blob: e50c9a934dde9f29da2f41e46189cd05dc518c7d [file] [log] [blame]
const istanbul = require('istanbul');
const minimatch = require('minimatch');
function mixin(destination/*, ...mixins*/) {
for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
var source = arguments[i];
for (var key in source) {
destination[key] = source[key];
return destination;
function overrideThresholds (key, overrides) {
var thresholds = {};
// First match wins
Object.keys(overrides).some(function (pattern) {
if (minimatch(normalize(key), pattern, {dot: true})) {
thresholds = overrides[pattern];
return true;
return thresholds;
function removeFiles (covObj, patterns) {
var obj = {};
Object.keys(covObj).forEach(function (key) {
// Do any patterns match the resolved key
var found = patterns.some(function (pattern) {
return minimatch(normalize(key), pattern, {dot: true});
// if no patterns match, keep the key
if (!found) {
obj[key] = covObj[key];
return obj;
module.exports = function checkThreshold(checkOpt, collector) {
var defaultThresholds = {
global: {
statements: 0,
branches: 0,
lines: 0,
functions: 0,
excludes: [],
each: {
statements: 0,
branches: 0,
lines: 0,
functions: 0,
excludes: [],
overrides: {},
var thresholds = {
global: mixin(,,
each: mixin(defaultThresholds.each, checkOpt.each)
var rawCoverage = collector.getFinalCoverage();
var globalResults = istanbul.utils.summarizeCoverage(removeFiles(rawCoverage,;
var eachResults = removeFiles(rawCoverage, thresholds.each.excludes);
// Summarize per-file results and mutate original results.
Object.keys(eachResults).forEach(function (key) {
eachResults[key] = istanbul.utils.summarizeFileCoverage(eachResults[key]);
var coverageFailed = false;
function check (name, thresholds, actuals) {
var keys = [
keys.forEach(function (key) {
var actual = actuals[key].pct;
var actualUncovered = actuals[key].total - actuals[key].covered;
var threshold = thresholds[key];
if (threshold < 0) {
if (threshold * -1 < actualUncovered) {
coverageFailed = true;
console.error('Uncovered count for ' + key + ' (' + actualUncovered + ') exceeds ' + name + ' threshold (' + -1 * threshold + ')');
} else {
if (actual < threshold) {
coverageFailed = true;
console.error('Coverage for ' + key + ' (' + actual + '%) does not meet ' + name + ' threshold (' + threshold + '%)');
check('global',, globalResults);
Object.keys(eachResults).forEach(function (key) {
var keyThreshold = mixin(thresholds.each, overrideThresholds(key, thresholds.each.overrides));
check('per-file' + ' (' + key + ') ', keyThreshold, eachResults[key]);
return coverageFailed;