blob: ee706c7656e62e101ba46a00f97963cf1846dc9d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/api-arguments.h"
#include "src/assembler-inl.h"
#include "src/base/bits.h"
#include "src/bootstrapper.h"
#include "src/code-stubs.h"
#include "src/counters.h"
#include "src/double.h"
#include "src/frame-constants.h"
#include "src/frames.h"
#include "src/heap/heap-inl.h"
#include "src/ic/ic.h"
#include "src/ic/stub-cache.h"
#include "src/isolate.h"
#include "src/objects/regexp-match-info.h"
#include "src/regexp/jsregexp.h"
#include "src/regexp/regexp-macro-assembler.h"
#include "src/runtime/runtime.h"
#include "src/arm/code-stubs-arm.h" // Cannot be the first include.
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
#define __ ACCESS_MASM(masm)
void ArrayNArgumentsConstructorStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) {
__ lsl(r5, r0, Operand(kPointerSizeLog2));
__ str(r1, MemOperand(sp, r5));
__ Push(r1);
__ Push(r2);
__ add(r0, r0, Operand(3));
__ TailCallRuntime(Runtime::kNewArray);
void DoubleToIStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) {
Label negate, done;
Register result_reg = destination();
UseScratchRegisterScope temps(masm);
Register double_low = GetRegisterThatIsNotOneOf(result_reg);
Register double_high = GetRegisterThatIsNotOneOf(result_reg, double_low);
LowDwVfpRegister double_scratch = kScratchDoubleReg;
// Save the old values from these temporary registers on the stack.
__ Push(double_high, double_low);
// Account for saved regs.
const int kArgumentOffset = 2 * kPointerSize;
// Load double input.
__ vldr(double_scratch, MemOperand(sp, kArgumentOffset));
__ vmov(double_low, double_high, double_scratch);
// Try to convert with a FPU convert instruction. This handles all
// non-saturating cases.
__ TryInlineTruncateDoubleToI(result_reg, double_scratch, &done);
Register scratch = temps.Acquire();
__ Ubfx(scratch, double_high, HeapNumber::kExponentShift,
// Load scratch with exponent - 1. This is faster than loading
// with exponent because Bias + 1 = 1024 which is an *ARM* immediate value.
STATIC_ASSERT(HeapNumber::kExponentBias + 1 == 1024);
__ sub(scratch, scratch, Operand(HeapNumber::kExponentBias + 1));
// If exponent is greater than or equal to 84, the 32 less significant
// bits are 0s (2^84 = 1, 52 significant bits, 32 uncoded bits),
// the result is 0.
// Compare exponent with 84 (compare exponent - 1 with 83). If the exponent is
// greater than this, the conversion is out of range, so return zero.
__ cmp(scratch, Operand(83));
__ mov(result_reg, Operand::Zero(), LeaveCC, ge);
__ b(ge, &done);
// If we reach this code, 30 <= exponent <= 83.
// `TryInlineTruncateDoubleToI` above will have truncated any double with an
// exponent lower than 30.
if (masm->emit_debug_code()) {
// Scratch is exponent - 1.
__ cmp(scratch, Operand(30 - 1));
__ Check(ge, AbortReason::kUnexpectedValue);
// We don't have to handle cases where 0 <= exponent <= 20 for which we would
// need to shift right the high part of the mantissa.
// Scratch contains exponent - 1.
// Load scratch with 52 - exponent (load with 51 - (exponent - 1)).
__ rsb(scratch, scratch, Operand(51), SetCC);
// 52 <= exponent <= 83, shift only double_low.
// On entry, scratch contains: 52 - exponent.
__ rsb(scratch, scratch, Operand::Zero(), LeaveCC, ls);
__ mov(result_reg, Operand(double_low, LSL, scratch), LeaveCC, ls);
__ b(ls, &negate);
// 21 <= exponent <= 51, shift double_low and double_high
// to generate the result.
__ mov(double_low, Operand(double_low, LSR, scratch));
// Scratch contains: 52 - exponent.
// We needs: exponent - 20.
// So we use: 32 - scratch = 32 - 52 + exponent = exponent - 20.
__ rsb(scratch, scratch, Operand(32));
__ Ubfx(result_reg, double_high, 0, HeapNumber::kMantissaBitsInTopWord);
// Set the implicit 1 before the mantissa part in double_high.
__ orr(result_reg, result_reg,
Operand(1 << HeapNumber::kMantissaBitsInTopWord));
__ orr(result_reg, double_low, Operand(result_reg, LSL, scratch));
__ bind(&negate);
// If input was positive, double_high ASR 31 equals 0 and
// double_high LSR 31 equals zero.
// New result = (result eor 0) + 0 = result.
// If the input was negative, we have to negate the result.
// Input_high ASR 31 equals 0xFFFFFFFF and double_high LSR 31 equals 1.
// New result = (result eor 0xFFFFFFFF) + 1 = 0 - result.
__ eor(result_reg, result_reg, Operand(double_high, ASR, 31));
__ add(result_reg, result_reg, Operand(double_high, LSR, 31));
__ bind(&done);
// Restore registers corrupted in this routine and return.
__ Pop(double_high, double_low);
__ Ret();
void MathPowStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) {
const Register exponent = MathPowTaggedDescriptor::exponent();
DCHECK(exponent == r2);
const LowDwVfpRegister double_base = d0;
const LowDwVfpRegister double_exponent = d1;
const LowDwVfpRegister double_result = d2;
const LowDwVfpRegister double_scratch = d3;
const SwVfpRegister single_scratch = s6;
const Register scratch = r9;
const Register scratch2 = r4;
Label call_runtime, done, int_exponent;
if (exponent_type() == TAGGED) {
// Base is already in double_base.
