blob: d2272ae005063348e1e73825df2889b686707353 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2019 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef GrOctoBounds_DEFINED
#define GrOctoBounds_DEFINED
#include "include/core/SkRect.h"
#include <functional>
* This class is composed of two bounding boxes: one in device space, and one in a 45-degree rotated
* space.
* The 45-degree bounding box resides in "| 1 -1 | * coords" space.
* | 1 1 |
* The intersection of these two boxes defines the bounding octagon of a shape.
* Furthermore, both bounding boxes are fully tightened. This means we can blindly find the
* intersections between each diagonal and its vertical and horizontal neighbors, and be left with
* 8 points that define a convex (possibly degenerate) octagon.
class GrOctoBounds {
GrOctoBounds() = default;
GrOctoBounds(const SkRect& bounds, const SkRect& bounds45) {
this->set(bounds, bounds45);
void set(const SkRect& bounds, const SkRect& bounds45) {
fBounds = bounds;
fBounds45 = bounds45;
bool operator==(const GrOctoBounds& that) const {
return fBounds == that.fBounds && fBounds45 == that.fBounds45;
bool operator!=(const GrOctoBounds& that) const { return !(*this == that); }
const SkRect& bounds() const { return fBounds; }
float left() const { return fBounds.left(); }
float top() const { return; }
float right() const { return fBounds.right(); }
float bottom() const { return fBounds.bottom(); }
// The 45-degree bounding box resides in "| 1 -1 | * coords" space.
// | 1 1 |
const SkRect& bounds45() const { return fBounds45; }
float left45() const { return fBounds45.left(); }
float top45() const { return; }
float right45() const { return fBounds45.right(); }
float bottom45() const { return fBounds45.bottom(); }
void roundOut(SkIRect* out) const {
// The octagon is the intersection of fBounds and fBounds45 (see the comment at the start of
// the class). The octagon's bounding box is therefore just fBounds. And the integer
// bounding box can be found by simply rounding out fBounds.
GrOctoBounds makeOffset(float dx, float dy) const {
GrOctoBounds offset;
offset.setOffset(*this, dx, dy);
return offset;
void setOffset(const GrOctoBounds& octoBounds, float dx, float dy) {
fBounds = octoBounds.fBounds.makeOffset(dx, dy);
fBounds45 = octoBounds.fBounds45.makeOffset(dx - dy, dx + dy);
void outset(float radius) {
fBounds.outset(radius, radius);
fBounds45.outset(radius*SK_ScalarSqrt2, radius*SK_ScalarSqrt2);
// Clips the octo bounds by a clip rect and ensures the resulting bounds are fully tightened.
// Returns false if the octagon and clipRect do not intersect at all.
// NOTE: Does not perform a trivial containment test before the clip routine. It is probably a
// good idea to not call this method if 'this->bounds()' are fully contained within 'clipRect'.
bool SK_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT clip(const SkIRect& clipRect);
// The 45-degree bounding box resides in "| 1 -1 | * coords" space.
// | 1 1 |
// i.e., | x45 | = | x - y |
// | y45 | = | x + y |
// These methods transform points between device space and 45-degree space.
constexpr static float Get_x45(float x, float y) { return x - y; }
constexpr static float Get_y45(float x, float y) { return x + y; }
constexpr static float Get_x(float x45, float y45) { return (x45 + y45) * .5f; }
constexpr static float Get_y(float x45, float y45) { return (y45 - x45) * .5f; }
#if defined(SK_DEBUG) || defined(GR_TEST_UTILS)
void validateBoundsAreTight() const;
void validateBoundsAreTight(const std::function<void(
bool cond, const char* file, int line, const char* code)>& validateFn) const;
SkRect fBounds;
SkRect fBounds45;