blob: 2dcf3691a3e6408407eaa4ddee748bdf3d4dedb6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Cobalt Authors. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
(function(debugBackend) {
// Attach methods to handle commands in the 'DOM' devtools domain.
var commands = debugBackend.DOM = {};
// Creates and returns a new Node object corresponding to the document node,
// including its children up to a default depth.
commands.getDocument = function(params) {
var result = {};
result.root = _getNodeWithChildren(document, 2);
result.root.documentURL = document.URL;
return JSON.stringify(result);
// Creates an array of Node objects corresponding to the children of the
// specified node, and returns them via an event. A depth may be specified,
// where a negative depth means to return all descendants. If no depth is
// specified, the default is 1, a single level.
commands.requestChildNodes = function(params) {
var node = commands._findNode(params);
var depth = params.depth || 1;
var result = {};
result.parentId = params.nodeId;
result.nodes = _getChildNodes(node, depth);
// Send the result via an event, and an empty response.
debugBackend.sendEvent('DOM.setChildNodes', JSON.stringify(result));
return '{}';
// Finds the node corresponding to a remote objectId. Also sends all nodes on
// the path from the requested one to the root as a series of setChildNodes
// events.
commands.requestNode = function(params) {
var node = commands._findNode(params);
var nodeInfo = new devtools.Node(node);
var result = {};
result.nodeId = nodeInfo.nodeId;
var parent = node.parentNode;
while (parent) {
var parentInfo = new devtools.Node(parent);
var params = {};
params.parentId = parentInfo.nodeId;
params.nodes = [];
debugBackend.sendEvent('DOM.setChildNodes', JSON.stringify(params));
node = parent;
nodeInfo = parentInfo;
parent = parent.parentNode;
return JSON.stringify(result);
// Returns a Runtime.RemoteObject corresponding to a node.
commands.resolveNode = function(params) {
var node = commands._findNode(params);
var result = {};
result.object =
JSON.parse(debugBackend.createRemoteObject(node, params.objectGroup));
return JSON.stringify(result);
// Returns the bounding box of a node. This pseudo-command in the DOM domain is
// a helper for the C++ |DOMAgent::HighlightNode|.
commands._getBoundingClientRect = function(params) {
var node = commands._findNode(params);
return JSON.stringify(node.getBoundingClientRect());
// Creates and returns a Node object that represents the specified node.
// Adds the node's children up to the specified depth. A negative depth will
// cause all descendants to be added.
var _getNodeWithChildren = function(node, depth) {
var result = new devtools.Node(node);
if (depth != 0) {
result.children = _getChildNodes(node, depth);
return result;
// Creates and returns an array of Node objects corresponding to the children
// of the specified node, recursing on each on up to the specified depth.
var _getChildNodes = function(node, depth) {
if (!node.childNodes) {
return [];
var children = [];
for (var i = 0; i < node.childNodes.length; i++) {
var child = node.childNodes[i];
if (!_nodeIsIgnorable(child)) {
children.push(_getNodeWithChildren(child, depth - 1));
return children;
// Finds a node specified by either nodeId or objectId (to get a node from its
// corresponding remote object). This is "exported" as a pseudo-command in the
// DOM domain for other agents to use.
commands._findNode = function(params) {
if (params.nodeId != null) {
return _nodeStore[params.nodeId];
if (params.objectId != null) {
return debugBackend.lookupRemoteObjectId(params.objectId);
// Either nodeId or objectId must be specified.
return null;
// Adds a node to the internal node store and returns a unique id that can
// be used to access it again.
var _addNode = function(node) {
// If we've already added this node, then use the same nodeId.
for (var i = 0; i < _nodeStore.length; i++) {
if (_nodeStore[i] === node) {
return i;
var nodeId = _nextNodeId++;
_nodeStore[nodeId] = node;
return nodeId;
// Whether a node is ignorable. We ignore text nodes with white-space only
// content, as they just clutter up the DOM tree.
var _nodeIsIgnorable = function(node) {
return node.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE &&
!(/[^\t\n\r ]/.test(node.textContent));
var _nodeStore = [];
var _nextNodeId = 0;
// Namespace for constructors of types defined in the Devtools protocol.
var devtools = {};
// Creates a new Node object, which is the type used to return information
// about nodes to devtools. All Node objects are added to |nodeStore|,
// so they can be retrieved later via |nodeId|.
devtools.Node = function(node) {
this.nodeId = _addNode(node);
this.localName = node.nodeName;
this.nodeName = node.nodeName;
this.nodeType = node.nodeType;
this.nodeValue = node.nodeValue || '';
this.childNodeCount = _getChildNodes(node, 1).length;
if (node.attributes) {
this.attributes = [];
for (var i = 0; i < node.attributes.length; i++) {
// TODO: Pass debugBackend from C++ instead of getting it from the window.