__ UntagAndJumpIfSmi(scratch, exponent, &int_exponent);
__ vldr(double_exponent,
FieldMemOperand(exponent, HeapNumber::kValueOffset));
if (exponent_type() != INTEGER) {
// Detect integer exponents stored as double.
__ TryDoubleToInt32Exact(scratch, double_exponent, double_scratch);
__ b(eq, &int_exponent);
__ push(lr);
AllowExternalCallThatCantCauseGC scope(masm);
__ PrepareCallCFunction(0, 2);
__ MovToFloatParameters(double_base, double_exponent);
__ CallCFunction(
ExternalReference::power_double_double_function(isolate()), 0, 2);
__ pop(lr);
__ MovFromFloatResult(double_result);
__ b(&done);
// Calculate power with integer exponent.
__ bind(&int_exponent);
// Get two copies of exponent in the registers scratch and exponent.
if (exponent_type() == INTEGER) {
__ mov(scratch, exponent);
} else {
// Exponent has previously been stored into scratch as untagged integer.
__ mov(exponent, scratch);
__ vmov(double_scratch, double_base); // Back up base.
__ vmov(double_result, Double(1.0), scratch2);
// Get absolute value of exponent.
__ cmp(scratch, Operand::Zero());
__ rsb(scratch, scratch, Operand::Zero(), LeaveCC, mi);
Label while_true;
__ bind(&while_true);
__ mov(scratch, Operand(scratch, LSR, 1), SetCC);
__ vmul(double_result, double_result, double_scratch, cs);
__ vmul(double_scratch, double_scratch, double_scratch, ne);
__ b(ne, &while_true);
__ cmp(exponent, Operand::Zero());
__ b(ge, &done);
__ vmov(double_scratch, Double(1.0), scratch);
__ vdiv(double_result, double_scratch, double_result);
// Test whether result is zero. Bail out to check for subnormal result.
// Due to subnormals, x^-y == (1/x)^y does not hold in all cases.
__ VFPCompareAndSetFlags(double_result, 0.0);
__ b(ne, &done);
// double_exponent may not containe the exponent value if the input was a
// smi. We set it with exponent value before bailing out.
__ vmov(single_scratch, exponent);
__ vcvt_f64_s32(double_exponent, single_scratch);
// Returning or bailing out.
__ push(lr);
AllowExternalCallThatCantCauseGC scope(masm);
__ PrepareCallCFunction(0, 2);
__ MovToFloatParameters(double_base, double_exponent);
__ CallCFunction(ExternalReference::power_double_double_function(isolate()),
0, 2);
__ pop(lr);
__ MovFromFloatResult(double_result);
__ bind(&done);
__ Ret();
Movability CEntryStub::NeedsImmovableCode() { return kImmovable; }
void CodeStub::GenerateStubsAheadOfTime(Isolate* isolate) {
void CodeStub::GenerateFPStubs(Isolate* isolate) {
// Generate if not already in cache.
SaveFPRegsMode mode = kSaveFPRegs;
CEntryStub(isolate, 1, mode).GetCode();
void CEntryStub::GenerateAheadOfTime(Isolate* isolate) {
CEntryStub stub(isolate, 1, kDontSaveFPRegs);
void CEntryStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) {
// Called from JavaScript; parameters are on stack as if calling JS function.
// r0: number of arguments including receiver
// r1: pointer to builtin function
// fp: frame pointer (restored after C call)
// sp: stack pointer (restored as callee's sp after C call)
// cp: current context (C callee-saved)
// If argv_in_register():
// r2: pointer to the first argument
__ mov(r5, Operand(r1));
if (argv_in_register()) {
// Move argv into the correct register.
__ mov(r1, Operand(r2));
} else {
// Compute the argv pointer in a callee-saved register.
__ add(r1, sp, Operand(r0, LSL, kPointerSizeLog2));
__ sub(r1, r1, Operand(kPointerSize));
// Enter the exit frame that transitions from JavaScript to C++.
FrameScope scope(masm, StackFrame::MANUAL);
__ EnterExitFrame(save_doubles(), 0, is_builtin_exit()
? StackFrame::BUILTIN_EXIT
: StackFrame::EXIT);
// Store a copy of argc in callee-saved registers for later.
__ mov(r4, Operand(r0));
// r0, r4: number of arguments including receiver (C callee-saved)
// r1: pointer to the first argument (C callee-saved)
// r5: pointer to builtin function (C callee-saved)
int frame_alignment = MacroAssembler::ActivationFrameAlignment();
int frame_alignment_mask = frame_alignment - 1;
if (FLAG_debug_code) {
if (frame_alignment > kPointerSize) {
Label alignment_as_expected;
__ tst(sp, Operand(frame_alignment_mask));
__ b(eq, &alignment_as_expected);
// Don't use Check here, as it will call Runtime_Abort re-entering here.
__ stop("Unexpected alignment");
__ bind(&alignment_as_expected);
// Call C built-in.
// r0 = argc, r1 = argv, r2 = isolate
__ mov(r2, Operand(ExternalReference::isolate_address(isolate())));
// To let the GC traverse the return address of the exit frames, we need to
// know where the return address is. The CEntryStub is unmovable, so
// we can store the address on the stack to be able to find it again and
// we never have to restore it, because it will not change.
