blob: a8f2e15fe6e5965e183052267fd3718ffbefe605 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <math.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
#include "base/bind.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "media/base/interleaved_sinc_resampler.h"
#include "media/base/sinc_resampler.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
namespace media {
namespace {
// Used to compare if two samples are the same. Because the resampled result
// from the SincResampler and the InterleavedSincResampler can be slightly
// different as the first one may use the SSE Convolve function.
const float kEpsilon = 0.0001f;
bool AreSamplesSame(float sample1, float sample2) {
return fabs(sample1 - sample2) < kEpsilon;
// Function to provide the audio data of a single channel indicated by
// |channel_index| inside a multi channel audio stream to SincResampler.
void ReadCB(const float* source,
const int source_size,
int channel_index,
int channel_count,
int* offset,
float* destination,
int samples) {
int samples_to_copy = std::min(source_size - *offset, samples);
samples -= samples_to_copy;
while (samples_to_copy != 0) {
*destination++ = source[*offset * channel_count + channel_index];
if (samples != 0) {
memset(destination, 0, sizeof(float) * samples);
class TestBuffer : public Buffer {
TestBuffer(const void* data, int data_size)
: Buffer(base::TimeDelta(), base::TimeDelta()),
data_(static_cast<const uint8*>(data)),
data_size_(data_size) {}
const uint8* GetData() const OVERRIDE { return data_; }
int GetDataSize() const OVERRIDE { return data_size_; }
const uint8* data_;
int data_size_;
} // namespace
TEST(InterleavedSincResamplerTest, InitialState) {
InterleavedSincResampler interleaved_resampler(1, 1);
float output[1];
ASSERT_FALSE(interleaved_resampler.Resample(output, 1));
TEST(InterleavedSincResamplerTest, Read) {
const int kInputFrames = 1024;
const int kOutputFrames = kInputFrames * 2;
float samples[kInputFrames] = {0.0};
float output[kOutputFrames];
InterleavedSincResampler interleaved_resampler(
static_cast<double>(kInputFrames) / kOutputFrames, 1);
interleaved_resampler.QueueBuffer(new TestBuffer(samples, sizeof(samples)));
ASSERT_FALSE(interleaved_resampler.Resample(output, kOutputFrames + 1));
while (interleaved_resampler.CanQueueBuffer()) {
interleaved_resampler.QueueBuffer(new TestBuffer(samples, sizeof(samples)));
// There is really no guarantee that we can read more.
ASSERT_TRUE(interleaved_resampler.Resample(output, 1));
TEST(InterleavedSincResamplerTest, ReachedEOS) {
const int kInputFrames = 512 * 3 + 32;
const int kOutputFrames = kInputFrames * 2;
float input[kInputFrames] = {0.0};
InterleavedSincResampler interleaved_resampler(
static_cast<double>(kInputFrames) / kOutputFrames, 1);
interleaved_resampler.QueueBuffer(new TestBuffer(input, sizeof(input)));
interleaved_resampler.QueueBuffer(new TestBuffer(NULL, 0)); // EOS
float output[kOutputFrames];
ASSERT_TRUE(interleaved_resampler.Resample(output, kOutputFrames - 4));
ASSERT_TRUE(interleaved_resampler.Resample(output, 4));
// As InterleavedSincResampler is just the interleaved version of SincResampler,
// the following unit tests just try to verify that the results of using
// InterleavedSincResampler are the same as using SincResampler on individual
// channel.
TEST(InterleavedSincResamplerTest, ResampleSingleChannel) {
const int kInputFrames = 1719;
// Read twice of the frames out to ensure that we saturate the input frames.
