blob: 27e6f31bc517fcb8419c5bba74faeb6c666181af [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <link.h>
#include "crazy_linker_error.h"
#include "crazy_linker_search_path_list.h"
#include "elf_traits.h"
// This header contains definitions related to the global list of
// library views maintained by the crazy linker. Each library view
// points to either a crazy library, or a system one.
namespace crazy {
class SharedLibrary;
class LibraryView;
// The list of all shared libraries loaded by the crazy linker.
// IMPORTANT: This class is not thread-safe!
class LibraryList {
// Find a library in the list by its base name.
// |base_name| must not contain a directory separator.
LibraryView* FindLibraryByName(const char* base_name);
// Lookup for a given |symbol_name|, starting from |from_lib|
// then through its dependencies in breadth-first search order.
// On failure, returns NULL.
void* FindSymbolFrom(const char* symbol_name, const LibraryView* from_lib);
// Return the address of a visible given symbol. Used to implement
// the dlsym() wrapper. Returns NULL on failure.
void* FindAddressForSymbol(const char* symbol_name);
// Find a SharedLibrary that contains a given address, or NULL if none
// could be found. This simply scans all libraries.
LibraryView* FindLibraryForAddress(void* address);
#ifdef __arm__
// Find the base address of the .ARM.exidx section corresponding
// to the address |pc|, as well as the number of 8-byte entries in
// the table into |*count|. Used to implement the wrapper for
// dl_unwind_find_exidx().
_Unwind_Ptr FindArmExIdx(void* pc, int* count);
typedef int (*PhdrIterationCallback)(dl_phdr_info* info,
size_t info_size,
void* data);
// Loop over all loaded libraries and call the |cb| callback
// on each iteration. If the function returns 0, stop immediately
// and return its value. Used to implement the wrapper for
// dl_iterate_phdr().
int IteratePhdr(PhdrIterationCallback callback, void* data);
// Try to load a library, possibly at a fixed address.
// On failure, returns NULL and sets the |error| message.
LibraryView* LoadLibrary(const char* path,
uintptr_t load_address,
SearchPathList* search_path_list,
Error* error);
// Unload a given shared library. This really decrements the library's
// internal reference count. When it reaches zero, the library's
// destructors are run, its dependencies are unloaded, then the
// library is removed from memory.
void UnloadLibrary(LibraryView* lib);
// Used internally by the wrappers only.
void AddLibrary(LibraryView* lib);
LibraryList(const LibraryList&);
LibraryList& operator=(const LibraryList&);
// Preload any libraries that override symbols in later loads.
// Called once only, on library list construction. Libraries to preload
// are controlled by LD_PRELOAD.
void LoadPreloads();
// Load a library with the system linker and a specific set of flags.
// |lib_name| is the library name or path, |dlopen_flags| should be
// a set of RTLD_XXX flags. On success, return a new LibraryView pointer.
// On failure, set |*error| then return nullptr.
LibraryView* LoadLibraryWithSystemLinker(const char* lib_name,
int dlopen_flags,
Error* error);
void ClearError();
// The list of all preloaded libraries.
Vector<LibraryView*> preloaded_libraries_;
// The list of all known libraries.
Vector<LibraryView*> known_libraries_;
// Find whether a library identified by |name| has already been loaded.
// Note that |name| should correspond to the library's unique soname, which
// comes from its DT_SONAME entry, and typically, but not necessarily
// matches its base name.
LibraryView* FindKnownLibrary(const char* name);
// The list of all libraries loaded by the crazy linker.
// This does _not_ include system libraries present in known_libraries_.
SharedLibrary* head_ = nullptr;
bool has_error_ = false;
char error_buffer_[512];
} // namespace crazy