blob: 128e720be9ee0d3297760d4d1c931d79d50b21e6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
namespace torque {
namespace ls {
inline const std::string& name() const { \
return object().at(#name).ToString(); \
} \
inline void set_##name(const std::string& str) { \
object()[#name] = JsonValue::From(str); \
} \
inline bool has_##name() const { \
return object().find(#name) != object().end(); \
#define JSON_BOOL_ACCESSORS(name) \
inline bool name() const { return object().at(#name).ToBool(); } \
inline void set_##name(bool b) { object()[#name] = JsonValue::From(b); }
#define JSON_INT_ACCESSORS(name) \
inline int name() const { return object().at(#name).ToNumber(); } \
inline void set_##name(int n) { \
object()[#name] = JsonValue::From(static_cast<double>(n)); \
#define JSON_OBJECT_ACCESSORS(type, name) \
inline type name() { return GetObject<type>(#name); }
template <class T> \
inline T name() { \
return GetObject<T>(#name); \
#define JSON_ARRAY_OBJECT_ACCESSORS(type, name) \
inline type add_##name() { \
JsonObject& new_element = AddObjectElementToArrayProperty(#name); \
return type(new_element); \
} \
inline std::size_t name##_size() { return GetArrayProperty(#name).size(); } \
inline type name(size_t idx) { \
CHECK(idx < name##_size()); \
return type(GetArrayProperty(#name)[idx].ToObject()); \
} // namespace ls
} // namespace torque
} // namespace internal
} // namespace v8