// Compute the return address in lr to return to after the jump below. Pc is
// already at '+ 8' from the current instruction but return is after three
// instructions so add another 4 to pc to get the return address.
// Prevent literal pool emission before return address.
Assembler::BlockConstPoolScope block_const_pool(masm);
__ add(lr, pc, Operand(4));
__ str(lr, MemOperand(sp));
__ Call(r5);
// Result returned in r0 or r1:r0 - do not destroy these registers!
// Check result for exception sentinel.
Label exception_returned;
__ CompareRoot(r0, Heap::kExceptionRootIndex);
__ b(eq, &exception_returned);
// Check that there is no pending exception, otherwise we
// should have returned the exception sentinel.
if (FLAG_debug_code) {
Label okay;
ExternalReference pending_exception_address(
IsolateAddressId::kPendingExceptionAddress, isolate());
__ mov(r3, Operand(pending_exception_address));
__ ldr(r3, MemOperand(r3));
__ CompareRoot(r3, Heap::kTheHoleValueRootIndex);
// Cannot use check here as it attempts to generate call into runtime.
__ b(eq, &okay);
__ stop("Unexpected pending exception");
__ bind(&okay);
// Exit C frame and return.
// r0:r1: result
// sp: stack pointer
// fp: frame pointer
Register argc = argv_in_register()
// We don't want to pop arguments so set argc to no_reg.
? no_reg
// Callee-saved register r4 still holds argc.
: r4;
__ LeaveExitFrame(save_doubles(), argc);
__ mov(pc, lr);
// Handling of exception.
__ bind(&exception_returned);
ExternalReference pending_handler_context_address(
IsolateAddressId::kPendingHandlerContextAddress, isolate());
ExternalReference pending_handler_entrypoint_address(
IsolateAddressId::kPendingHandlerEntrypointAddress, isolate());
ExternalReference pending_handler_fp_address(
IsolateAddressId::kPendingHandlerFPAddress, isolate());
ExternalReference pending_handler_sp_address(
IsolateAddressId::kPendingHandlerSPAddress, isolate());
// Ask the runtime for help to determine the handler. This will set r0 to
// contain the current pending exception, don't clobber it.
ExternalReference find_handler(Runtime::kUnwindAndFindExceptionHandler,
FrameScope scope(masm, StackFrame::MANUAL);
__ PrepareCallCFunction(3, 0);
__ mov(r0, Operand(0));
__ mov(r1, Operand(0));
__ mov(r2, Operand(ExternalReference::isolate_address(isolate())));
__ CallCFunction(find_handler, 3);
// Retrieve the handler context, SP and FP.
__ mov(cp, Operand(pending_handler_context_address));
__ ldr(cp, MemOperand(cp));
__ mov(sp, Operand(pending_handler_sp_address));
__ ldr(sp, MemOperand(sp));
__ mov(fp, Operand(pending_handler_fp_address));
__ ldr(fp, MemOperand(fp));
// If the handler is a JS frame, restore the context to the frame. Note that
// the context will be set to (cp == 0) for non-JS frames.
__ cmp(cp, Operand(0));
__ str(cp, MemOperand(fp, StandardFrameConstants::kContextOffset), ne);
// Compute the handler entry address and jump to it.
ConstantPoolUnavailableScope constant_pool_unavailable(masm);
__ mov(r1, Operand(pending_handler_entrypoint_address));
__ ldr(r1, MemOperand(r1));
__ Jump(r1);
void JSEntryStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) {
// r0: code entry
// r1: function
// r2: receiver
// r3: argc
// [sp+0]: argv
Label invoke, handler_entry, exit;
// Called from C, so do not pop argc and args on exit (preserve sp)
// No need to save register-passed args
// Save callee-saved registers (incl. cp and fp), sp, and lr
__ stm(db_w, sp, kCalleeSaved | lr.bit());
// Save callee-saved vfp registers.
__ vstm(db_w, sp, kFirstCalleeSavedDoubleReg, kLastCalleeSavedDoubleReg);
// Set up the reserved register for 0.0.
__ vmov(kDoubleRegZero, Double(0.0));
__ InitializeRootRegister();
// Get address of argv, see stm above.
// r0: code entry
// r1: function
// r2: receiver
// r3: argc
// Set up argv in r4.
int offset_to_argv = (kNumCalleeSaved + 1) * kPointerSize;
offset_to_argv += kNumDoubleCalleeSaved * kDoubleSize;
__ ldr(r4, MemOperand(sp, offset_to_argv));
// Push a frame with special values setup to mark it as an entry frame.
// r0: code entry
// r1: function
// r2: receiver
// r3: argc
// r4: argv
StackFrame::Type marker = type();
__ mov(r7, Operand(StackFrame::TypeToMarker(marker)));
__ mov(r6, Operand(StackFrame::TypeToMarker(marker)));
__ mov(r5, Operand(ExternalReference(IsolateAddressId::kCEntryFPAddress,
__ ldr(r5, MemOperand(r5));
UseScratchRegisterScope temps(masm);
Register scratch = temps.Acquire();
// Push a bad frame pointer to fail if it is used.
__ mov(scratch, Operand(-1));
__ stm(db_w, sp, r5.bit() | r6.bit() | r7.bit() | scratch.bit());
Register scratch = r6;
// Set up frame pointer for the frame to be pushed.
__ add(fp, sp, Operand(-EntryFrameConstants::kCallerFPOffset));
// If this is the outermost JS call, set js_entry_sp value.
