blob: e4e506a114982b0bb1a97527b5d119518c069513 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/codegen/source-position.h"
#include "src/common/assert-scope.h"
#include "src/common/checks.h"
#include "src/common/globals.h"
#include "src/zone/zone-containers.h"
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
class ByteArray;
template <typename T>
class Handle;
class Isolate;
class Zone;
struct PositionTableEntry {
: code_offset(0), source_position(0), is_statement(false) {}
PositionTableEntry(int offset, int64_t source, bool statement)
: code_offset(offset), source_position(source), is_statement(statement) {}
int code_offset;
int64_t source_position;
bool is_statement;
class V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE SourcePositionTableBuilder {
enum RecordingMode {
// Indicates that source positions are never to be generated. (Resulting in
// an empty table).
// Indicates that source positions are not currently required, but may be
// generated later.
// Indicates that source positions should be immediately generated.
explicit SourcePositionTableBuilder(
RecordingMode mode = RECORD_SOURCE_POSITIONS);
void AddPosition(size_t code_offset, SourcePosition source_position,
bool is_statement);
Handle<ByteArray> ToSourcePositionTable(Isolate* isolate);
OwnedVector<byte> ToSourcePositionTableVector();
inline bool Omit() const { return mode_ != RECORD_SOURCE_POSITIONS; }
inline bool Lazy() const { return mode_ == LAZY_SOURCE_POSITIONS; }
void AddEntry(const PositionTableEntry& entry);
RecordingMode mode_;
std::vector<byte> bytes_;
std::vector<PositionTableEntry> raw_entries_;
PositionTableEntry previous_; // Previously written entry, to compute delta.
class V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE SourcePositionTableIterator {
enum IterationFilter { kJavaScriptOnly = 0, kExternalOnly = 1, kAll = 2 };
// Used for saving/restoring the iterator.
struct IndexAndPositionState {
int index_;
PositionTableEntry position_;
IterationFilter filter_;
// We expose three flavours of the iterator, depending on the argument passed
// to the constructor:
// Handlified iterator allows allocation, but it needs a handle (and thus
// a handle scope). This is the preferred version.
explicit SourcePositionTableIterator(
Handle<ByteArray> byte_array, IterationFilter filter = kJavaScriptOnly);
// Non-handlified iterator does not need a handle scope, but it disallows
// allocation during its lifetime. This is useful if there is no handle
// scope around.
explicit SourcePositionTableIterator(
ByteArray byte_array, IterationFilter filter = kJavaScriptOnly);
// Handle-safe iterator based on an a vector located outside the garbage
// collected heap, allows allocation during its lifetime.
explicit SourcePositionTableIterator(
Vector<const byte> bytes, IterationFilter filter = kJavaScriptOnly);
void Advance();
int code_offset() const {
return current_.code_offset;
SourcePosition source_position() const {
return SourcePosition::FromRaw(current_.source_position);
bool is_statement() const {
return current_.is_statement;
bool done() const { return index_ == kDone; }
IndexAndPositionState GetState() const { return {index_, current_, filter_}; }
void RestoreState(const IndexAndPositionState& saved_state) {
index_ = saved_state.index_;
current_ = saved_state.position_;
filter_ = saved_state.filter_;
static const int kDone = -1;
Vector<const byte> raw_table_;
Handle<ByteArray> table_;
int index_ = 0;
PositionTableEntry current_;
IterationFilter filter_;
} // namespace internal
} // namespace v8