blob: 64bece2959ac2357c7e834e154bbccc99af506ec [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "cobalt/media/filters/stream_parser_factory.h"
#include <memory>
#include <set>
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/command_line.h"
#include "base/metrics/histogram.h"
#include "base/metrics/histogram_macros.h"
#include "base/strings/pattern.h"
#include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
#include "base/strings/string_split.h"
#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "cobalt/media/base/media.h"
#include "cobalt/media/formats/mpeg/adts_stream_parser.h"
#include "cobalt/media/formats/mpeg/mpeg1_audio_stream_parser.h"
#include "cobalt/media/formats/webm/webm_stream_parser.h"
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
#include "cobalt/media/base/android/media_codec_util.h"
#include "cobalt/media/formats/mp4/es_descriptor.h"
#include "cobalt/media/formats/mp4/mp4_stream_parser.h"
#include "starboard/types.h"
namespace cobalt {
namespace media {
typedef bool (*CodecIDValidatorFunction)(
const std::string& codecs_id, const scoped_refptr<MediaLog>& media_log);
struct CodecInfo {
enum Type { UNKNOWN, AUDIO, VIDEO };
// Update tools/metrics/histograms/histograms.xml if new values are added.
enum HistogramTag {
HISTOGRAM_MAX = HISTOGRAM_AV1 // Must be equal to largest logged entry.
const char* pattern;
Type type;
CodecIDValidatorFunction validator;
HistogramTag tag;
typedef StreamParser* (*ParserFactoryFunction)(
DecoderBuffer::Allocator* buffer_allocator,
const std::vector<std::string>& codecs,
const scoped_refptr<MediaLog>& media_log);
struct SupportedTypeInfo {
const char* type;
const ParserFactoryFunction factory_function;
const CodecInfo** codecs;
static const CodecInfo kVP09CodecInfo = {"vp09.*", CodecInfo::VIDEO, NULL,
static const CodecInfo kVP8CodecInfo = {"vp8", CodecInfo::VIDEO, NULL,
static const CodecInfo kVP9CodecInfo = {"vp9*", CodecInfo::VIDEO, NULL,
static const CodecInfo kVorbisCodecInfo = {"vorbis", CodecInfo::AUDIO, NULL,
static const CodecInfo kOpusCodecInfo = {"opus", CodecInfo::AUDIO, NULL,
// Note: Validation of the codec string is handled by the caller.
static const CodecInfo kAV1CodecInfo = {"av01.*", CodecInfo::VIDEO, nullptr,
static const CodecInfo* kVideoWebMCodecs[] = {&kVP09CodecInfo,
static const CodecInfo* kAudioWebMCodecs[] = {&kVorbisCodecInfo,
&kOpusCodecInfo, NULL};
static StreamParser* BuildWebMParser(DecoderBuffer::Allocator* buffer_allocator,
const std::vector<std::string>& codecs,
const scoped_refptr<MediaLog>& media_log) {
return new WebMStreamParser(buffer_allocator);
// AAC Object Type IDs that Chrome supports.
static const int kAACLCObjectType = 2;
static const int kAACSBRObjectType = 5;
static const int kAACPSObjectType = 29;
static int GetMP4AudioObjectType(const std::string& codec_id,
const scoped_refptr<MediaLog>& media_log) {
// From RFC 6381 section 3.3 (ISO Base Media File Format Name Space):
// When the first element of a ['codecs' parameter value] is 'mp4a' ...,
// the second element is a hexadecimal representation of the MP4 Registration
// Authority ObjectTypeIndication (OTI). Note that MP4RA uses a leading "0x"
// with these values, which is omitted here and hence implied.
std::vector<std::string> tokens = base::SplitString(
codec_id, std::string("."), base::TRIM_WHITESPACE, base::SPLIT_WANT_ALL);
if (tokens.size() == 3 && tokens[0] == "mp4a" && tokens[1] == "40") {
// From RFC 6381 section 3.3:
// One of the OTI values for 'mp4a' is 40 (identifying MPEG-4 audio). For
// this value, the third element identifies the audio ObjectTypeIndication
// (OTI) ... expressed as a decimal number.
