blob: 814a68bf9969d37d34f8eef5912d2a97cce60a01 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2021 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @addtogroup GameActivity Game Activity
* The interface to use GameActivity.
* @{
* @file GameActivity.h
#include <android/asset_manager.h>
#include <android/input.h>
#include <android/native_window.h>
#include <android/rect.h>
#include <jni.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include "game-text-input/gametextinput.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
* {@link GameActivityCallbacks}
struct GameActivityCallbacks;
* This structure defines the native side of an
* It is created by the framework, and handed to the application's native
* code as it is being launched.
typedef struct GameActivity {
* Pointer to the callback function table of the native application.
* You can set the functions here to your own callbacks. The callbacks
* pointer itself here should not be changed; it is allocated and managed
* for you by the framework.
struct GameActivityCallbacks* callbacks;
* The global handle on the process's Java VM.
JavaVM* vm;
* JNI context for the main thread of the app. Note that this field
* can ONLY be used from the main thread of the process; that is, the
* thread that calls into the GameActivityCallbacks.
JNIEnv* env;
* The GameActivity object handle.
jobject javaGameActivity;
* Path to this application's internal data directory.
const char* internalDataPath;
* Path to this application's external (removable/mountable) data directory.
const char* externalDataPath;
* The platform's SDK version code.
int32_t sdkVersion;
* This is the native instance of the application. It is not used by
* the framework, but can be set by the application to its own instance
* state.
void* instance;
* Pointer to the Asset Manager instance for the application. The
* application uses this to access binary assets bundled inside its own .apk
* file.
AAssetManager* assetManager;
* Available starting with Honeycomb: path to the directory containing
* the application's OBB files (if any). If the app doesn't have any
* OBB files, this directory may not exist.
const char* obbPath;
} GameActivity;
* The maximum number of axes supported in an Android MotionEvent.
* See
* \brief Describe information about a pointer, found in a
* GameActivityMotionEvent.
* You can read values directly from this structure, or use helper functions
* (`GameActivityPointerAxes_getX`, `GameActivityPointerAxes_getY` and
* `GameActivityPointerAxes_getAxisValue`).
* The X axis and Y axis are enabled by default but any other axis that you want
* to read **must** be enabled first, using
* `GameActivityPointerAxes_enableAxis`.
* \see GameActivityMotionEvent
typedef struct GameActivityPointerAxes {
int32_t id;
float rawX;
float rawY;
} GameActivityPointerAxes;
/** \brief Get the current X coordinate of the pointer. */
inline float GameActivityPointerAxes_getX(
const GameActivityPointerAxes* pointerInfo) {
return pointerInfo->axisValues[AMOTION_EVENT_AXIS_X];
/** \brief Get the current Y coordinate of the pointer. */
inline float GameActivityPointerAxes_getY(
const GameActivityPointerAxes* pointerInfo) {
return pointerInfo->axisValues[AMOTION_EVENT_AXIS_Y];
* \brief Enable the specified axis, so that its value is reported in the
* GameActivityPointerAxes structures stored in a motion event.
* You must enable any axis that you want to read, apart from
* `AMOTION_EVENT_AXIS_X` and `AMOTION_EVENT_AXIS_Y` that are enabled by
* default.
* If the axis index is out of range, nothing is done.
void GameActivityPointerAxes_enableAxis(int32_t axis);
* \brief Disable the specified axis. Its value won't be reported in the
* GameActivityPointerAxes structures stored in a motion event anymore.
* Apart from X and Y, any axis that you want to read **must** be enabled first,
* using `GameActivityPointerAxes_enableAxis`.
* If the axis index is out of range, nothing is done.
void GameActivityPointerAxes_disableAxis(int32_t axis);
* \brief Get the value of the requested axis.
* Apart from X and Y, any axis that you want to read **must** be enabled first,
* using `GameActivityPointerAxes_enableAxis`.
* Find the valid enums for the axis (`AMOTION_EVENT_AXIS_X`,
* in
* @param pointerInfo The structure containing information about the pointer,
* obtained from GameActivityMotionEvent.
