blob: 2af963821cfaedb24250e72db0824659edb4f187 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// ImmutableStringBuilder.h: Stringstream-like utility for building pool allocated strings where the
// maximum length is known in advance.
#include "compiler/translator/ImmutableString.h"
namespace sh
class ImmutableStringBuilder
ImmutableStringBuilder(size_t maxLength)
: mPos(0u), mMaxLength(maxLength), mData(AllocateEmptyPoolCharArray(maxLength))
ImmutableStringBuilder &operator<<(const ImmutableString &str);
ImmutableStringBuilder &operator<<(const char *str);
ImmutableStringBuilder &operator<<(const char &c);
// This invalidates the ImmutableStringBuilder, so it should only be called once.
operator ImmutableString();
void appendDecimal(const uint32_t &i);
template <typename T>
void appendHex(T number)
ASSERT(mData != nullptr);
ASSERT(mPos + sizeof(T) * 2u <= mMaxLength);
int index = static_cast<int>(sizeof(T)) * 2 - 1;
// Loop through leading zeroes.
while (((number >> (index * 4)) & 0xfu) == 0 && index > 0)
// Write the rest of the hex digits.
while (index >= 0)
char digit = static_cast<char>((number >> (index * 4)) & 0xfu);
char digitChar = (digit < 10) ? (digit + '0') : (digit + ('a' - 10));
mData[mPos++] = digitChar;
template <typename T>
static constexpr size_t GetHexCharCount()
return sizeof(T) * 2;
inline static char *AllocateEmptyPoolCharArray(size_t strLength)
size_t requiredSize = strLength + 1u;
return static_cast<char *>(GetGlobalPoolAllocator()->allocate(requiredSize));
size_t mPos;
size_t mMaxLength;
char *mData;
// GLSL ES 3.00.6 section 3.9: the maximum length of an identifier is 1024 characters.
constexpr unsigned int kESSLMaxIdentifierLength = 1024u;
} // namespace sh