blob: fda1b4bf21fc22e68388d9a89243334c14cea39c [file] [log] [blame]
const { Collector } = require('istanbul');
const path = require('path');
const fs = require('fs');
const { SourceMapConsumer } = require('source-map');
const SparseCoverageCollector = require('./SparseCoverageCollector');
const getMapping = require('./getMapping');
const remapFunction = require('./remapFunction');
const remapBranch = require('./remapBranch');
const sourceMapRegEx = /(?:\/{2}[#@]{1,2}|\/\*)\s+sourceMappingURL\s*=\s*(data:(?:[^;]+;)*(base64)?,)?(\S+)(?:\n\s*)?/;
class CoverageTransformer {
constructor(options) {
this.basePath = options.basePath;
this.warn = options.warn || console.warn;
this.warnMissingSourceMaps =
(typeof options.warnMissingSourceMaps !== 'undefined') ? options.warnMissingSourceMaps : true;
this.exclude = () => false;
if (options.exclude) {
if (typeof options.exclude === 'function') {
this.exclude = options.exclude;
} else if (typeof options.exclude === 'string') {
this.exclude = (fileName) => fileName.indexOf(options.exclude) > -1;
} else {
this.exclude = (fileName) => fileName.match(options.exclude);
this.mapFileName = options.mapFileName || ((fileName) => fileName);
this.useAbsolutePaths = !!options.useAbsolutePaths;
this.readJSON = options.readJSON
|| function readJSON(filePath) {
if (!fs.existsSync(filePath)) {
this.warn(Error(`Could not find file: "${filePath}"`));
return null;
return JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(filePath));
this.readFile = options.readFile
|| function readFile(filePath) {
if (!fs.existsSync(filePath)) {
this.warn(new Error(`Could not find file: "${filePath}"`));
return '';
return fs.readFileSync(filePath);
this.sourceStore = options.sources;
this.sparseCoverageCollector = new SparseCoverageCollector();
addFileCoverage(filePath, fileCoverage) {
if (this.exclude(filePath)) {
this.warn(`Excluding: "${filePath}"`);
let rawSourceMap;
let sourceMapDir = path.dirname(filePath);
let codeIsArray = true;
if (fileCoverage.inputSourceMap) {
rawSourceMap = fileCoverage.inputSourceMap;
} else {
/* coverage.json can sometimes include the code inline */
let codeFromFile = false;
let jsText = fileCoverage.code;
if (!jsText) {
jsText = this.readFile(filePath);
codeFromFile = true;
if (Array.isArray(jsText)) { /* sometimes the source is an array */
jsText = jsText.join('\n');
} else {
codeIsArray = false;
let match = sourceMapRegEx.exec(jsText);
if (!match && !codeFromFile) {
codeIsArray = false;
jsText = this.readFile(filePath);
match = sourceMapRegEx.exec(jsText);
if (match) {
if (match[1]) {
if (match[2]) {
rawSourceMap = JSON.parse((Buffer.from(match[3], 'base64').toString('utf8')));
} else {
rawSourceMap = JSON.parse(decodeURIComponent(match[3]));
} else {
const sourceMapPath = path.join(sourceMapDir, match[3]);
rawSourceMap = this.readJSON(sourceMapPath);
sourceMapDir = path.dirname(sourceMapPath);
if (!rawSourceMap) {
/* We couldn't find a source map, so will copy coverage after warning. */
if (this.warnMissingSourceMaps) {
this.warn(new Error(`Could not find source map for: "${filePath}"`));
try {
fileCoverage.code = String(fs.readFileSync(filePath)).split('\n');
} catch (error) {
this.warn(new Error(`Could not find source for : "${filePath}"`));
this.sparseCoverageCollector.setCoverage(filePath, fileCoverage);
sourceMapDir = this.basePath || sourceMapDir;
// Clean up source map paths:
// * prepend sourceRoot if it is set
// * replace relative paths in source maps with absolute
rawSourceMap.sources = => {
let tempVal = srcPath;
if (rawSourceMap.sourceRoot) {
tempVal = /\/$/g.test(rawSourceMap.sourceRoot)
? rawSourceMap.sourceRoot + srcPath
: srcPath;
return tempVal.substr(0, 1) === '.'
