blob: 64c3f9bd055fee59d3acdd8a3f02705e0201914d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Cobalt Authors. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Module Overview: Starboard Accessibility API
// Provide helper macros and functions useful to the implementations of the
// Starboard Accessibility API on all platforms
#include <limits>
#include "starboard/accessibility.h"
#include "starboard/common/log.h"
namespace starboard {
namespace shared {
namespace starboard {
const int kRgbWhite = 0xFFFFFF;
const int kRgbBlack = 0x000000;
const int kRgbRed = 0xFF0000;
const int kRgbYellow = 0xFFFF00;
const int kRgbGreen = 0x00FF00;
const int kRgbCyan = 0x00FFFF;
const int kRgbBlue = 0x0000FF;
const int kRgbMagenta = 0xFF00FF;
const int kRgbColors[] = {
kRgbWhite, kRgbBlack, kRgbRed, kRgbYellow,
kRgbGreen, kRgbCyan, kRgbBlue, kRgbMagenta,
SbAccessibilityCaptionColor GetClosestCaptionColorRGB(int r, int g, int b) {
int ref_color = kRgbWhite;
int min_distance = std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
// Find the reference color with the least distance (squared).
for (int i = 0; i < SB_ARRAY_SIZE(kRgbColors); i++) {
int r_ref = 0xFF & (kRgbColors[i] >> 16);
int g_ref = 0xFF & (kRgbColors[i] >> 8);
int b_ref = 0xFF & (kRgbColors[i]);
int distance_squared =
pow(r - r_ref, 2) + pow(g - g_ref, 2) + pow(b - b_ref, 2);
if (distance_squared < min_distance) {
ref_color = kRgbColors[i];
min_distance = distance_squared;
switch (ref_color) {
case kRgbWhite:
return kSbAccessibilityCaptionColorWhite;
case kRgbBlack:
return kSbAccessibilityCaptionColorBlack;
case kRgbRed:
return kSbAccessibilityCaptionColorRed;
case kRgbYellow:
return kSbAccessibilityCaptionColorYellow;
case kRgbGreen:
return kSbAccessibilityCaptionColorGreen;
case kRgbCyan:
return kSbAccessibilityCaptionColorCyan;
case kRgbBlue:
return kSbAccessibilityCaptionColorBlue;
case kRgbMagenta:
return kSbAccessibilityCaptionColorMagenta;
SB_NOTREACHED() << "Invalid RGB color conversion";
return kSbAccessibilityCaptionColorWhite;
SbAccessibilityCaptionColor GetClosestCaptionColor(int color) {
int r = 0xFF & (color >> 16);
int g = 0xFF & (color >> 8);
int b = 0xFF & (color);
return GetClosestCaptionColorRGB(r, g, b);
int FindClosestReferenceValue(int value,
const int reference[],
size_t reference_size) {
int result = reference[0];
int min_difference = std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
for (int i = 0; i < reference_size; i++) {
int difference = abs(reference[i] - value);
if (difference < min_difference) {
result = reference[i];
min_difference = difference;
return result;
const int kFontSizes[] = {25, 50, 75, 100, 125, 150,
175, 200, 225, 250, 275, 300};
SbAccessibilityCaptionFontSizePercentage GetClosestFontSizePercentage(
int font_size_percent) {
int reference_size = FindClosestReferenceValue(font_size_percent, kFontSizes,
switch (reference_size) {
case 25:
return kSbAccessibilityCaptionFontSizePercentage25;
case 50:
return kSbAccessibilityCaptionFontSizePercentage50;
case 75:
return kSbAccessibilityCaptionFontSizePercentage75;
case 100:
return kSbAccessibilityCaptionFontSizePercentage100;
case 125:
return kSbAccessibilityCaptionFontSizePercentage125;
case 150:
return kSbAccessibilityCaptionFontSizePercentage150;
case 175:
return kSbAccessibilityCaptionFontSizePercentage175;
case 200:
return kSbAccessibilityCaptionFontSizePercentage200;
case 225:
return kSbAccessibilityCaptionFontSizePercentage225;
case 250:
return kSbAccessibilityCaptionFontSizePercentage250;
case 275:
return kSbAccessibilityCaptionFontSizePercentage275;
case 300:
return kSbAccessibilityCaptionFontSizePercentage300;
SB_NOTREACHED() << "Invalid font size";
return kSbAccessibilityCaptionFontSizePercentage100;
const int kOpacities[] = {
0, 25, 50, 75, 100,
SbAccessibilityCaptionOpacityPercentage GetClosestOpacity(int opacity_percent) {
int reference_opacity_percent = FindClosestReferenceValue(
opacity_percent, kOpacities, SB_ARRAY_SIZE(kOpacities));
switch (reference_opacity_percent) {
case 0:
return kSbAccessibilityCaptionOpacityPercentage0;
case 25:
return kSbAccessibilityCaptionOpacityPercentage25;
case 50:
return kSbAccessibilityCaptionOpacityPercentage50;
case 75:
return kSbAccessibilityCaptionOpacityPercentage75;
case 100:
return kSbAccessibilityCaptionOpacityPercentage100;
SB_NOTREACHED() << "Invalid opacity percentage";
return kSbAccessibilityCaptionOpacityPercentage100;
} // namespace starboard
} // namespace shared
} // namespace starboard