blob: 3a9b23c174d96bcc05d5a991cab5c3f908a9cddb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "crazy_linker_line_reader.h"
#include "crazy_linker_debug.h"
// Set to 1 to enable debug logs here.
namespace crazy {
LineReader::LineReader(const char* path, size_t capacity)
: fd_(path),
buff_(static_cast<char*>(::malloc(capacity))) {}
LineReader::~LineReader() {
bool LineReader::GetNextLine() {
// Eat previous line.
line_start_ += line_len_;
line_len_ = 0;
for (;;) {
LLOG("LOOP line_start=%d buff_size=%d buff_capacity=%d", line_start_,
buff_size_, buff_capacity_);
// Find the end of the current line in the current buffer. The result
// of memchr(_,_,0) is undefined, treated as not-found.
const char* line = buff_ + line_start_;
const size_t range = buff_size_ - line_start_;
const char* line_end;
if (range > 0)
line_end = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(::memchr(line, '\n', range));
line_end = NULL;
if (line_end != NULL) {
// Found one, return it directly.
line_len_ = static_cast<size_t>(line_end + 1 - line);
LLOG("LINE line_start=%d line_len=%d '%.*s'\n", line_start_, line_len_,
line_len_, buff_ + line_start_);
return true;
// Eat the start of the buffer
if (line_start_ > 0) {
::memmove(buff_, buff_ + line_start_, buff_size_ - line_start_);
buff_size_ -= line_start_;
line_start_ = 0;
LLOG("MOVE buff_size=%d", buff_size_);
// Handle end of input now.
if (eof_) {
// If there is a last line that isn't terminated by a newline, and
// there is room for it in the buffer. Manually add a \n and return
// the line.
if (buff_size_ > 0 && buff_size_ < buff_capacity_) {
buff_[buff_size_++] = '\n';
line_len_ = buff_size_;
LLOG("EOF_LINE buff_size=%d '%.*s'\n", buff_size_, buff_size_, buff_);
return true;
// Otherwise, ignore the last line.
return false;
// Before reading more data, grow the buffer if needed.
if (buff_size_ == buff_capacity_) {
buff_capacity_ *= 2;
buff_ = static_cast<char*>(::realloc(buff_, buff_capacity_));
LLOG("GROW buff_size=%d buff_capacity=%d '%.*s'\n", buff_size_,
buff_capacity_, buff_size_, buff_);
// Try to fill the rest of buffer after current content.
size_t avail = buff_capacity_ - buff_size_;
int ret = fd_.Read(buff_ + buff_size_, avail);
LLOG("READ buff_size=%d buff_capacity=%d avail=%d ret=%d\n", buff_size_,
buff_capacity_, avail, ret);
if (ret <= 0) {
eof_ = true;
ret = 0;
buff_size_ += static_cast<size_t>(ret);
const char* LineReader::line() const { return buff_ + line_start_; }
size_t LineReader::length() const { return line_len_; }
} // namespace crazy