| # Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. |
| # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be |
| # found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| # Lines 7-299 of this file were generated with |
| # testing/libfuzzer/dictionary_generator.py using net_mime_sniffer_fuzzer |
| # binary and RFC 2045. |
| # The rest was created semimanually based on net/base/mime_sniffer.cc. |
| |
| "all" |
| "BASE64" |
| "US-ASCII." |
| "LESS" |
| "being" |
| "text" |
| "supported" |
| "\"C\"" |
| "TAB)" |
| "X.400" |
| "invalid" |
| "EQUAL" |
| "CRLF." |
| "CRLF," |
| "A." |
| "data" |
| "its" |
| "to" |
| "before" |
| "TO" |
| "implementation" |
| "true" |
| "US-ASCII," |
| "0" |
| "only" |
| "internal" |
| "TAB" |
| "(US-ASCII)" |
| "(A" |
| "TILDE," |
| "US-ASCII" |
| "(STD" |
| "\"F\")" |
| "V" |
| "string" |
| "get" |
| "H" |
| "L" |
| "P" |
| "T" |
| "not" |
| "X" |
| "D" |
| "BNF" |
| "name" |
| "ON" |
| "d" |
| "success" |
| "MAY" |
| "\"=0D=0A\"." |
| "bytes" |
| "(RFC" |
| "default" |
| "ONLY" |
| "RFC." |
| "THE" |
| "section" |
| "\"0123456789ABCDEF\"." |
| "ASCII" |
| "*(CRLF" |
| "A" |
| "set" |
| "NO)" |
| "[RFC-821])" |
| "\"=0D=0A\"" |
| "\"=0C\"," |
| "M." |
| "some" |
| "direct" |
| "sign" |
| "TEXT," |
| "\"A\"" |
| "are" |
| "allowed." |
| "\"X-\")" |
| "MIME." |
| "\"X-\"," |
| "event" |
| "THAN," |
| "MUST" |
| "for" |
| "space" |
| "+" |
| "1*DIGIT" |
| "/" |
| "THAN" |
| "may" |
| "3" |
| "version" |
| "MIME," |
| "probably" |
| "CRLF)" |
| "corruption" |
| "available" |
| "be" |
| "C" |
| "G" |
| "7BIT\"" |
| "This" |
| "NO" |
| "K" |
| "NJ" |
| "O" |
| "RFC" |
| "1)" |
| "[ATK]," |
| "base" |
| "STD" |
| "ISO-8859-1" |
| "W" |
| "application/octet-stream" |
| "\"=3D\"." |
| "[" |
| "CA" |
| "by" |
| "AND" |
| "on" |
| "c" |
| "NOTE:" |
| "g" |
| "of" |
| "could" |
| "POINT" |
| "S" |
| "times" |
| "s" |
| "NOT" |
| "UA" |
| "or" |
| "CR," |
| "TAB," |
| "already" |
| "useful" |
| "*(SPACE" |
| "No" |
| "(MIME)" |
| "number" |
| "one" |
| "CHAR" |
| "RFC," |
| "\"=0D\"" |
| "because" |
| "[RFC-821])," |
| "S." |
| "EBCDIC." |
| "[RFC-821]." |
| "(SMTP)" |
| "\"=0A=0D\"" |
| "use" |
| "from" |
| "USA" |
| "&" |
| "IETF" |
| "transfer" |
| "top" |
| "(US-ASCII" |
| "IANA" |
| "long" |
| "\"=0D\"," |
| "few" |
| "2" |
| "E" |
| "expected" |
| "type" |
| ">" |
| "\"D\"" |
| "B" |
| "N." |
| "received" |
| "[RFC-1741]," |
| "completed" |
| "J" |
| "LF)" |
| "SMTP.)" |
| "but" |
| "back" |
| "warn" |
| "R" |
| "SIGN)" |
| "CRLF" |
| "EBCDIC" |
| "CR" |
| "line" |
| "Z" |
| "with" |
| "unnecessarily" |
| "must" |
| "count" |
| "(HT)" |
| "16" |
| "this" |
| "was" |
| "work" |
| "value" |
| "ISO-8859-1," |
| "while" |
| "following" |
| "IANA.>" |
| "called" |
| "(US-" |
| "and" |
| "(PEM)" |
| "type." |
| "UNIX" |
| "\"E\"" |
| "attribute" |
| "is" |
| "allowed" |
| "thus" |
| "lost." |
| "Virtual" |
| "an" |
| "high" |
| "as" |
| "MIME" |
| "at" |
| "have" |
| "in" |
| "need" |
| "any" |
| "contents" |
| "native" |
| "LF" |
| "binary" |
| "F" |
| "\"X-\"" |
| "7BIT" |
| "TX" |