int audio_object_type;
if (base::StringToInt(tokens[2], &audio_object_type))
return audio_object_type;
MEDIA_LOG(DEBUG, media_log)
<< "Malformed mimetype codec '" << codec_id << "'";
return -1;
bool ValidateMP4ACodecID(const std::string& codec_id,
const scoped_refptr<MediaLog>& media_log) {
int audio_object_type = GetMP4AudioObjectType(codec_id, media_log);
if (audio_object_type == kAACLCObjectType ||
audio_object_type == kAACSBRObjectType ||
audio_object_type == kAACPSObjectType) {
return true;
MEDIA_LOG(DEBUG, media_log)
<< "Unsupported audio object type " << audio_object_type << " in codec '"
<< codec_id << "'";
return false;
static const CodecInfo kH264AVC1CodecInfo = {"avc1.*", CodecInfo::VIDEO, NULL,
static const CodecInfo kH264AVC3CodecInfo = {"avc3.*", CodecInfo::VIDEO, NULL,
static const CodecInfo kHEVCHEV1CodecInfo = {"hev1.*", CodecInfo::VIDEO, NULL,
static const CodecInfo kHEVCHVC1CodecInfo = {"hvc1.*", CodecInfo::VIDEO, NULL,
static const CodecInfo kMPEG4VP09CodecInfo = {"vp09.*", CodecInfo::VIDEO, NULL,
static const CodecInfo kMPEG4AACCodecInfo = {"mp4a.40.*", CodecInfo::AUDIO,
static const CodecInfo kMPEG2AACLCCodecInfo = {
"mp4a.67", CodecInfo::AUDIO, NULL, CodecInfo::HISTOGRAM_MPEG2AAC};
// The 'ac-3' and 'ec-3' are mime codec ids for AC3 and EAC3 according to
// The object types for AC3 and EAC3 in MP4 container are 0xa5 and 0xa6, so
// according to RFC 6381 this corresponds to codec ids 'mp4a.A5' and 'mp4a.A6'.
// Codec ids with lower case oti (mp4a.a5 and mp4a.a6) are supported for
// backward compatibility.
static const CodecInfo kAC3CodecInfo1 = {"ac-3", CodecInfo::AUDIO, NULL,
static const CodecInfo kAC3CodecInfo2 = {"mp4a.a5", CodecInfo::AUDIO, NULL,
static const CodecInfo kAC3CodecInfo3 = {"mp4a.A5", CodecInfo::AUDIO, NULL,
static const CodecInfo kEAC3CodecInfo1 = {"ec-3", CodecInfo::AUDIO, NULL,
static const CodecInfo kEAC3CodecInfo2 = {"mp4a.a6", CodecInfo::AUDIO, NULL,
static const CodecInfo kEAC3CodecInfo3 = {"mp4a.A6", CodecInfo::AUDIO, NULL,
static const CodecInfo* kVideoMP4Codecs[] = {
&kH264AVC1CodecInfo, &kH264AVC3CodecInfo, &kHEVCHEV1CodecInfo,
&kHEVCHVC1CodecInfo, &kMPEG4VP09CodecInfo, &kMPEG4AACCodecInfo,
&kMPEG2AACLCCodecInfo, &kAV1CodecInfo, NULL};
static const CodecInfo* kAudioMP4Codecs[] = {
&kMPEG4AACCodecInfo, &kMPEG2AACLCCodecInfo, &kAC3CodecInfo1,
&kAC3CodecInfo2, &kAC3CodecInfo3, &kEAC3CodecInfo1,
&kEAC3CodecInfo2, &kEAC3CodecInfo3, NULL};
static StreamParser* BuildMP4Parser(DecoderBuffer::Allocator* buffer_allocator,
const std::vector<std::string>& codecs,
const scoped_refptr<MediaLog>& media_log) {
std::set<int> audio_object_types;
bool has_sbr = false;
for (size_t i = 0; i < codecs.size(); ++i) {
std::string codec_id = codecs[i];
if (base::MatchPattern(codec_id, kMPEG2AACLCCodecInfo.pattern)) {
} else if (base::MatchPattern(codec_id, kMPEG4AACCodecInfo.pattern)) {
int audio_object_type = GetMP4AudioObjectType(codec_id, media_log);
DCHECK_GT(audio_object_type, 0);
if (audio_object_type == kAACSBRObjectType ||
audio_object_type == kAACPSObjectType) {
