
| BASE_EXPORT extern NSString* const CIDetectorTypeQRCode; |
| BASE_EXPORT extern NSString* const NSUserActivityTypeBrowsingWeb; |
| BASE_EXPORT extern NSString* const NSAppearanceNameVibrantDark; |
| BASE_EXPORT extern NSString* const NSAppearanceNameVibrantLight; |
| #endif // MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_10 |
| } // extern "C" |
| |
| // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| // If compiling against an older version of the OSX SDK, declare classes and |
| // functions that are available in newer versions of the OSX SDK. If compiling |
| // against a newer version of the OSX SDK, redeclare those same classes and |
| // functions to suppress -Wpartial-availability warnings. |
| // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| |
| // Once Chrome no longer supports OSX 10.9, everything within this preprocessor |
| // block can be removed. |
| #if !defined(MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_10) || \ |
| |
| @interface NSUserActivity (YosemiteSDK) |
| @property(readonly, copy) NSString* activityType; |
| @property(copy) NSDictionary* userInfo; |
| @property(copy) NSURL* webpageURL; |
| @property(copy) NSString* title; |
| - (instancetype)initWithActivityType:(NSString*)activityType; |
| - (void)becomeCurrent; |
| - (void)invalidate; |
| @end |
| |
| @interface CBUUID (YosemiteSDK) |
| - (NSString*)UUIDString; |
| @end |
| |
| @interface NSViewController (YosemiteSDK) |
| - (void)viewDidLoad; |
| @end |
| |
| @interface NSWindow (YosemiteSDK) |
| - (void)setTitlebarAppearsTransparent:(BOOL)flag; |
| @end |
| |
| @interface NSProcessInfo (YosemiteSDK) |
| @property(readonly) NSOperatingSystemVersion operatingSystemVersion; |
| @end |
| |
| @interface NSLayoutConstraint (YosemiteSDK) |
| @property(getter=isActive) BOOL active; |
| + (void)activateConstraints:(NSArray*)constraints; |
| @end |
| |
| @interface NSVisualEffectView (YosemiteSDK) |
| - (void)setState:(NSVisualEffectState)state; |
| @end |
| |
| @class NSVisualEffectView; |
| |
| @interface CIQRCodeFeature (YosemiteSDK) |
| @property(readonly) CGRect bounds; |
| @property(readonly) CGPoint topLeft; |
| @property(readonly) CGPoint topRight; |
| @property(readonly) CGPoint bottomLeft; |
| @property(readonly) CGPoint bottomRight; |
| @property(readonly, copy) NSString* messageString; |
| @end |
| |
| @class CIQRCodeFeature; |
| |
| @interface NSView (YosemiteSDK) |
| - (BOOL)isAccessibilitySelectorAllowed:(SEL)selector; |
| @property(copy) NSString* accessibilityLabel; |
| @end |
| |
| #endif // MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_10 |
| |
| // Once Chrome no longer supports OSX 10.10.2, everything within this |
| // preprocessor block can be removed. |
| #if !defined(MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_10_3) || \ |
| |
| @interface NSEvent (Yosemite_3_SDK) |
| @property(readonly) NSInteger stage; |
| @end |
| |
| #endif // MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_10 |
| |
| // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| // Define NSStrings only available in newer versions of the OSX SDK to force |
| // them to be statically linked. |
| // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| |
| extern "C" { |
| #if !defined(MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_11) || \ |
| BASE_EXPORT extern NSString* const CIDetectorTypeText; |
| #endif // MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_11 |
| } // extern "C" |
| |
| // Once Chrome no longer supports OSX 10.10, everything within this |
| // preprocessor block can be removed. |
| #if !defined(MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_11) || \ |
| |
| @class NSLayoutDimension; |
| @class NSLayoutXAxisAnchor; |
| @class NSLayoutYAxisAnchor; |
| |
| @interface NSObject (ElCapitanSDK) |
| - (NSLayoutConstraint*)constraintEqualToConstant:(CGFloat)c; |
| - (NSLayoutConstraint*)constraintGreaterThanOrEqualToConstant:(CGFloat)c; |
| @end |
| |
| @interface NSView (ElCapitanSDK) |
| - (void)setPressureConfiguration:(NSPressureConfiguration*)aConfiguration |
| API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.11)); |
| @property(readonly, strong) |
| NSLayoutXAxisAnchor* leftAnchor API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.11)); |
| @property(readonly, strong) |
| NSLayoutXAxisAnchor* rightAnchor API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.11)); |
| @property(readonly, strong) |
| NSLayoutYAxisAnchor* bottomAnchor API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.11)); |
| @property(readonly, strong) |
| NSLayoutDimension* widthAnchor API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.11)); |
| @end |
| |
| @interface NSWindow (ElCapitanSDK) |
| - (void)performWindowDragWithEvent:(NSEvent*)event; |
| @end |
| |
| @interface CIRectangleFeature (ElCapitanSDK) |
| @property(readonly) CGRect bounds; |
| @end |
| |
| @class CIRectangleFeature; |
| |
| #endif // MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_11 |
| |
| // Once Chrome no longer supports OSX 10.11, everything within this |
| // preprocessor block can be removed. |