Label non_outermost_js;
ExternalReference js_entry_sp(IsolateAddressId::kJSEntrySPAddress, isolate());
__ mov(r5, Operand(ExternalReference(js_entry_sp)));
__ ldr(scratch, MemOperand(r5));
__ cmp(scratch, Operand::Zero());
__ b(ne, &non_outermost_js);
__ str(fp, MemOperand(r5));
__ mov(scratch, Operand(StackFrame::OUTERMOST_JSENTRY_FRAME));
Label cont;
__ b(&cont);
__ bind(&non_outermost_js);
__ mov(scratch, Operand(StackFrame::INNER_JSENTRY_FRAME));
__ bind(&cont);
__ push(scratch);
// Jump to a faked try block that does the invoke, with a faked catch
// block that sets the pending exception.
__ jmp(&invoke);
// Block literal pool emission whilst taking the position of the handler
// entry. This avoids making the assumption that literal pools are always
// emitted after an instruction is emitted, rather than before.
Assembler::BlockConstPoolScope block_const_pool(masm);
__ bind(&handler_entry);
handler_offset_ = handler_entry.pos();
// Caught exception: Store result (exception) in the pending exception
// field in the JSEnv and return a failure sentinel. Coming in here the
// fp will be invalid because the PushStackHandler below sets it to 0 to
// signal the existence of the JSEntry frame.
__ mov(scratch,
__ str(r0, MemOperand(scratch));
__ LoadRoot(r0, Heap::kExceptionRootIndex);
__ b(&exit);
// Invoke: Link this frame into the handler chain.
__ bind(&invoke);
// Must preserve r0-r4, r5-r6 are available.
__ PushStackHandler();
// If an exception not caught by another handler occurs, this handler
// returns control to the code after the bl(&invoke) above, which
// restores all kCalleeSaved registers (including cp and fp) to their
// saved values before returning a failure to C.
// Invoke the function by calling through JS entry trampoline builtin.
// Notice that we cannot store a reference to the trampoline code directly in
// this stub, because runtime stubs are not traversed when doing GC.
// Expected registers by Builtins::JSEntryTrampoline
// r0: code entry
// r1: function
// r2: receiver
// r3: argc
// r4: argv
__ Call(EntryTrampoline(), RelocInfo::CODE_TARGET);
// Unlink this frame from the handler chain.
__ PopStackHandler();
__ bind(&exit); // r0 holds result
// Check if the current stack frame is marked as the outermost JS frame.
Label non_outermost_js_2;
__ pop(r5);
__ cmp(r5, Operand(StackFrame::OUTERMOST_JSENTRY_FRAME));
__ b(ne, &non_outermost_js_2);
__ mov(r6, Operand::Zero());
__ mov(r5, Operand(ExternalReference(js_entry_sp)));
__ str(r6, MemOperand(r5));
__ bind(&non_outermost_js_2);
// Restore the top frame descriptors from the stack.
__ pop(r3);
__ mov(scratch, Operand(ExternalReference(IsolateAddressId::kCEntryFPAddress,
__ str(r3, MemOperand(scratch));
// Reset the stack to the callee saved registers.
__ add(sp, sp, Operand(-EntryFrameConstants::kCallerFPOffset));
// Restore callee-saved registers and return.
#ifdef DEBUG
if (FLAG_debug_code) {
__ mov(lr, Operand(pc));
// Restore callee-saved vfp registers.
__ vldm(ia_w, sp, kFirstCalleeSavedDoubleReg, kLastCalleeSavedDoubleReg);
__ ldm(ia_w, sp, kCalleeSaved | pc.bit());
void DirectCEntryStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) {
// Place the return address on the stack, making the call
// GC safe. The RegExp backend also relies on this.
__ str(lr, MemOperand(sp, 0));
__ blx(ip); // Call the C++ function.
__ ldr(pc, MemOperand(sp, 0));
void DirectCEntryStub::GenerateCall(MacroAssembler* masm,
Register target) {
intptr_t code =
__ Move(ip, target);
__ mov(lr, Operand(code, RelocInfo::CODE_TARGET));
__ blx(lr); // Call the stub.
void ProfileEntryHookStub::MaybeCallEntryHookDelayed(TurboAssembler* tasm,
Zone* zone) {
if (tasm->isolate()->function_entry_hook() != nullptr) {
PredictableCodeSizeScope predictable(tasm);
predictable.ExpectSize(tasm->CallStubSize() + 2 * Assembler::kInstrSize);
tasm->CallStubDelayed(new (zone) ProfileEntryHookStub(nullptr));
void ProfileEntryHookStub::MaybeCallEntryHook(MacroAssembler* masm) {
if (masm->isolate()->function_entry_hook() != nullptr) {
ProfileEntryHookStub stub(masm->isolate());
PredictableCodeSizeScope predictable(masm);
predictable.ExpectSize(masm->CallStubSize() + 2 * Assembler::kInstrSize);
__ push(lr);
__ CallStub(&stub);
__ pop(lr);
void ProfileEntryHookStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) {
// The entry hook is a "push lr" instruction, followed by a call.
const int32_t kReturnAddressDistanceFromFunctionStart =
3 * Assembler::kInstrSize;
// This should contain all kCallerSaved registers.
const RegList kSavedRegs =
1 << 0 | // r0
1 << 1 | // r1
1 << 2 | // r2
1 << 3 | // r3
1 << 5 | // r5
1 << 9; // r9
// We also save lr, so the count here is one higher than the mask indicates.
const int32_t kNumSavedRegs = 7;
DCHECK_EQ(kCallerSaved & kSavedRegs, kCallerSaved);
// Save all caller-save registers as this may be called from anywhere.