const int kOutputFrames = kInputFrames * 2;
const double kResampleRatio = 44100. / 48000.;
float input[kInputFrames];
// Filled the samples
for (int i = 0; i < kInputFrames; ++i) {
input[i] = i / static_cast<float>(kInputFrames);
int offset = 0;
SincResampler sinc_resampler(
kResampleRatio, base::Bind(ReadCB, input, kInputFrames, 0, 1, &offset));
InterleavedSincResampler interleaved_resampler(kResampleRatio, 1);
interleaved_resampler.QueueBuffer(new TestBuffer(input, sizeof(input)));
interleaved_resampler.QueueBuffer(new TestBuffer(NULL, 0)); // EOS
float non_interleaved_output[kOutputFrames];
float interleaved_output[kOutputFrames];
sinc_resampler.Resample(non_interleaved_output, kOutputFrames);
interleaved_resampler.Resample(interleaved_output, kOutputFrames));
for (int i = 0; i < kOutputFrames; ++i) {
AreSamplesSame(non_interleaved_output[i], interleaved_output[i]));
TEST(InterleavedSincResamplerTest, ResampleMultipleChannels) {
const int kChannelCount = 3;
const int kInputFrames = 8737;
// Read twice of the frames out to ensure that we saturate the input frames.
const int kOutputFrames = kInputFrames * 2;
const double kResampleRatio = 44100. / 48000.;
float input[kInputFrames * kChannelCount];
// Filled the buffer with different samples per frame on different channels.
for (int i = 0; i < kInputFrames * kChannelCount; ++i) {
input[i] = i / static_cast<float>(kInputFrames * kChannelCount);
float non_interleaved_outputs[kChannelCount][kInputFrames * 2];
for (int i = 0; i < kChannelCount; ++i) {
int offset = 0;
SincResampler sinc_resampler(
base::Bind(ReadCB, input, kInputFrames, i, kChannelCount, &offset));
sinc_resampler.Resample(non_interleaved_outputs[i], kOutputFrames);
InterleavedSincResampler interleaved_resampler(kResampleRatio, kChannelCount);
interleaved_resampler.QueueBuffer(new TestBuffer(input, sizeof(input)));
interleaved_resampler.QueueBuffer(new TestBuffer(NULL, 0)); // EOS
float interleaved_output[kOutputFrames * kChannelCount];
interleaved_resampler.Resample(interleaved_output, kOutputFrames));
for (int i = 0; i < kOutputFrames; ++i) {
for (int channel = 0; channel < kChannelCount; ++channel) {
interleaved_output[i * kChannelCount + channel]));
TEST(InterleavedSincResamplerTest, Benchmark) {
const int kChannelCount = 8;
const int kInputFrames = 44100;
const int kNumberOfIterations = 100;
const int kOutputFrames = kInputFrames * 2;
const double kResampleRatio = 44100. / 48000.;
std::vector<float> input(kInputFrames * kChannelCount);
// Filled the buffer with different samples per frame on different channels.
for (int i = 0; i < kInputFrames * kChannelCount; ++i) {
input[i] = i / static_cast<float>(kInputFrames * kChannelCount);
InterleavedSincResampler interleaved_resampler(kResampleRatio, kChannelCount);
base::TimeTicks start = base::TimeTicks::HighResNow();
std::vector<float> interleaved_output(kOutputFrames * kChannelCount);
int total_output_frames = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < kNumberOfIterations; ++i) {
new TestBuffer(&input[0], sizeof(float) * input.size()));
if (interleaved_resampler.Resample(&interleaved_output[0], kOutputFrames)) {
total_output_frames += kOutputFrames;
double total_time_c_ms =
(base::TimeTicks::HighResNow() - start).InMillisecondsF();
"Benchmarking InterleavedSincResampler in %d channels for %d "
"iterations took %.4gms.\n:\n",
kChannelCount, kNumberOfIterations, total_time_c_ms);
start = base::TimeTicks::HighResNow();
int offset = 0;
SincResampler sinc_resampler(
base::Bind(ReadCB, &input[0], kInputFrames, 0, 1, &offset));
while (total_output_frames > 0) {
sinc_resampler.Resample(&interleaved_output[0], kOutputFrames);
total_output_frames -= kOutputFrames;
// Set offset to 0 so we'll never reach EOS to enforce a sample by sample
// copy for every frame as previously we have to convert interleaved stream
// to non-interleaved stream to use MultiChannelResampler and then convert
// the result stream back to interleaved.
offset = 0;
total_time_c_ms = (base::TimeTicks::HighResNow() - start).InMillisecondsF();
"Benchmarking SincResampler with one channel for %d iterations took "
kNumberOfIterations, total_time_c_ms);
} // namespace media