blob: 0efacee97ad69f79abda2482ff0c7caadc746178 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "elf_traits.h"
namespace crazy {
// Convenience struct to model a set of RELR relocations and apply them.
// For more information about their format, see:
// In a nutshell, this looks like the following:
// - The relr table is just an array of ELF:Addr values (i.e. 32 or 64 bit
// words, depending on CPU bitness).
// - Each relr relocation corresponds to simply applying the load bias
// to a given memory location. I.e. applying one relocation at VIRTUAL
// ADDRESS |vaddr| looks like:
// *(reinterpret_cast<ELF::Addr*>(vaddr + load_bias)) += load_bias
// - Even entries in the table corresponds to target virtual addresses,
// where a RELR relocation should happen. Note that odd addresses are
// not supported at all.
// - Odd entries corresponds to bitmaps of 31 or 63 addresses following
// the previous one (either from an even entry, or a previous odd one).
// Each bit, after the lsb, that is set, means that the corresponding
// address should be RELR-relocated.
class RelrRelocations {
// Default constructor.
RelrRelocations() = default;
// Set the RELR address, |dt_relr| must be the DT_RELR entry from the
// dynamic table.
void SetAddress(uintptr_t dt_relr) {
relocations_ =
const_cast<const ELF::Relr*>(reinterpret_cast<ELF::Relr*>(dt_relr));
// Set the RELR size. |dt_relrsz| must be the DT_RELRSZ entry from the
// dynamic table.
void SetSize(ELF::Addr dt_relrsz) { relocations_size_ = dt_relrsz; }
// Apply all relocations at once, where |load_bias| is the load load bias
// used to load the ELF file. This operation cannot fail, and doesn't do
// anything if there are no Relr relocations.
void Apply(size_t load_bias);
const ELF::Relr* relocations_ = nullptr;
ELF::Addr relocations_size_ = 0;
} // namespace crazy