__ stm(db_w, sp, kSavedRegs | lr.bit());
// Compute the function's address for the first argument.
__ sub(r0, lr, Operand(kReturnAddressDistanceFromFunctionStart));
// The caller's return address is above the saved temporaries.
// Grab that for the second argument to the hook.
__ add(r1, sp, Operand(kNumSavedRegs * kPointerSize));
// Align the stack if necessary.
int frame_alignment = masm->ActivationFrameAlignment();
if (frame_alignment > kPointerSize) {
__ mov(r5, sp);
__ and_(sp, sp, Operand(-frame_alignment));
UseScratchRegisterScope temps(masm);
Register scratch = temps.Acquire();
int32_t entry_hook =
__ mov(scratch, Operand(entry_hook));
// Under the simulator we need to indirect the entry hook through a
// trampoline function at a known address.
// It additionally takes an isolate as a third parameter
__ mov(r2, Operand(ExternalReference::isolate_address(isolate())));
ApiFunction dispatcher(FUNCTION_ADDR(EntryHookTrampoline));
__ mov(scratch,
&dispatcher, ExternalReference::BUILTIN_CALL, isolate())));
__ Call(scratch);
// Restore the stack pointer if needed.
if (frame_alignment > kPointerSize) {
__ mov(sp, r5);
// Also pop pc to get Ret(0).
__ ldm(ia_w, sp, kSavedRegs | pc.bit());
template<class T>
static void CreateArrayDispatch(MacroAssembler* masm,
AllocationSiteOverrideMode mode) {
T stub(masm->isolate(), GetInitialFastElementsKind(), mode);
__ TailCallStub(&stub);
} else if (mode == DONT_OVERRIDE) {
int last_index =
for (int i = 0; i <= last_index; ++i) {
ElementsKind kind = GetFastElementsKindFromSequenceIndex(i);
__ cmp(r3, Operand(kind));
T stub(masm->isolate(), kind);
__ TailCallStub(&stub, eq);
// If we reached this point there is a problem.
__ Abort(AbortReason::kUnexpectedElementsKindInArrayConstructor);
} else {
static void CreateArrayDispatchOneArgument(MacroAssembler* masm,
AllocationSiteOverrideMode mode) {
// r2 - allocation site (if mode != DISABLE_ALLOCATION_SITES)
// r3 - kind (if mode != DISABLE_ALLOCATION_SITES)
// r0 - number of arguments
// r1 - constructor?
// sp[0] - last argument
ElementsKind initial = GetInitialFastElementsKind();
ElementsKind holey_initial = GetHoleyElementsKind(initial);
ArraySingleArgumentConstructorStub stub_holey(masm->isolate(),
__ TailCallStub(&stub_holey);
} else if (mode == DONT_OVERRIDE) {
// is the low bit set? If so, we are holey and that is good.
Label normal_sequence;
__ tst(r3, Operand(1));
__ b(ne, &normal_sequence);
// We are going to create a holey array, but our kind is non-holey.
// Fix kind and retry (only if we have an allocation site in the slot).
__ add(r3, r3, Operand(1));
if (FLAG_debug_code) {
__ ldr(r5, FieldMemOperand(r2, 0));
__ CompareRoot(r5, Heap::kAllocationSiteMapRootIndex);
__ Assert(eq, AbortReason::kExpectedAllocationSite);
// Save the resulting elements kind in type info. We can't just store r3
// in the AllocationSite::transition_info field because elements kind is
// restricted to a portion of the field...upper bits need to be left alone.
STATIC_ASSERT(AllocationSite::ElementsKindBits::kShift == 0);
__ ldr(r4, FieldMemOperand(
r2, AllocationSite::kTransitionInfoOrBoilerplateOffset));
__ add(r4, r4, Operand(Smi::FromInt(kFastElementsKindPackedToHoley)));
__ str(r4, FieldMemOperand(
r2, AllocationSite::kTransitionInfoOrBoilerplateOffset));
__ bind(&normal_sequence);
int last_index =
for (int i = 0; i <= last_index; ++i) {
ElementsKind kind = GetFastElementsKindFromSequenceIndex(i);
__ cmp(r3, Operand(kind));
ArraySingleArgumentConstructorStub stub(masm->isolate(), kind);
__ TailCallStub(&stub, eq);
// If we reached this point there is a problem.
__ Abort(AbortReason::kUnexpectedElementsKindInArrayConstructor);
} else {
template<class T>
static void ArrayConstructorStubAheadOfTimeHelper(Isolate* isolate) {
int to_index =
for (int i = 0; i <= to_index; ++i) {
ElementsKind kind = GetFastElementsKindFromSequenceIndex(i);
T stub(isolate, kind);
if (AllocationSite::ShouldTrack(kind)) {
T stub1(isolate, kind, DISABLE_ALLOCATION_SITES);
void CommonArrayConstructorStub::GenerateStubsAheadOfTime(Isolate* isolate) {
ArrayNArgumentsConstructorStub stub(isolate);
ElementsKind kinds[2] = {PACKED_ELEMENTS, HOLEY_ELEMENTS};
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
// For internal arrays we only need a few things
InternalArrayNoArgumentConstructorStub stubh1(isolate, kinds[i]);
InternalArraySingleArgumentConstructorStub stubh2(isolate, kinds[i]);
void ArrayConstructorStub::GenerateDispatchToArrayStub(
MacroAssembler* masm,
AllocationSiteOverrideMode mode) {
Label not_zero_case, not_one_case;
__ tst(r0, r0);
__ b(ne, &not_zero_case);
CreateArrayDispatch<ArrayNoArgumentConstructorStub>(masm, mode);
__ bind(&not_zero_case);
__ cmp(r0, Operand(1));
__ b(gt, &not_one_case);
CreateArrayDispatchOneArgument(masm, mode);
__ bind(&not_one_case);
ArrayNArgumentsConstructorStub stub(masm->isolate());
__ TailCallStub(&stub);
void ArrayConstructorStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) {
// ----------- S t a t e -------------
// -- r0 : argc (only if argument_count() == ANY)
// -- r1 : constructor
// -- r2 : AllocationSite or undefined
// -- r3 : new target
// -- sp[0] : return address
// -- sp[4] : last argument
// -----------------------------------
if (FLAG_debug_code) {
// The array construct code is only set for the global and natives
// builtin Array functions which always have maps.
