blob: 08f5adc83e2f9cd2794d2edd32d578a28239b659 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "crazy_linker_system.h"
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "crazy_linker_system_mock.h"
namespace crazy {
TEST(System, SingleFile) {
static const char kPath[] = "/tmp/foo/bar";
static const char kString[] = "Hello World";
const size_t kStringLen = sizeof(kString) - 1;
SystemMock sys;
sys.AddRegularFile(kPath, kString, kStringLen);
char buff2[kStringLen + 10];
FileDescriptor fd(kPath);
EXPECT_EQ(kStringLen, fd.Read(buff2, sizeof(buff2)));
buff2[kStringLen] = '\0';
EXPECT_STREQ(kString, buff2);
TEST(System, MakeDirectoryPath) {
static const struct {
const char* input;
const char* expected;
} kData[] = {
{"", "./"}, {".", "./"}, {"..", "../"},
{"./", "./"}, {"../", "../"}, {"foo", "foo/"},
{"foo/", "foo/"}, {"/foo", "/foo/"}, {"foo/bar", "foo/bar/"},
for (const auto& data : kData) {
EXPECT_STREQ(data.expected, MakeDirectoryPath(data.input).c_str())
<< "For [" << data.input << "]";
TEST(System, MakeAbsolutePathFrom) {
SystemMock sys;
static const struct {
const char* input;
const char* expected;
} kData[] = {
{"/foo", "/foo"},
{"/foo/bar/", "/foo/bar/"},
{"foo", "/home/foo"},
{"foo/bar", "/home/foo/bar"},
{"./foo", "/home/./foo"},
{"../foo", "/home/../foo"},
{"../../foo", "/home/../../foo"},
for (const auto& data : kData) {
EXPECT_STREQ(data.expected, MakeAbsolutePathFrom(data.input).c_str())
<< "For [" << data.input << "]";
for (const auto& data : kData) {
MakeAbsolutePathFrom(data.input, strlen(data.input)).c_str())
<< "For [" << data.input << "]";
for (const auto& data : kData) {
EXPECT_STREQ(data.expected, MakeAbsolutePathFrom(data.input).c_str())
<< "For [" << data.input << "]";
for (const auto& data : kData) {
MakeAbsolutePathFrom(data.input, strlen(data.input)).c_str())
<< "For [" << data.input << "]";
TEST(System, PathExists) {
SystemMock sys;
sys.AddRegularFile("/tmp/foo", "FOO", 3);
TEST(System, PathExistsWithBadPath) {
SystemMock sys;
TEST(System, IsSystemLibraryPath) {
static const struct TestPath {
bool expected;
const char* path;
} kTestPaths[] = {
#ifdef __ANDROID__
{true, "/system/lib/"},
{true, "/system/lib64/"},
{true, "/system/lib/egl/"},
{true, "/vendor/lib/egl/"},
{true, "/vendor/lib64/"},
{false, "/system/app/Foo/lib/"},
{false, "/system/app/Foo/Foo.apk!lib/x86/"},
{true, "/usr/lib/"}, {false, "/opt/foo/lib/"},
for (const TestPath& path : kTestPaths) {
EXPECT_EQ(path.expected, IsSystemLibraryPath(path.path)) << path.path;
} // namespace crazy