blob: f9d10003e1177526196d28b9c41effb53b9db623 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 1999
* Boris Fomitchev
* This material is provided "as is", with absolutely no warranty expressed
* or implied. Any use is at your own risk.
* Permission to use or copy this software for any purpose is hereby granted
* without fee, provided the above notices are retained on all copies.
* Permission to modify the code and to distribute modified code is granted,
* provided the above notices are retained, and a notice that the code was
* modified is included with the above copyright notice.
#ifndef _STLP_CTYPE_H
/* Workaround for a "misbehaviour" when compiling resource scripts using
* eMbedded Visual C++. The standard .rc file includes windows header files,
* which in turn include ctype.h, which results in warnings and errors
#if !defined(RC_INVOKED)
# include <stl/_prolog.h>
# elif (_STLP_OUTERMOST_HEADER_ID == 0x219)
# define _STLP_CTYPE_H
# endif
# if defined(_STLP_WCE_EVC3)
struct _exception;
# endif
# if defined (_STLP_HAS_INCLUDE_NEXT)
# include_next <ctype.h>
# else
# include _STLP_NATIVE_C_HEADER(ctype.h)
# endif
/* on evc4 including ctype.h also defines setjmp macro */
# if defined (_STLP_WCE)
# endif
/* Undef convenience interfaces */
# undef isspace
# undef isprint
# undef iscntrl
# undef isupper
# undef islower
# undef isalpha
# undef isdigit
# undef ispunct
# undef isxdigit
# undef isalnum
# undef isgraph
# undef toupper
# undef tolower
# if defined (UNDER_CE)
# if (_WIN32_WCE < 300) /* Only wide chars for older versions */
# define _isctype iswctype
# endif
__inline int (isalpha)(int c) { return _isctype(c, _ALPHA); }
__inline int (isupper)(int c) { return _isctype(c, _UPPER); }
__inline int (islower)(int c) { return _isctype(c, _LOWER); }
__inline int (isdigit)(int c) { return _isctype(c, _DIGIT); }
__inline int (isxdigit)(int c) { return _isctype(c, _HEX); }
__inline int (isspace)(int c) { return _isctype(c, _SPACE); }
__inline int (ispunct)(int c) { return _isctype(c, _PUNCT); }
__inline int (isalnum)(int c) { return _isctype(c, _ALPHA|_DIGIT); }
__inline int (isprint)(int c) { return _isctype(c, _BLANK|_PUNCT|_ALPHA|_DIGIT); }
__inline int (isgraph)(int c) { return _isctype(c, _PUNCT|_ALPHA|_DIGIT); }
__inline int (iscntrl)(int c) { return _isctype(c, _CONTROL); }
__inline int (isascii)(int c) { return ((unsigned)(c) < 0x80); }
# undef _isctype
__inline int (iswalpha)(int c) { return iswctype((unsigned short)(c), _ALPHA); }
__inline int (iswupper)(int c) { return iswctype((unsigned short)(c), _UPPER); }
__inline int (iswlower)(int c) { return iswctype((unsigned short)(c), _LOWER); }
__inline int (iswdigit)(int c) { return iswctype((unsigned short)(c), _DIGIT); }
__inline int (iswxdigit)(int c) { return iswctype((unsigned short)(c), _HEX); }
__inline int (iswspace)(int c) { return iswctype((unsigned short)(c), _SPACE); }
__inline int (iswpunct)(int c) { return iswctype((unsigned short)(c), _PUNCT); }
__inline int (iswalnum)(int c) { return iswctype((unsigned short)(c), _ALPHA|_DIGIT); }
__inline int (iswprint)(int c) { return iswctype((unsigned short)(c), _BLANK|_PUNCT|_ALPHA|_DIGIT); }
__inline int (iswgraph)(int c) { return iswctype((unsigned short)(c), _PUNCT|_ALPHA|_DIGIT); }
__inline int (iswcntrl)(int c) { return iswctype((unsigned short)(c), _CONTROL); }
__inline int (iswascii)(int c) { return ((unsigned)(c) < 0x80); }
# endif /* UNDER_CE */
# endif /* _STLP_CTYPE_H_SEEN */
# if ! defined (_STLP_DONT_POP_HEADER_ID)
# include <stl/_epilog.h>
# else
# endif
# endif
#endif /* RC_INVOKED */
#endif /* _STLP_CTYPE_H */