blob: 4cb2a8916f8509078054ecc2a9f183a284da663c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "crazy_linker_ashmem.h"
#include "crazy_linker_memory_mapping.h"
#include "crazy_linker_system.h"
#include "elf_traits.h"
namespace crazy {
class ElfView;
// A class used to model a shared RELRO section backed by an Ashmem region.
// The region is always owned by the SharedRelro, unless DetachFd() is called.
// The SharedRelro may or may not be mapped into the process.
class SharedRelro {
// Create a new SharedRelro. Note that the object becomes the owner of
// |ashmem_fd|, unless DetachFd() is called after this.
SharedRelro() : start_(0), size_(0), ashmem_() {}
~SharedRelro() {}
size_t start() const { return start_; }
size_t end() const { return start_ + size_; }
size_t size() const { return size_; }
int fd() const { return ashmem_.fd(); }
// Return the ashmem region's file descriptor, and detach it from the object.
// After this call, fd() will always return -1.
int DetachFd() { return ashmem_.Release(); }
// Allocate a new ashmem region of |relro_size| bytes for |library_name|.
// This operation doesn't change the process' mappings. On error, return
// false and set |error| message.
bool Allocate(size_t relro_size, const char* library_name, Error* error);
// Copy the content of the current process' RELRO into the ashmem region.
// |relro_start| is the RELRO address (page-aligned).
// |relro_size| is the RELRO size in bytes (page-aligned), and must match
// the allocation size passed to Allocate().
// On failure, return false and set |error| message.
bool CopyFrom(size_t relro_start, size_t relro_size, Error* error);
// Copy the contents of the current process' RELRO into the ashmem region
// but adjust any relocation targets within it to correspond to a new
// |load_address|. |view| must point to a mapped ELF binary for the current
// library. |relro_start| corresponds to the address of the current
// process' RELRO, i.e. is not relocated.
bool CopyFromRelocated(const ElfView* view,
size_t load_address,
size_t relro_start,
size_t relro_size,
Error* error);
// Force the section to be read-only.
bool ForceReadOnly(Error* error);
// Map the ashmem region's pages into the current process, doing a comparison
// to avoid corrupting parts of the RELRO section that are different in this
// one (e.g. due to symbolic relocations to randomized system libraries).
// This operation is _not_ atomic, i.e. no other thread should try to execute
// code that reads from the RELRO region during this call.
// On failure, return false and set |error| message.
// This operation does not transfer ownership of |ashmem_fd| to the object.
bool InitFrom(size_t relro_start,
size_t relro_size,
int ashmem_fd,
Error* error);
size_t start_;
size_t size_;
AshmemRegion ashmem_;
} // namespace crazy