// Initial map for the builtin Array function should be a map.
__ ldr(r4, FieldMemOperand(r1, JSFunction::kPrototypeOrInitialMapOffset));
// Will both indicate a nullptr and a Smi.
__ tst(r4, Operand(kSmiTagMask));
__ Assert(ne, AbortReason::kUnexpectedInitialMapForArrayFunction);
__ CompareObjectType(r4, r4, r5, MAP_TYPE);
__ Assert(eq, AbortReason::kUnexpectedInitialMapForArrayFunction);
// We should either have undefined in r2 or a valid AllocationSite
__ AssertUndefinedOrAllocationSite(r2, r4);
// Enter the context of the Array function.
__ ldr(cp, FieldMemOperand(r1, JSFunction::kContextOffset));
Label subclassing;
__ cmp(r3, r1);
__ b(ne, &subclassing);
Label no_info;
// Get the elements kind and case on that.
__ CompareRoot(r2, Heap::kUndefinedValueRootIndex);
__ b(eq, &no_info);
__ ldr(r3, FieldMemOperand(
r2, AllocationSite::kTransitionInfoOrBoilerplateOffset));
__ SmiUntag(r3);
STATIC_ASSERT(AllocationSite::ElementsKindBits::kShift == 0);
__ and_(r3, r3, Operand(AllocationSite::ElementsKindBits::kMask));
GenerateDispatchToArrayStub(masm, DONT_OVERRIDE);
__ bind(&no_info);
GenerateDispatchToArrayStub(masm, DISABLE_ALLOCATION_SITES);
__ bind(&subclassing);
__ str(r1, MemOperand(sp, r0, LSL, kPointerSizeLog2));
__ add(r0, r0, Operand(3));
__ Push(r3, r2);
__ JumpToExternalReference(ExternalReference(Runtime::kNewArray, isolate()));
void InternalArrayConstructorStub::GenerateCase(
MacroAssembler* masm, ElementsKind kind) {
__ cmp(r0, Operand(1));
InternalArrayNoArgumentConstructorStub stub0(isolate(), kind);
__ TailCallStub(&stub0, lo);
ArrayNArgumentsConstructorStub stubN(isolate());
__ TailCallStub(&stubN, hi);
if (IsFastPackedElementsKind(kind)) {
// We might need to create a holey array
// look at the first argument
__ ldr(r3, MemOperand(sp, 0));
__ cmp(r3, Operand::Zero());
stub1_holey(isolate(), GetHoleyElementsKind(kind));
__ TailCallStub(&stub1_holey, ne);
InternalArraySingleArgumentConstructorStub stub1(isolate(), kind);
__ TailCallStub(&stub1);
void InternalArrayConstructorStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) {
// ----------- S t a t e -------------
// -- r0 : argc
// -- r1 : constructor
// -- sp[0] : return address
// -- sp[4] : last argument
// -----------------------------------
if (FLAG_debug_code) {
// The array construct code is only set for the global and natives
// builtin Array functions which always have maps.
// Initial map for the builtin Array function should be a map.
__ ldr(r3, FieldMemOperand(r1, JSFunction::kPrototypeOrInitialMapOffset));
// Will both indicate a nullptr and a Smi.
__ tst(r3, Operand(kSmiTagMask));
__ Assert(ne, AbortReason::kUnexpectedInitialMapForArrayFunction);
__ CompareObjectType(r3, r3, r4, MAP_TYPE);
__ Assert(eq, AbortReason::kUnexpectedInitialMapForArrayFunction);
// Figure out the right elements kind
__ ldr(r3, FieldMemOperand(r1, JSFunction::kPrototypeOrInitialMapOffset));
// Load the map's "bit field 2" into |result|. We only need the first byte,
// but the following bit field extraction takes care of that anyway.
__ ldr(r3, FieldMemOperand(r3, Map::kBitField2Offset));
// Retrieve elements_kind from bit field 2.
