blob: 7ada30e1960e0c68f212ef6b3ff960161c2fdb90 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "media/gpu/v4l2/buffer_affinity_tracker.h"
#include "base/synchronization/lock.h"
#include "media/gpu/macros.h"
#include "ui/gfx/generic_shared_memory_id.h"
namespace media {
BufferAffinityTracker::BufferAffinityTracker(size_t nb_buffers) {
BufferAffinityTracker::~BufferAffinityTracker() = default;
void BufferAffinityTracker::resize(size_t nb_buffers) {
base::AutoLock lock(lock_);
nb_buffers_ = nb_buffers;
DVLOGF(4) << this << " resize: " << nb_buffers;
absl::optional<size_t> BufferAffinityTracker::get_buffer_for_id(
gfx::GenericSharedMemoryId id) {
base::AutoLock lock(lock_);
auto it = id_to_buffer_map_.find(id);
// If the handle is already bound to a buffer, return it.
if (it != id_to_buffer_map_.end()) {
DVLOGF(4) << this << " match for " << it->second;
return it->second;
// Try to assign a new buffer for this handle...
// No buffer available? No luck then.
if (id_to_buffer_map_.size() == nb_buffers()) {
DVLOGF(4) << this << " tracker is full!";
return absl::nullopt;
const size_t v4l2_id = id_to_buffer_map_.size();
id_to_buffer_map_.emplace(id, v4l2_id);
DVLOGF(4) << this << " add " << v4l2_id;
return v4l2_id;
} // namespace media