* @param axis The axis to get the value from
* @return The value of the axis, or 0 if the axis is invalid or was not
* enabled.
inline float GameActivityPointerAxes_getAxisValue(
GameActivityPointerAxes* pointerInfo, int32_t axis) {
if (axis < 0 || axis >= GAME_ACTIVITY_POINTER_INFO_AXIS_COUNT) {
return 0;
return pointerInfo->axisValues[axis];
* The maximum number of pointers returned inside a motion event.
* \brief Describe a motion event that happened on the GameActivity SurfaceView.
* This is 1:1 mapping to the information contained in a Java `MotionEvent`
* (see
typedef struct GameActivityMotionEvent {
int32_t deviceId;
int32_t source;
int32_t action;
int64_t eventTime;
int64_t downTime;
int32_t flags;
int32_t metaState;
int32_t actionButton;
int32_t buttonState;
int32_t classification;
int32_t edgeFlags;
uint32_t pointerCount;
float precisionX;
float precisionY;
} GameActivityMotionEvent;
* \brief Describe a key event that happened on the GameActivity SurfaceView.
* This is 1:1 mapping to the information contained in a Java `KeyEvent`
* (see
typedef struct GameActivityKeyEvent {
int32_t deviceId;
int32_t source;
int32_t action;
int64_t eventTime;
int64_t downTime;
int32_t flags;
int32_t metaState;
int32_t modifiers;
int32_t repeatCount;
int32_t keyCode;
int32_t unicodeChar;
} GameActivityKeyEvent;
* A function the user should call from their callback with the data, its length
* and the library- supplied context.
typedef void (*SaveInstanceStateRecallback)(const char* bytes, int len,
void* context);
* These are the callbacks the framework makes into a native application.
* All of these callbacks happen on the main thread of the application.
* By default, all callbacks are NULL; set to a pointer to your own function
* to have it called.
typedef struct GameActivityCallbacks {
* GameActivity has started. See Java documentation for Activity.onStart()
* for more information.
void (*onStart)(GameActivity* activity);
* GameActivity has resumed. See Java documentation for Activity.onResume()
* for more information.
void (*onResume)(GameActivity* activity);
* The framework is asking GameActivity to save its current instance state.
* See the Java documentation for Activity.onSaveInstanceState() for more
* information. The user should call the recallback with their data, its
* length and the provided context; they retain ownership of the data. Note
* that the saved state will be persisted, so it can not contain any active
* entities (pointers to memory, file descriptors, etc).
void (*onSaveInstanceState)(GameActivity* activity,
SaveInstanceStateRecallback recallback,
void* context);
* GameActivity has paused. See Java documentation for Activity.onPause()
* for more information.
void (*onPause)(GameActivity* activity);
* GameActivity has stopped. See Java documentation for Activity.onStop()
* for more information.
void (*onStop)(GameActivity* activity);
* GameActivity is being destroyed. See Java documentation for
* Activity.onDestroy() for more information.
void (*onDestroy)(GameActivity* activity);
* Focus has changed in this GameActivity's window. This is often used,
* for example, to pause a game when it loses input focus.
void (*onWindowFocusChanged)(GameActivity* activity, bool hasFocus);
* The drawing window for this native activity has been created. You
* can use the given native window object to start drawing.
void (*onNativeWindowCreated)(GameActivity* activity,
ANativeWindow* window);
* The drawing window for this native activity has been resized. You should
* retrieve the new size from the window and ensure that your rendering in
* it now matches.
void (*onNativeWindowResized)(GameActivity* activity, ANativeWindow* window,
int32_t newWidth, int32_t newHeight);
* The drawing window for this native activity needs to be redrawn. To
* avoid transient artifacts during screen changes (such resizing after
* rotation), applications should not return from this function until they
* have finished drawing their window in its current state.
void (*onNativeWindowRedrawNeeded)(GameActivity* activity,
ANativeWindow* window);
* The drawing window for this native activity is going to be destroyed.