__ DecodeField<Map::ElementsKindBits>(r3);
if (FLAG_debug_code) {
Label done;
__ cmp(r3, Operand(PACKED_ELEMENTS));
__ b(eq, &done);
__ cmp(r3, Operand(HOLEY_ELEMENTS));
__ Assert(
__ bind(&done);
Label fast_elements_case;
__ cmp(r3, Operand(PACKED_ELEMENTS));
__ b(eq, &fast_elements_case);
GenerateCase(masm, HOLEY_ELEMENTS);
__ bind(&fast_elements_case);
GenerateCase(masm, PACKED_ELEMENTS);
static int AddressOffset(ExternalReference ref0, ExternalReference ref1) {
return ref0.address() - ref1.address();
// Calls an API function. Allocates HandleScope, extracts returned value
// from handle and propagates exceptions. Restores context. stack_space
// - space to be unwound on exit (includes the call JS arguments space and
// the additional space allocated for the fast call).
static void CallApiFunctionAndReturn(MacroAssembler* masm,
Register function_address,
ExternalReference thunk_ref,
int stack_space,
MemOperand* stack_space_operand,
MemOperand return_value_operand) {
Isolate* isolate = masm->isolate();
ExternalReference next_address =
const int kNextOffset = 0;
const int kLimitOffset = AddressOffset(
ExternalReference::handle_scope_limit_address(isolate), next_address);
const int kLevelOffset = AddressOffset(
ExternalReference::handle_scope_level_address(isolate), next_address);
DCHECK(function_address == r1 || function_address == r2);
Label profiler_disabled;
Label end_profiler_check;
__ mov(r9, Operand(ExternalReference::is_profiling_address(isolate)));
__ ldrb(r9, MemOperand(r9, 0));
__ cmp(r9, Operand(0));
__ b(eq, &profiler_disabled);
// Additional parameter is the address of the actual callback.
__ mov(r3, Operand(thunk_ref));
__ jmp(&end_profiler_check);
__ bind(&profiler_disabled);
__ Move(r3, function_address);
__ bind(&end_profiler_check);
// Allocate HandleScope in callee-save registers.
__ mov(r9, Operand(next_address));
__ ldr(r4, MemOperand(r9, kNextOffset));
__ ldr(r5, MemOperand(r9, kLimitOffset));
__ ldr(r6, MemOperand(r9, kLevelOffset));
__ add(r6, r6, Operand(1));
__ str(r6, MemOperand(r9, kLevelOffset));
if (FLAG_log_timer_events) {
FrameScope frame(masm, StackFrame::MANUAL);
__ PushSafepointRegisters();
__ PrepareCallCFunction(1);
__ mov(r0, Operand(ExternalReference::isolate_address(isolate)));
__ CallCFunction(ExternalReference::log_enter_external_function(isolate),
__ PopSafepointRegisters();
// Native call returns to the DirectCEntry stub which redirects to the
// return address pushed on stack (could have moved after GC).
// DirectCEntry stub itself is generated early and never moves.
DirectCEntryStub stub(isolate);
stub.GenerateCall(masm, r3);
if (FLAG_log_timer_events) {
FrameScope frame(masm, StackFrame::MANUAL);
__ PushSafepointRegisters();
__ PrepareCallCFunction(1);
__ mov(r0, Operand(ExternalReference::isolate_address(isolate)));
__ CallCFunction(ExternalReference::log_leave_external_function(isolate),
__ PopSafepointRegisters();
Label promote_scheduled_exception;
Label delete_allocated_handles;
Label leave_exit_frame;
Label return_value_loaded;
// load value from ReturnValue
__ ldr(r0, return_value_operand);
__ bind(&return_value_loaded);
// No more valid handles (the result handle was the last one). Restore
// previous handle scope.
__ str(r4, MemOperand(r9, kNextOffset));
if (__ emit_debug_code()) {
__ ldr(r1, MemOperand(r9, kLevelOffset));
__ cmp(r1, r6);
__ Check(eq, AbortReason::kUnexpectedLevelAfterReturnFromApiCall);
__ sub(r6, r6, Operand(1));
__ str(r6, MemOperand(r9, kLevelOffset));
__ ldr(r6, MemOperand(r9, kLimitOffset));
__ cmp(r5, r6);
__ b(ne, &delete_allocated_handles);
// Leave the API exit frame.
__ bind(&leave_exit_frame);
// LeaveExitFrame expects unwind space to be in a register.
if (stack_space_operand != nullptr) {
__ ldr(r4, *stack_space_operand);
} else {
__ mov(r4, Operand(stack_space));
__ LeaveExitFrame(false, r4, stack_space_operand != nullptr);
// Check if the function scheduled an exception.
__ LoadRoot(r4, Heap::kTheHoleValueRootIndex);
__ mov(r6, Operand(ExternalReference::scheduled_exception_address(isolate)));
__ ldr(r5, MemOperand(r6));
__ cmp(r4, r5);
__ b(ne, &promote_scheduled_exception);
__ mov(pc, lr);
// Re-throw by promoting a scheduled exception.
__ bind(&promote_scheduled_exception);
__ TailCallRuntime(Runtime::kPromoteScheduledException);
// HandleScope limit has changed. Delete allocated extensions.
__ bind(&delete_allocated_handles);
__ str(r5, MemOperand(r9, kLimitOffset));
__ mov(r4, r0);
__ PrepareCallCFunction(1);
__ mov(r0, Operand(ExternalReference::isolate_address(isolate)));
__ CallCFunction(ExternalReference::delete_handle_scope_extensions(isolate),
__ mov(r0, r4);
__ jmp(&leave_exit_frame);
void CallApiCallbackStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) {
// ----------- S t a t e -------------
// -- r4 : call_data
// -- r2 : holder
// -- r1 : api_function_address
// -- cp : context
// --
// -- sp[0] : last argument
// -- ...