| "no" |
| ")" |
| "2(DIGIT" |
| "format" |
| "when" |
| "length" |
| "mechanism" |
| "j" |
| "application" |
| "that" |
| "valid" |
| "which" |
| "=" |
| "LWSP" |
| "profile" |
| "ISO" |
| "begin" |
| "used" |
| "multiple" |
| "SPACE" |
| "I" |
| "SMTP" |
| "after" |
| "M" |
| "\"B\"" |
| "Q" |
| "U" |
| "[X400]" |
| "Y" |
| "such" |
| "The" |
| "N" |
| "]" |
| "\"=0A\"," |
| "a" |
| "short" |
| "ALWAYS" |
| "SPACE," |
| "NOTE" |
| "As" |
| "does" |
| "<A" |
| "the" |
| "avoid" |
| "If" |
| "application/xhtml+xml" |
| "<html xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml\"" |
| "application/atom+xml" |
| "application/rss+xml" |
| "<rss" |
| "<feed" |
| "\xFE\xFF" |
| "\xFF\xFE" |
| "\xEF\xBB\xBF" |
| "unknown/unknown" |
| "application/unknown" |
| "*/*" |
| "application/x-chrome-extension" |
| "Cr24\x02\x00\x00\x00" |
| "ftp" |
| "content" |
| "application/msword" |
| "application/vnd.ms-excel" |
| "application/vnd.ms-powerpoint" |
| "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document" |
| "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet" |
| "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation" |
| "application/vnd.ms-excel.sheet.macroenabled.12" |
| "application/vnd.ms-powerpoint.presentation.macroenabled.12" |
| "application/mspowerpoint" |
| "application/msexcel" |
| "application/vnd.ms-word" |
| "application/vnd.ms-word.document.12" |
| "application/vnd.msword" |
| "text/html" |
| "text/xml" |
| "application/xml" |
| "CFB" |
| "\xD0\xCF\x11\xE0\xA1\xB1\x1A\xE1" |
| "PK\x03\x04" |
| "OOXML" |
| "image/x-xbitmap" |
| "#define" |
| "image/x-icon" |
| "\x00\x00\x01\x00" |
| "image/svg+xml" |
| "<?xml_version=" |
| "audio/wav" |
| "RIFF....WAVEfmt " |
| "video/avi" |
| "RIFF....AVI LIST" |
| "audio/ogg" |
| "OggS" |
| "video/mpeg" |
| "\x00\x00\x01\xB0", "\xFF\xFF\xFF\xF0" |
| "audio/mpeg" |
| "\xFF\xE0", "\xFF\xE0" |
| "....ftyp3g" |
| "video/3gpp" |
| "....ftypavcl" |
| "video/mp4" |
| "....ftyp" |
| "video/quicktime" |
| "....moov" |
| "application/x-shockwave-flash" |
| "CWS" |
| "FWS" |
| "video/x-flv" |
| "FLV" |
| "audio/x-flac" |
| "fLaC" |
| "image/x-canon-cr2" |
| "II\x2a\x00\x10\x00\x00\x00CR" |
| "image/x-canon-crw" |
| "II\x1a\x00\x00\x00HEAPCCDR" |
| "image/x-minolta-mrw" |
| "\x00MRM" |
| "MMOR" |
| "IIRO" |
| "image/x-olympus-orf" |
| "IIRS" |
| "image/x-fuji-raf" |
| "image/x-panasonic-raw" |
| "IIU\x00\x08\x00\x00\x00" |
| "IIU\x00\x18\x00\x00\x00" |
| "image/x-phaseone-raw" |
| "MMMMRaw" |
| "image/x-x3f" |
| "FOVb" |
| ".doc" |
| ".xls" |
| ".docx" |
| ".ppt" |
| ".pptx" |
| ".xlsx" |
| "<!DOCTYPE html>" |
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| "image/jpeg" |
| "\xFF\xD8\xFF" |
| "image/bmp" |
| "BM" |
| "text/plain" |
| "#!" |
| "%!" |
| "application/x-gzip" |
| "\x1F\x8B\x08" |
| "audio/x-pn-realaudio" |
| "\x2E\x52\x4D\x46" |
| "video/x-ms-asf" |
| "image/tiff" |
| "I I" |
| "II*" |
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| "Rar!\x1A\x07\x00" |
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| "\xD7\xCD\xC6\x9A" |
| "MZ" |