has_sbr = true;
} else if (base::MatchPattern(codec_id, kAC3CodecInfo1.pattern) ||
base::MatchPattern(codec_id, kAC3CodecInfo2.pattern) ||
base::MatchPattern(codec_id, kAC3CodecInfo3.pattern)) {
} else if (base::MatchPattern(codec_id, kEAC3CodecInfo1.pattern) ||
base::MatchPattern(codec_id, kEAC3CodecInfo2.pattern) ||
base::MatchPattern(codec_id, kEAC3CodecInfo3.pattern)) {
return new mp4::MP4StreamParser(buffer_allocator, audio_object_types,
static const CodecInfo kMP3CodecInfo = {NULL, CodecInfo::AUDIO, NULL,
static const CodecInfo* kAudioMP3Codecs[] = {&kMP3CodecInfo, NULL};
static StreamParser* BuildMP3Parser(DecoderBuffer::Allocator* buffer_allocator,
const std::vector<std::string>& codecs,
const scoped_refptr<MediaLog>& media_log) {
return new MPEG1AudioStreamParser(buffer_allocator);
static const CodecInfo kADTSCodecInfo = {NULL, CodecInfo::AUDIO, NULL,
static const CodecInfo* kAudioADTSCodecs[] = {&kADTSCodecInfo, NULL};
static StreamParser* BuildADTSParser(DecoderBuffer::Allocator* buffer_allocator,
const std::vector<std::string>& codecs,
const scoped_refptr<MediaLog>& media_log) {
return new ADTSStreamParser(buffer_allocator);
static const SupportedTypeInfo kSupportedTypeInfo[] = {
{"video/webm", &BuildWebMParser, kVideoWebMCodecs},
{"audio/webm", &BuildWebMParser, kAudioWebMCodecs},
{"audio/aac", &BuildADTSParser, kAudioADTSCodecs},
{"audio/mpeg", &BuildMP3Parser, kAudioMP3Codecs},
{"video/mp4", &BuildMP4Parser, kVideoMP4Codecs},
{"audio/mp4", &BuildMP4Parser, kAudioMP4Codecs},
// Verify that |codec_info| is supported on this platform.
// Returns true if |codec_info| is a valid audio/video codec and is allowed.
// |audio_codecs| has |codec_info|.tag added to its list if |codec_info| is an
// audio codec. |audio_codecs| may be NULL, in which case it is not updated.
// |video_codecs| has |codec_info|.tag added to its list if |codec_info| is a
// video codec. |video_codecs| may be NULL, in which case it is not updated.
// Returns false otherwise, and |audio_codecs| and |video_codecs| not touched.
static bool VerifyCodec(const CodecInfo* codec_info,
std::vector<CodecInfo::HistogramTag>* audio_codecs,
std::vector<CodecInfo::HistogramTag>* video_codecs) {
switch (codec_info->type) {
case CodecInfo::AUDIO:
if (audio_codecs) audio_codecs->push_back(codec_info->tag);
return true;
case CodecInfo::VIDEO:
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
// TODO(wolenetz, dalecurtis): This should instead use MimeUtil() to avoid
// duplication of subtle Android behavior.
if (codec_info->tag == CodecInfo::HISTOGRAM_H264 &&
!media::HasPlatformDecoderSupport()) {
return false;
if (video_codecs) video_codecs->push_back(codec_info->tag);
return true;
case CodecInfo::UNKNOWN:
// Not audio or video, so skip it.
DVLOG(1) << "CodecInfo type of " << codec_info->type
<< " should not be specified in a SupportedTypes list";
return false;
// Checks to see if the specified |type| and |codecs| list are supported.
// Returns true if |type| and all codecs listed in |codecs| are supported.
