blob: bda0739b185304a2d9980e7305861c82b036ebe3 [file] [log] [blame]
/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
* vim: set ts=8 sts=4 et sw=4 tw=99:
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
#ifndef jsanalyzeinlines_h
#define jsanalyzeinlines_h
#include "jsanalyze.h"
#include "jsopcodeinlines.h"
namespace js {
namespace analyze {
inline const SSAValue &
ScriptAnalysis::poppedValue(uint32_t offset, uint32_t which)
JS_ASSERT(offset < script_->length);
JS_ASSERT(which < GetUseCount(script_, offset) +
(ExtendedUse(script_->code + offset) ? 1 : 0));
return getCode(offset).poppedValues[which];
inline const SSAValue &
ScriptAnalysis::poppedValue(const jsbytecode *pc, uint32_t which)
return poppedValue(pc - script_->code, which);
inline types::StackTypeSet *
ScriptAnalysis::pushedTypes(uint32_t offset, uint32_t which)
JS_ASSERT(offset < script_->length);
JS_ASSERT(which < GetDefCount(script_, offset) +
(ExtendedDef(script_->code + offset) ? 1 : 0));
types::StackTypeSet *array = getCode(offset).pushedTypes;
return array + which;
inline types::StackTypeSet *
ScriptAnalysis::pushedTypes(const jsbytecode *pc, uint32_t which)
return pushedTypes(pc - script_->code, which);
inline types::StackTypeSet *
ScriptAnalysis::getValueTypes(const SSAValue &v)
switch (v.kind()) {
case SSAValue::PUSHED:
return pushedTypes(v.pushedOffset(), v.pushedIndex());
case SSAValue::VAR:
if (v.varInitial()) {
if (v.varSlot() < LocalSlot(script_, 0))
return types::TypeScript::SlotTypes(script_, v.varSlot());
return undefinedTypeSet;
} else {
* Results of intermediate assignments have the same type as
* the first type pushed by the assignment op. Note that this
* may not be the exact same value as was pushed, due to
* post-inc/dec ops.
return pushedTypes(v.varOffset(), 0);
case SSAValue::PHI:
return &v.phiNode()->types;
/* Cannot compute types for empty SSA values. */
JS_NOT_REACHED("Bad SSA value");
return NULL;
inline types::StackTypeSet *
ScriptAnalysis::poppedTypes(uint32_t offset, uint32_t which)
return getValueTypes(poppedValue(offset, which));
inline types::StackTypeSet *
ScriptAnalysis::poppedTypes(const jsbytecode *pc, uint32_t which)
return getValueTypes(poppedValue(pc, which));
inline SSAUseChain *&
ScriptAnalysis::useChain(const SSAValue &v)
if (v.kind() == SSAValue::PUSHED)
return getCode(v.pushedOffset()).pushedUses[v.pushedIndex()];
if (v.kind() == SSAValue::VAR)
return getCode(v.varOffset()).pushedUses[GetDefCount(script_, v.varOffset())];
return v.phiNode()->uses;
inline jsbytecode *
ScriptAnalysis::getCallPC(jsbytecode *pc)
SSAUseChain *uses = useChain(SSAValue::PushedValue(pc - script_->code, 0));
JS_ASSERT(uses && uses->popped);
JS_ASSERT(js_CodeSpec[script_->code[uses->offset]].format & JOF_INVOKE);
return script_->code + uses->offset;
inline types::StackTypeSet *
CrossScriptSSA::getValueTypes(const CrossSSAValue &cv)
return getFrame(cv.frame).script->analysis()->getValueTypes(cv.v);
} /* namespace analyze */
} /* namespace js */
#endif /* jsanalyzeinlines_h */