| #if !defined(MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_12) || \ |
| |
| @interface NSWindow (SierraSDK) |
| @property(class) BOOL allowsAutomaticWindowTabbing; |
| @end |
| |
| #endif // MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_12 |
| |
| // Once Chrome no longer supports OSX 10.12.0, everything within this |
| // preprocessor block can be removed. |
| #if !defined(MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_12_1) || \ |
| |
| @interface NSButton (SierraPointOneSDK) |
| @property(copy) NSColor* bezelColor; |
| @property BOOL imageHugsTitle; |
| + (instancetype)buttonWithTitle:(NSString*)title |
| target:(id)target |
| action:(SEL)action; |
| + (instancetype)buttonWithImage:(NSImage*)image |
| target:(id)target |
| action:(SEL)action; |
| + (instancetype)buttonWithTitle:(NSString*)title |
| image:(NSImage*)image |
| target:(id)target |
| action:(SEL)action; |
| @end |
| |
| @interface NSSegmentedControl (SierraPointOneSDK) |
| + (instancetype)segmentedControlWithImages:(NSArray*)images |
| trackingMode:(NSSegmentSwitchTracking)trackingMode |
| target:(id)target |
| action:(SEL)action; |
| @end |
| |
| @interface NSTextField (SierraPointOneSDK) |
| + (instancetype)labelWithAttributedString: |
| (NSAttributedString*)attributedStringValue; |
| @end |
| |
| #endif // MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_12_1 |
| |
| // Once Chrome no longer supports OSX 10.12, everything within this |
| // preprocessor block can be removed. |
| #if !defined(MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_13) || \ |
| |
| // VNRequest forward declarations. |
| @class VNRequest; |
| typedef void (^VNRequestCompletionHandler)(VNRequest* request, NSError* error); |
| |
| @interface VNRequest : NSObject<NSCopying> |
| - (instancetype)initWithCompletionHandler: |
| (VNRequestCompletionHandler)completionHandler NS_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER; |
| @property(readonly, nonatomic, copy) NSArray* results; |
| @end |
| |
| // VNDetectFaceLandmarksRequest forward declarations. |
| @interface VNImageBasedRequest : VNRequest |
| @end |
| |
| @protocol VNFaceObservationAccepting<NSObject> |
| @end |
| |
| @interface VNDetectFaceLandmarksRequest |
| : VNImageBasedRequest<VNFaceObservationAccepting> |
| @end |
| |
| // VNImageRequestHandler forward declarations. |
| typedef NSString* VNImageOption NS_STRING_ENUM; |
| |
| @interface VNImageRequestHandler : NSObject |
| - (instancetype)initWithCIImage:(CIImage*)image |
| options:(NSDictionary<VNImageOption, id>*)options; |
| - (BOOL)performRequests:(NSArray<VNRequest*>*)requests error:(NSError**)error; |
| @end |
| |
| // VNFaceLandmarks2D forward declarations. |
| @interface VNFaceLandmarkRegion : NSObject |
| @property(readonly) NSUInteger pointCount; |
| @end |
| |
| @interface VNFaceLandmarkRegion2D : VNFaceLandmarkRegion |
| @property(readonly, assign) |
| const CGPoint* normalizedPoints NS_RETURNS_INNER_POINTER; |
| @end |
| |
| @interface VNFaceLandmarks2D : NSObject |
| @property(readonly) VNFaceLandmarkRegion2D* leftEye; |
| @property(readonly) VNFaceLandmarkRegion2D* rightEye; |
| @property(readonly) VNFaceLandmarkRegion2D* outerLips; |
| @property(readonly) VNFaceLandmarkRegion2D* nose; |
| @end |
| |
| // VNFaceObservation forward declarations. |
| @interface VNObservation : NSObject<NSCopying, NSSecureCoding> |
| @end |
| |
| @interface VNDetectedObjectObservation : VNObservation |
| @property(readonly, nonatomic, assign) CGRect boundingBox; |
| @end |
| |
| @interface VNFaceObservation : VNDetectedObjectObservation |
| @property(readonly, nonatomic, strong) VNFaceLandmarks2D* landmarks; |
| @end |
| |
| // VNDetectBarcodesRequest forward declarations. |
| typedef NSString* VNBarcodeSymbology NS_STRING_ENUM; |
| |
| @interface VNDetectBarcodesRequest : VNImageBasedRequest |
| @property(readwrite, nonatomic, copy) NSArray<VNBarcodeSymbology>* symbologies; |
| @end |
| |
| // VNBarcodeObservation forward declarations. |
| @interface VNRectangleObservation : VNDetectedObjectObservation |
| @end |
| |
| @interface VNBarcodeObservation : VNRectangleObservation |
| @property(readonly, nonatomic, copy) NSString* payloadStringValue; |
| @end |
| |
| #endif // MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_13 |
| |
| // Once Chrome no longer supports macOS 10.13, everything within this |
| // preprocessor block can be removed. |
| #if !defined(MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_14) || \ |
| |
| @interface NSApplication (ForwardDeclare) |
| @property(strong) NSAppearance* appearance; |
| @end |
| |
| BASE_EXPORT extern NSString* const NSAppearanceNameDarkAqua; |
| |
| #endif |
| |
| // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| // The symbol for kCWSSIDDidChangeNotification is available in the |
| // CoreWLAN.framework for OSX versions 10.6 through 10.10. The symbol is not |
| // declared in the OSX 10.9+ SDK, so when compiling against an OSX 10.9+ SDK, |
| // declare the symbol. |
| // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| BASE_EXPORT extern "C" NSString* const kCWSSIDDidChangeNotification; |
| |