// |factory_function| contains a function that can build a StreamParser for this
// type. Value may be NULL, in which case it is not touched.
// |audio_codecs| is updated with the appropriate HistogramTags for matching
// audio codecs specified in |codecs|. Value may be NULL, in which case it is
// not touched.
// |video_codecs| is updated with the appropriate HistogramTags for matching
// video codecs specified in |codecs|. Value may be NULL, in which case it is
// not touched.
// Returns false otherwise. The values of |factory_function|, |audio_codecs|,
// and |video_codecs| are undefined.
static bool CheckTypeAndCodecs(
const std::string& type, const std::vector<std::string>& codecs,
const scoped_refptr<MediaLog>& media_log,
ParserFactoryFunction* factory_function,
std::vector<CodecInfo::HistogramTag>* audio_codecs,
std::vector<CodecInfo::HistogramTag>* video_codecs) {
// Search for the SupportedTypeInfo for |type|.
for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(kSupportedTypeInfo); ++i) {
const SupportedTypeInfo& type_info = kSupportedTypeInfo[i];
if (type == type_info.type) {
if (codecs.empty()) {
const CodecInfo* codec_info = type_info.codecs[0];
if (codec_info && !codec_info->pattern &&
VerifyCodec(codec_info, audio_codecs, video_codecs)) {
if (factory_function) *factory_function = type_info.factory_function;
return true;
MEDIA_LOG(DEBUG, media_log)
<< "A codecs parameter must be provided for '" << type << "'";
return false;
// Make sure all the codecs specified in |codecs| are
// in the supported type info.
for (size_t j = 0; j < codecs.size(); ++j) {
// Search the type info for a match.
bool found_codec = false;
std::string codec_id = codecs[j];
for (int k = 0; type_info.codecs[k]; ++k) {
if (base::MatchPattern(codec_id, type_info.codecs[k]->pattern) &&
(!type_info.codecs[k]->validator ||
type_info.codecs[k]->validator(codec_id, media_log))) {
found_codec =
VerifyCodec(type_info.codecs[k], audio_codecs, video_codecs);
break; // Since only 1 pattern will match, no need to check others.
if (!found_codec) {
MEDIA_LOG(DEBUG, media_log)
<< "Codec '" << codec_id << "' is not supported for '" << type
<< "'";
return false;
if (factory_function) *factory_function = type_info.factory_function;
// All codecs were supported by this |type|.
return true;
// |type| didn't match any of the supported types.
return false;
bool StreamParserFactory::IsTypeSupported(
const std::string& type, const std::vector<std::string>& codecs) {
return CheckTypeAndCodecs(type, codecs, new MediaLog(), NULL, NULL, NULL);
std::unique_ptr<StreamParser> StreamParserFactory::Create(
DecoderBuffer::Allocator* buffer_allocator, const std::string& type,
const std::vector<std::string>& codecs,
const scoped_refptr<MediaLog>& media_log) {
std::unique_ptr<StreamParser> stream_parser;
ParserFactoryFunction factory_function;
std::vector<CodecInfo::HistogramTag> audio_codecs;
std::vector<CodecInfo::HistogramTag> video_codecs;
if (CheckTypeAndCodecs(type, codecs, media_log, &factory_function,
&audio_codecs, &video_codecs)) {
// Log the number of codecs specified, as well as the details on each one.
UMA_HISTOGRAM_COUNTS_100("Media.MSE.NumberOfTracks", codecs.size());
for (size_t i = 0; i < audio_codecs.size(); ++i) {
UMA_HISTOGRAM_ENUMERATION("Media.MSE.AudioCodec", audio_codecs[i],
CodecInfo::HISTOGRAM_MAX + 1);
for (size_t i = 0; i < video_codecs.size(); ++i) {
UMA_HISTOGRAM_ENUMERATION("Media.MSE.VideoCodec", video_codecs[i],
CodecInfo::HISTOGRAM_MAX + 1);
stream_parser.reset(factory_function(buffer_allocator, codecs, media_log));
return std::move(stream_parser);
} // namespace media
} // namespace cobalt