// -- sp[(argc - 1) * 4] : first argument
// -- sp[argc * 4] : receiver
// -----------------------------------
Register call_data = r4;
Register holder = r2;
Register api_function_address = r1;
typedef FunctionCallbackArguments FCA;
STATIC_ASSERT(FCA::kArgsLength == 6);
STATIC_ASSERT(FCA::kNewTargetIndex == 5);
STATIC_ASSERT(FCA::kDataIndex == 4);
STATIC_ASSERT(FCA::kReturnValueOffset == 3);
STATIC_ASSERT(FCA::kReturnValueDefaultValueIndex == 2);
STATIC_ASSERT(FCA::kIsolateIndex == 1);
STATIC_ASSERT(FCA::kHolderIndex == 0);
// new target
__ PushRoot(Heap::kUndefinedValueRootIndex);
// call data
__ push(call_data);
Register scratch0 = call_data;
Register scratch1 = r5;
__ LoadRoot(scratch0, Heap::kUndefinedValueRootIndex);
// return value
__ push(scratch0);
// return value default
__ push(scratch0);
// isolate
__ mov(scratch1,
__ push(scratch1);
// holder
__ push(holder);
// Prepare arguments.
__ mov(scratch0, sp);
// Allocate the v8::Arguments structure in the arguments' space since
// it's not controlled by GC.
const int kApiStackSpace = 3;
FrameScope frame_scope(masm, StackFrame::MANUAL);
__ EnterExitFrame(false, kApiStackSpace);
DCHECK(api_function_address != r0 && scratch0 != r0);
// r0 = FunctionCallbackInfo&
// Arguments is after the return address.
__ add(r0, sp, Operand(1 * kPointerSize));
// FunctionCallbackInfo::implicit_args_
__ str(scratch0, MemOperand(r0, 0 * kPointerSize));
// FunctionCallbackInfo::values_
__ add(scratch1, scratch0,
Operand((FCA::kArgsLength - 1 + argc()) * kPointerSize));
__ str(scratch1, MemOperand(r0, 1 * kPointerSize));
// FunctionCallbackInfo::length_ = argc
__ mov(scratch0, Operand(argc()));
__ str(scratch0, MemOperand(r0, 2 * kPointerSize));
ExternalReference thunk_ref =
AllowExternalCallThatCantCauseGC scope(masm);
// Stores return the first js argument
int return_value_offset = 2 + FCA::kReturnValueOffset;
MemOperand return_value_operand(fp, return_value_offset * kPointerSize);
const int stack_space = argc() + FCA::kArgsLength + 1;
MemOperand* stack_space_operand = nullptr;
CallApiFunctionAndReturn(masm, api_function_address, thunk_ref, stack_space,
stack_space_operand, return_value_operand);
void CallApiGetterStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) {
// Build v8::PropertyCallbackInfo::args_ array on the stack and push property
// name below the exit frame to make GC aware of them.
STATIC_ASSERT(PropertyCallbackArguments::kShouldThrowOnErrorIndex == 0);
STATIC_ASSERT(PropertyCallbackArguments::kHolderIndex == 1);
STATIC_ASSERT(PropertyCallbackArguments::kIsolateIndex == 2);
STATIC_ASSERT(PropertyCallbackArguments::kReturnValueDefaultValueIndex == 3);
STATIC_ASSERT(PropertyCallbackArguments::kReturnValueOffset == 4);
STATIC_ASSERT(PropertyCallbackArguments::kDataIndex == 5);
STATIC_ASSERT(PropertyCallbackArguments::kThisIndex == 6);
STATIC_ASSERT(PropertyCallbackArguments::kArgsLength == 7);
Register receiver = ApiGetterDescriptor::ReceiverRegister();
Register holder = ApiGetterDescriptor::HolderRegister();
Register callback = ApiGetterDescriptor::CallbackRegister();
Register scratch = r4;
DCHECK(!AreAliased(receiver, holder, callback, scratch));
Register api_function_address = r2;
__ push(receiver);
// Push data from AccessorInfo.
__ ldr(scratch, FieldMemOperand(callback, AccessorInfo::kDataOffset));
__ push(scratch);
__ LoadRoot(scratch, Heap::kUndefinedValueRootIndex);
__ Push(scratch, scratch);
__ mov(scratch, Operand(ExternalReference::isolate_address(isolate())));
__ Push(scratch, holder);
__ Push(Smi::kZero); // should_throw_on_error -> false
__ ldr(scratch, FieldMemOperand(callback, AccessorInfo::kNameOffset));
__ push(scratch);
// v8::PropertyCallbackInfo::args_ array and name handle.
const int kStackUnwindSpace = PropertyCallbackArguments::kArgsLength + 1;
// Load address of v8::PropertyAccessorInfo::args_ array and name handle.
__ mov(r0, sp); // r0 = Handle<Name>
__ add(r1, r0, Operand(1 * kPointerSize)); // r1 = v8::PCI::args_
const int kApiStackSpace = 1;
FrameScope frame_scope(masm, StackFrame::MANUAL);
__ EnterExitFrame(false, kApiStackSpace);
// Create v8::PropertyCallbackInfo object on the stack and initialize
// it's args_ field.
__ str(r1, MemOperand(sp, 1 * kPointerSize));
__ add(r1, sp, Operand(1 * kPointerSize)); // r1 = v8::PropertyCallbackInfo&
ExternalReference thunk_ref =
__ ldr(scratch, FieldMemOperand(callback, AccessorInfo::kJsGetterOffset));
__ ldr(api_function_address,
FieldMemOperand(scratch, Foreign::kForeignAddressOffset));
// +3 is to skip prolog, return address and name handle.
MemOperand return_value_operand(
fp, (PropertyCallbackArguments::kReturnValueOffset + 3) * kPointerSize);
CallApiFunctionAndReturn(masm, api_function_address, thunk_ref,
kStackUnwindSpace, nullptr, return_value_operand);
#undef __
} // namespace internal
} // namespace v8
#endif // V8_TARGET_ARCH_ARM