blob: 10519bc8bab2d651aadfe22e2b67623887cd5a3d [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#if defined(__LB_SHELL__)
#include <sys/poll.h>
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include "base/base_export.h"
#include "base/message_loop.h"
#include "base/message_pump_shell.h"
#include "base/threading/simple_thread.h"
// overall interface inspired by base/win/object_watcher.h
// however internal implementation is driven by platform necessity
namespace base {
// A class that provides a means to asynchronously wait for a file descriptor to
// become signaled. It uses an internal thread on a singleton object that
// blocks on poll() calls to an internal list of fds, each represented by an
// instance of the ObjectWatcher class.
// It provides a notification callback, OnObjectSignaled, that runs back on
// the origin thread (i.e., the thread that called StartWatching).
// Typical usage:
// class MyClass : public base::ObjectWatcher::Delegate {
// public:
// void DoStuffWhenSignaled(int object) {
// watcher_.StartWatching(object, this);
// }
// virtual void OnObjectSignaled(int object) {
// // OK, time to do stuff!
// }
// private:
// base::ObjectWatcher watcher_;
// };
// In the above example, MyClass wants to "do stuff" when object becomes
// signaled. ObjectWatcher makes this task easy. When MyClass goes out of
// scope, the watcher_ will be destroyed, and there is no need to worry about
// OnObjectSignaled being called on a deleted MyClass pointer. Easy!
struct Watch;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ObjectWatchMultiplexer
// this object runs an internal thread to block on the aggregate of all watched
// objects and poll them for activity. the best emulation of callback-driven
// io I can muster on the PS3.
class ObjectWatchMultiplexer : public SimpleThread {
// blocking call to exit the internal thread
void Join();
// although you can add different watches with the same file descriptor all
// day long, please don't add the same watch twice it will create an error.
void AddWatch(Watch* watch);
void RemoveWatch(Watch* watch);
static ObjectWatchMultiplexer* GetInstance() {return s_instance;}
// the internal thread runloop
void Run();
void RecomposePollFDArray();
// used to let the thread block until it actually has _something_ to poll
base::WaitableEvent non_empty_list_event_;
#if defined(__LB_WIIU__)
// 33ms is a good balance between quickly servicing new
// sockets to poll, and not overloading the IO pipeline.
static const int kPollTimeout = 33;
static const int kPollTimeout = 100;
// this lock protects watch_map_, should_recompose_pollfd_array_, and
// max_watch_handle_ which is used to generate unique watch handles to
// disambiguate watches on the same file descriptor
base::Lock add_watch_list_lock_;
base::Lock remove_watch_list_lock_;
typedef std::multimap<int, Watch*> WatchMap;
WatchMap watch_map_; // current working watches
WatchMap new_watch_map_; // new watches
int max_watch_handle_;
std::vector<pollfd> pollfd_array_;
bool should_recompose_pollfd_array_;
bool exit_;
static ObjectWatchMultiplexer* s_instance;
class BASE_EXPORT ObjectWatcher : public MessageLoop::DestructionObserver {
class BASE_EXPORT Delegate {
virtual ~Delegate() {}
virtual void OnObjectSignaled(int object) = 0;
// When the object is signaled with mode, the given delegate is notified on
// the thread where StartWatching is called. The ObjectWatcher is not
// responsible for deleting the delegate.
// Returns true if the watch was started. Otherwise, false is returned.
bool StartWatching(int object,
MessagePumpShell::Mode mode,
Delegate* delegate);
// Stops watching. Does nothing if the watch has already completed. If the
// watch is still active, then it is canceled, and the associated delegate is
// not notified.
// Returns true if the watch was canceled. Otherwise, false is returned.
bool StopWatching();
// Returns the fd of the object being watched, or -1 if the object
// watcher is stopped.
int GetWatchedObject();
// MessageLoop::DestructionObserver implementation:
virtual void WillDestroyCurrentMessageLoop();
struct Watch* watch_;
} // namespace base
#endif // defined(__LB_SHELL__)