blob: 35d373090e0fba253958ab4f647943e2d7aadfdf [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Helper classes and functions to extract useful information out of
// /proc/self/maps.
#include "crazy_linker_util.h"
#include <stdint.h>
#include <sys/mman.h> // for PROT_READ etc...
namespace crazy {
class ProcMapsInternal;
class ProcMaps {
// Create instance. This opens and parses /proc/self/maps.
// There is no error reporting. If the file can't be opened, then
// entries() will be empty.
// Small structure to model an entry.
struct Entry {
size_t vma_start;
size_t vma_end;
int prot_flags;
size_t load_offset;
const char* path; // can be NULL, not always zero-terminated.
size_t path_len; // 0 if |path| is NULL.
const Vector<Entry>& entries() const { return entries_; }
// Find entry containing a given |address|, or return nullptr.
const Entry* FindEntryForAddress(void* address) const;
// Find first entry matching a given |file_name|, or return nullptr.
// If |file_name| contains a slash, this will try to perform an
// exact match with the content of /proc/self/maps. Otherwise,
// it will be taken as a base name, and the load address of the first
// matching entry will be returned.
const Entry* FindEntryForFile(const char* file_name) const;
Vector<Entry> entries_;
// Find which loaded ELF binary contains |address|.
// On success, returns true and sets |*load_address| to its load address,
// and fills |path_buffer| with the path to the corresponding file.
bool FindElfBinaryForAddress(void* address,
uintptr_t* load_address,
char* path_buffer,
size_t path_buffer_len);
// Return the load address of a given ELF binary.
// If |file_name| contains a slash, this will try to perform an
// exact match with the content of /proc/self/maps. Otherwise,
// it will be taken as a base name, and the load address of the first
// matching entry will be returned.
// On success, returns true and sets |*load_address| to the load address,
// and |*load_offset| to the load offset.
bool FindLoadAddressForFile(const char* file_name,
uintptr_t* load_address,
uintptr_t* load_offset);
} // namespace crazy