* You MUST ensure that you do not touch the window object after returning
* from this function: in the common case of drawing to the window from
* another thread, that means the implementation of this callback must
* properly synchronize with the other thread to stop its drawing before
* returning from here.
void (*onNativeWindowDestroyed)(GameActivity* activity,
ANativeWindow* window);
* The current device AConfiguration has changed. The new configuration can
* be retrieved from assetManager.
void (*onConfigurationChanged)(GameActivity* activity);
* The system is running low on memory. Use this callback to release
* resources you do not need, to help the system avoid killing more
* important processes.
void (*onTrimMemory)(GameActivity* activity, int level);
* Callback called for every MotionEvent done on the GameActivity
* SurfaceView. Ownership of `event` is maintained by the library and it is
* only valid during the callback.
bool (*onTouchEvent)(GameActivity* activity,
const GameActivityMotionEvent* event);
* Callback called for every key down event on the GameActivity SurfaceView.
* Ownership of `event` is maintained by the library and it is only valid
* during the callback.
bool (*onKeyDown)(GameActivity* activity,
const GameActivityKeyEvent* event);
* Callback called for every key up event on the GameActivity SurfaceView.
* Ownership of `event` is maintained by the library and it is only valid
* during the callback.
bool (*onKeyUp)(GameActivity* activity, const GameActivityKeyEvent* event);
* Callback called for every soft-keyboard text input event.
* Ownership of `state` is maintained by the library and it is only valid
* during the callback.
void (*onTextInputEvent)(GameActivity* activity,
const GameTextInputState* state);
* Callback called when WindowInsets of the main app window have changed.
* Call GameActivity_getWindowInsets to retrieve the insets themselves.
void (*onWindowInsetsChanged)(GameActivity* activity);
} GameActivityCallbacks;
* \brief Convert a Java `MotionEvent` to a `GameActivityMotionEvent`.
* This is done automatically by the GameActivity: see `onTouchEvent` to set
* a callback to consume the received events.
* This function can be used if you re-implement events handling in your own
* activity.
* Ownership of out_event is maintained by the caller.
void GameActivityMotionEvent_fromJava(JNIEnv* env, jobject motionEvent,
GameActivityMotionEvent* out_event);
* \brief Convert a Java `KeyEvent` to a `GameActivityKeyEvent`.
* This is done automatically by the GameActivity: see `onKeyUp` and `onKeyDown`
* to set a callback to consume the received events.
* This function can be used if you re-implement events handling in your own
* activity.
* Ownership of out_event is maintained by the caller.
void GameActivityKeyEvent_fromJava(JNIEnv* env, jobject motionEvent,
GameActivityKeyEvent* out_event);
* This is the function that must be in the native code to instantiate the
* application's native activity. It is called with the activity instance (see
* above); if the code is being instantiated from a previously saved instance,
* the savedState will be non-NULL and point to the saved data. You must make
* any copy of this data you need -- it will be released after you return from
* this function.
typedef void GameActivity_createFunc(GameActivity* activity, void* savedState,
size_t savedStateSize);
* The name of the function that NativeInstance looks for when launching its
* native code. This is the default function that is used, you can specify
* "" string meta-data in your manifest to use a different
* function.
extern GameActivity_createFunc GameActivity_onCreate;
* Finish the given activity. Its finish() method will be called, causing it
* to be stopped and destroyed. Note that this method can be called from
* *any* thread; it will send a message to the main thread of the process
* where the Java finish call will take place.
void GameActivity_finish(GameActivity* activity);
* Flags for GameActivity_setWindowFlags,
* as per the Java API at android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams.
enum GameActivitySetWindowFlags {
* As long as this window is visible to the user, allow the lock
* screen to activate while the screen is on. This can be used
* independently, or in combination with {@link
/** Everything behind this window will be dimmed. */
* Blur everything behind this window.
* @deprecated Blurring is no longer supported.
