blob: b7cc79b06681c08ebcb411340541c5ed126247c0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "net/nqe/network_quality_store.h"
#include "base/location.h"
#include "base/threading/thread_task_runner_handle.h"
#include "net/base/network_change_notifier.h"
namespace net {
namespace nqe {
namespace internal {
NetworkQualityStore::NetworkQualityStore() : weak_ptr_factory_(this) {
static_assert(kMaximumNetworkQualityCacheSize > 0,
"Size of the network quality cache must be > 0");
// This limit should not be increased unless the logic for removing the
// oldest cache entry is rewritten to use a doubly-linked-list LRU queue.
static_assert(kMaximumNetworkQualityCacheSize <= 20,
"Size of the network quality cache must <= 20");
NetworkQualityStore::~NetworkQualityStore() {
void NetworkQualityStore::Add(
const nqe::internal::NetworkID& network_id,
const nqe::internal::CachedNetworkQuality& cached_network_quality) {
if (cached_network_quality.effective_connection_type() ==
// Remove the entry from the map, if it is already present.
if (cached_network_qualities_.size() == kMaximumNetworkQualityCacheSize) {
// Remove the oldest entry.
auto oldest_entry_iterator = cached_network_qualities_.begin();
for (auto it = cached_network_qualities_.begin();
it != cached_network_qualities_.end(); ++it) {
if ((it->second).OlderThan(oldest_entry_iterator->second))
oldest_entry_iterator = it;
std::make_pair(network_id, cached_network_quality));
for (auto& observer : network_qualities_cache_observer_list_)
observer.OnChangeInCachedNetworkQuality(network_id, cached_network_quality);
bool NetworkQualityStore::GetById(
const nqe::internal::NetworkID& network_id,
nqe::internal::CachedNetworkQuality* cached_network_quality) const {
// First check if an exact match can be found.
for (auto it = cached_network_qualities_.begin();
it != cached_network_qualities_.end(); ++it) {
if (network_id.type != it->first.type || != it-> {
// The |type| and |id| must match.
// Check for an exact match, and return immediately if one is found.
// It's possible that the current network does not have signal strength
// available. In that case, return the cached network quality when the
// signal strength was unavailable.
if (network_id.signal_strength == it->first.signal_strength) {
*cached_network_quality = it->second;
return true;
// Handle the case when current network does not have signal strength
// available. Return the cached network quality that corresponds to the
// highest signal strength. This ensures that the method returns the fastest
// network quality possible for the current network, and serves as a
// conservative estimate.
if (network_id.signal_strength == INT32_MIN) {
auto matching_it = cached_network_qualities_.end();
for (auto it = cached_network_qualities_.begin();
it != cached_network_qualities_.end(); ++it) {
if (network_id.type != it->first.type || != it-> {
// The |type| and |id| must match.
// The cached network must have signal strength available. If the cached
// signal strength is unavailable, then this case would have been handled
// above.
DCHECK_NE(INT32_MIN, it->first.signal_strength);
if (matching_it == cached_network_qualities_.end() ||
it->first.signal_strength > matching_it->first.signal_strength) {
matching_it = it;
if (matching_it == cached_network_qualities_.end())
return false;
*cached_network_quality = matching_it->second;
return true;
// Finally, handle the case where the current network has a valid signal
// strength, but there is no exact match.
// |matching_it| points to the entry that has the same connection type and
// id as |network_id|, and has the signal strength closest to the signal
// stength of |network_id|.
auto matching_it = cached_network_qualities_.end();
int matching_it_diff_signal_strength = INT32_MAX;
// Find the closest estimate.
for (auto it = cached_network_qualities_.begin();
it != cached_network_qualities_.end(); ++it) {
if (network_id.type != it->first.type || != it-> {
// The |type| and |id| must match.
DCHECK_LE(0, network_id.signal_strength);
// Determine if the signal strength of |network_id| is closer to the
// signal strength of the network at |it| then that of the network at
// |matching_it|.
int diff_signal_strength =
std::abs(network_id.signal_strength - it->first.signal_strength);
if (it->first.signal_strength == INT32_MIN) {
// Current network has signal strength available. However, the persisted
// network does not. Set the |diff_signal_strength| to INT32_MAX. This
// ensures that if an entry with a valid signal strength is found later
// during iteration, then that entry will be used. If no entry with valid
// signal strength is found, then this entry will be used.
diff_signal_strength = INT32_MAX;
if (matching_it == cached_network_qualities_.end() ||
diff_signal_strength < matching_it_diff_signal_strength) {
matching_it = it;
matching_it_diff_signal_strength = diff_signal_strength;
if (matching_it == cached_network_qualities_.end())
return false;
*cached_network_quality = matching_it->second;
return true;
void NetworkQualityStore::AddNetworkQualitiesCacheObserver(
NetworkQualitiesCacheObserver* observer) {
// Notify the |observer| on the next message pump since |observer| may not
// be completely set up for receiving the callbacks.
FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&NetworkQualityStore::NotifyCacheObserverIfPresent,
weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr(), observer));
void NetworkQualityStore::RemoveNetworkQualitiesCacheObserver(
NetworkQualitiesCacheObserver* observer) {
void NetworkQualityStore::NotifyCacheObserverIfPresent(
NetworkQualitiesCacheObserver* observer) const {
if (!network_qualities_cache_observer_list_.HasObserver(observer))
for (const auto it : cached_network_qualities_)
observer->OnChangeInCachedNetworkQuality(it.first, it.second);
} // namespace internal
} // namespace nqe
} // namespace net