? path.resolve(sourceMapDir, tempVal)
: tempVal;
let sourceMap = new SourceMapConsumer(rawSourceMap);
/* if there are inline sources and a store to put them into, we will populate it */
const inlineSourceMap = {};
let origSourceFilename;
let origFileName;
let fileName;
if (sourceMap.sourcesContent) {
origSourceFilename = rawSourceMap.sources[0];
if (origSourceFilename && path.extname(origSourceFilename) !== '' && rawSourceMap.sources.length === 1) {
origFileName = rawSourceMap.file || rawSourceMap.sources[0];
fileName = filePath.replace(new RegExp(path.extname(origFileName) + '$'), path.extname(origSourceFilename));
rawSourceMap.file = fileName;
rawSourceMap.sources = [fileName];
rawSourceMap.sourceRoot = '';
sourceMap = new SourceMapConsumer(rawSourceMap);
sourceMap.sourcesContent.forEach((source, idx) => {
inlineSourceMap[sourceMap.sources[idx]] = true;
codeIsArray ? source.split('\n') : source
if (this.sourceStore) {
this.sourceStore.set(sourceMap.sources[idx], source);
const resolvePath = (source) => {
let resolvedSource = source in inlineSourceMap
? source
: path.resolve(sourceMapDir, source);
if (!this.useAbsolutePaths && !(source in inlineSourceMap)) {
resolvedSource = path.relative(process.cwd(), resolvedSource);
return resolvedSource;
const getMappingResolved = (location) => {
const mapping = getMapping(sourceMap, location);
if (!mapping) return null;
return Object.assign(mapping, { source: resolvePath(mapping.source) });
Object.keys(fileCoverage.branchMap).forEach((index) => {
const genItem = fileCoverage.branchMap[index];
const hits = fileCoverage.b[index];
const info = remapBranch(genItem, getMappingResolved);
if (info) {
this.sparseCoverageCollector.updateBranch(info.source, info.srcItem, hits);
Object.keys(fileCoverage.fnMap).forEach((index) => {
const genItem = fileCoverage.fnMap[index];
const hits = fileCoverage.f[index];
const info = remapFunction(genItem, getMappingResolved);
if (info) {
this.sparseCoverageCollector.updateFunction(info.source, info.srcItem, hits);
Object.keys(fileCoverage.statementMap).forEach((index) => {
const genItem = fileCoverage.statementMap[index];
const hits = fileCoverage.s[index];
const mapping = getMappingResolved(genItem);
if (mapping) {
this.sparseCoverageCollector.updateStatement(mapping.source, mapping.loc, hits);
// todo: refactor exposing implementation details
const srcCoverage = this.sparseCoverageCollector.getFinalCoverage();
if (sourceMap.sourcesContent && this.basePath && origFileName) {
// Convert path to use base path option
const getPath = filePath => {
const absolutePath = path.resolve(this.basePath, filePath);
if (!this.useAbsolutePaths) {
return path.relative(process.cwd(), absolutePath);
return absolutePath;
const fullSourceMapPath = getPath(
origFileName.replace(path.extname(origFileName), path.extname(origSourceFilename))
srcCoverage[fullSourceMapPath] = srcCoverage[fileName];
srcCoverage[fullSourceMapPath].path = fullSourceMapPath;
delete srcCoverage[fileName];
addCoverage(item) {
.forEach((filePath) => {
const fileCoverage = item[filePath];
this.addFileCoverage(filePath, fileCoverage);
getFinalCoverage() {
const collector = new Collector();
const srcCoverage = this.sparseCoverageCollector.getFinalCoverage();
.filter((filePath) => !this.exclude(filePath))
.forEach((filename) => {
const coverage = Object.assign({}, srcCoverage[filename]);
coverage.path = this.mapFileName(filename);
if (this.sourceStore && coverage.path !== filename) {
const source = this.sourceStore.get(filename);
this.sourceStore.set(coverage.path, source);
[coverage.path]: coverage,
/* refreshes the line counts for reports */
return collector;
module.exports = CoverageTransformer;