* This window won't ever get key input focus, so the
* user can not send key or other button events to it. Those will
* instead go to whatever focusable window is behind it. This flag
* will also enable {@link GAMEACTIVITY_FLAG_NOT_TOUCH_MODAL} whether or not
* that is explicitly set.
* Setting this flag also implies that the window will not need to
* interact with
* a soft input method, so it will be Z-ordered and positioned
* independently of any active input method (typically this means it
* gets Z-ordered on top of the input method, so it can use the full
* screen for its content and cover the input method if needed. You
* can use {@link GAMEACTIVITY_FLAG_ALT_FOCUSABLE_IM} to modify this
* behavior.
/** This window can never receive touch events. */
* Even when this window is focusable (its
* {@link GAMEACTIVITY_FLAG_NOT_FOCUSABLE} is not set), allow any pointer
* events outside of the window to be sent to the windows behind it.
* Otherwise it will consume all pointer events itself, regardless of
* whether they are inside of the window.
* When set, if the device is asleep when the touch
* screen is pressed, you will receive this first touch event. Usually
* the first touch event is consumed by the system since the user can
* not see what they are pressing on.
* @deprecated This flag has no effect.
* As long as this window is visible to the user, keep
* the device's screen turned on and bright.
* Place the window within the entire screen, ignoring
* decorations around the border (such as the status bar). The
* window must correctly position its contents to take the screen
* decoration into account.
/** Allows the window to extend outside of the screen. */
* Hide all screen decorations (such as the status
* bar) while this window is displayed. This allows the window to
* use the entire display space for itself -- the status bar will
* be hidden when an app window with this flag set is on the top
* layer. A fullscreen window will ignore a value of {@link
* fullscreen and will not resize.
* Override {@link GAMEACTIVITY_FLAG_FULLSCREEN} and force the
* screen decorations (such as the status bar) to be shown.
* Turn on dithering when compositing this window to
* the screen.
* @deprecated This flag is no longer used.
* Treat the content of the window as secure, preventing
* it from appearing in screenshots or from being viewed on non-secure
* displays.
* A special mode where the layout parameters are used
* to perform scaling of the surface when it is composited to the
* screen.
* Intended for windows that will often be used when the user is
* holding the screen against their face, it will aggressively
* filter the event stream to prevent unintended presses in this
* situation that may not be desired for a particular window, when
* such an event stream is detected, the application will receive
* a {@link AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_CANCEL} to indicate this so
* applications can handle this accordingly by taking no action on
* the event until the finger is released.
* A special option only for use in combination with
* {@link GAMEACTIVITY_FLAG_LAYOUT_IN_SCREEN}. When requesting layout in
* the screen your window may appear on top of or behind screen decorations
* such as the status bar. By also including this flag, the window
* manager will report the inset rectangle needed to ensure your
* content is not covered by screen decorations.
* Invert the state of {@link GAMEACTIVITY_FLAG_NOT_FOCUSABLE} with
* respect to how this window interacts with the current method.
* That is, if FLAG_NOT_FOCUSABLE is set and this flag is set,
* then the window will behave as if it needs to interact with the
* input method and thus be placed behind/away from it; if {@link
* GAMEACTIVITY_FLAG_NOT_FOCUSABLE} is not set and this flag is set,
* then the window will behave as if it doesn't need to interact
* with the input method and can be placed to use more space and
* cover the input method.
* If you have set {@link GAMEACTIVITY_FLAG_NOT_TOUCH_MODAL}, you
* can set this flag to receive a single special MotionEvent with
* the action
* touches that occur outside of your window. Note that you will not
* receive the full down/move/up gesture, only the location of the
* first down as an {@link AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_OUTSIDE}.
* Special flag to let windows be shown when the screen
* is locked. This will let application windows take precedence over
* key guard or any other lock screens. Can be used with
* {@link GAMEACTIVITY_FLAG_KEEP_SCREEN_ON} to turn screen on and display
* windows directly before showing the key guard window. Can be used with
* {@link GAMEACTIVITY_FLAG_DISMISS_KEYGUARD} to automatically fully
* dismisss non-secure keyguards. This flag only applies to the top-most
* full-screen window.
* Ask that the system wallpaper be shown behind
* your window. The window surface must be translucent to be able
* to actually see the wallpaper behind it; this flag just ensures
* that the wallpaper surface will be there if this window actually
* has translucent regions.
* When set as a window is being added or made
* visible, once the window has been shown then the system will
* poke the power manager's user activity (as if the user had woken
* up the device) to turn the screen on.
* When set the window will cause the keyguard to
* be dismissed, only if it is not a secure lock keyguard. Because such
* a keyguard is not needed for security, it will never re-appear if
* the user navigates to another window (in contrast to
* {@link GAMEACTIVITY_FLAG_SHOW_WHEN_LOCKED}, which will only temporarily
* hide both secure and non-secure keyguards but ensure they reappear
* when the user moves to another UI that doesn't hide them).
* If the keyguard is currently active and is secure (requires an
* unlock pattern) than the user will still need to confirm it before
* seeing this window, unless {@link GAMEACTIVITY_FLAG_SHOW_WHEN_LOCKED} has
* also been set.
* Change the window flags of the given activity. Calls getWindow().setFlags()
* of the given activity.
* Note that some flags must be set before the window decoration is created,
* see
* Note also that this method can be called from
* *any* thread; it will send a message to the main thread of the process
* where the Java finish call will take place.
void GameActivity_setWindowFlags(GameActivity* activity, uint32_t addFlags,
uint32_t removeFlags);
* Flags for GameActivity_showSoftInput; see the Java InputMethodManager
* API for documentation.
enum GameActivityShowSoftInputFlags {
* Implicit request to show the input window, not as the result
* of a direct request by the user.
* The user has forced the input method open (such as by
* long-pressing menu) so it should not be closed until they
* explicitly do so.
* Show the IME while in the given activity. Calls
* InputMethodManager.showSoftInput() for the given activity. Note that this
* method can be called from *any* thread; it will send a message to the main
* thread of the process where the Java call will take place.
void GameActivity_showSoftInput(GameActivity* activity, uint32_t flags);
* Set the text entry state (see documentation of the GameTextInputState struct
* in the Game Text Input library reference).
* Ownership of the state is maintained by the caller.
void GameActivity_setTextInputState(GameActivity* activity,
const GameTextInputState* state);
* Get the last-received text entry state (see documentation of the
* GameTextInputState struct in the Game Text Input library reference).
void GameActivity_getTextInputState(GameActivity* activity,
GameTextInputGetStateCallback callback,
void* context);
* Get a pointer to the GameTextInput library instance.
GameTextInput* GameActivity_getTextInput(const GameActivity* activity);
* Flags for GameActivity_hideSoftInput; see the Java InputMethodManager
* API for documentation.
enum GameActivityHideSoftInputFlags {
* The soft input window should only be hidden if it was not
* explicitly shown by the user.
* The soft input window should normally be hidden, unless it was
* originally shown with {@link GAMEACTIVITY_SHOW_SOFT_INPUT_FORCED}.
* Hide the IME while in the given activity. Calls
* InputMethodManager.hideSoftInput() for the given activity. Note that this
* method can be called from *any* thread; it will send a message to the main
* thread of the process where the Java finish call will take place.
void GameActivity_hideSoftInput(GameActivity* activity, uint32_t flags);
* Get the current window insets of the particular component. See
* for more details.
* You can use these insets to influence what you show on the screen.
void GameActivity_getWindowInsets(GameActivity* activity,
GameCommonInsetsType type, ARect* insets);
* Set options on how the IME behaves when it is requested for text input.
* See
* for the meaning of inputType, actionId and imeOptions.
* Note that this function will attach the current thread to the JVM if it is
* not already attached, so the caller must detach the thread from the JVM
* before the thread is destroyed using DetachCurrentThread.
void GameActivity_setImeEditorInfo(GameActivity* activity, int inputType,
int actionId, int imeOptions);
#ifdef __cplusplus
/** @} */